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Endangerment vs. Extinction
• Extinct
– a species that has disappeared from the
– due to food shortages, pollution, destruction
of habitat or failure to reproduce
• Endangerment
– any threat to wildlife species that would lead
to its extinction
– An endangered species is one that is in
immediate danger of extinction.
Threatened vs. Rare
• Threatened species
– low population numbers and may become
– not in immediate danger of becoming
• Rare species
– exists in small numbers
– If not managed well a rare species may
become threatened.
Reasons for endangerment and
–Destruction of Habitat
–Urban sprawl (the expanding of towns
and cities)
–Introduction of new exotic species
–Failure to reproduce
–Food shortages
Native vs. Exotic
• Native species
–plants and animals that are part of a
specific geographic area and have
been part of the biological landscape
for a long period of time
• Exotic species
–introduced by humans
How do exotic species effect wildlife?
• Harmful
– Prey on natural species
– Compete for food
– Brings new diseases the natural species
cannot deal with
• Helpful
– Introduce new genetics
– Help fight diseases
– Help reduce overpopulation
What is exploitation?
• A species may become endangered
due to the rate in which the species
is being used.
–Picture the unrestricted harvest of
whales during the early and middle
parts of the 20th century.
–This lead to restrictions and laws on
What can we do?
–Repopulation of wildlife.
–Reintroduction of wildlife into their
natural habitat.
–Plant additional food sources.
–Construct safe environments where
they can breed and give birth.
–Manage the use of chemicals.
–Move the animals to less polluted, less
populated areas.
Why Save Endangered Species?
• A slow growing tree found in the
ancient forest of the Pacific
Northwest, once considered a trash
tree, was recently identified as a
promising treatment for ovarian and
breast cancers.
• Digitalis is a drug derived from the
purple foxglove, it’s used to treat
heart disease.
Why Save Endangered Species?
• In the 1970’s genetic material from a
wild corn species in Mexico was
used to stop a leaf fungus that had
previously wiped out 15% of the
U.S. corn crop.
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Commercial and recreational salmon
fishing in the Pacific Northwest provides
60,000 jobs and $1 billion dollars
annually and is the center of Pacific
Northwest Native American culture.
• This industry is in trouble as salmon
decline due to habitat degration from
dams, clear cutting, and overgrazing
along streams.
Facts about endangered species
• More than one and one half million
species exist on the earth today.
• There are more than 1,000 animal
species endangered worldwide.
Facts about endangered species
• In the U.S., 735 species of plants,
496 species of animals are listed as
threatened or endangered.
• 266 of these listed species have
recovery plans under development.
What are some “Endangered
Species” organizations?
• National Audubon Society’s
Endangered Species Campaign
• Endangered Species Program-U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Services
• National Wildlife Federation
• World Conservation Monitoring
• Wildlife Conservation Society
What can you do?
• Suppose your expensive, newly planted
trees are being eaten by an
endanagered species of birds.
• You can not kill the birds because that
would be illegal.
• You have contacted the local fish and
wildlife agency, but they are busy and
can’t address your situation for at least
two to three weeks. What can you do?