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Download Endangered and Extinct Species Rubric
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Name______________ Endangered and Extinct Species Rubric Identification of the plant or animal that is endangered, threatened or extinct. _____ /10 A description of the organism’s ecosystem (include its food source, habitat or shelter and water source). _____ /10 A description of the role the organism plays in its ecosystem (predator, prey, consumer, producer, decomposer). _____ /10 A description of what will happen to other organisms and the balance within the ecosystem if the population of the endangered species continues to decline. _____ /10 Pictures or drawings of the plant or animal. _____/10 A description of how scientists and other naturalist are taking steps to prevent the further decline in the organism’s population and extinction of the species. _____ /10 A detailed description of the physical characteristic of the species (color, size, outer covering, claws, teeth, limbs or leaf and root structure). _____ /10 A detailed description of the behavioral characteristics of the plant or animal that helps it to survive. _____ /10 Your opinion on how others can help save the endangered species or how to prevent the extinction of other species. _____ /10 Project is organized and well presented. _____/10 Grade: _______/100