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Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity
G. Tyler Miller’s
Living in the Environment
14th Edition
Chapter 11
Key Concepts
 Economic and ecological importance
 Effects of human activities
 Protecting and sustaining aquatic diversity
 Protecting and sustaining fisheries
 Protecting and restoring wetlands
The Importance of Aquatic
 Coral reefs
 Deep ocean floor
 Estuaries
 Lakes and streams
 Food items
 Medicines and drugs
Fig. 13-2 p. 253
Human Impacts on Aquatic
 Species loss and endangerment
 Marine habitat loss and degradation
 Freshwater habitat loss and degradation
 Overfishing
 Nonnative species
Protecting and Sustaining Marine
 Protect endangered and threatened species
 International agreements
 Integrated coastal management
 Reconciliation ecology
 Sustainable management of marine fisheries
Managing and Sustaining the
World’s Marine Fisheries
Fishery regulations
Economic approaches
Protected areas
Consumer information
Bycatch reduction
Refer to Fig. 13-9 p. 263
Nonnative species
Protecting, Sustaining, and
Restoring Wetlands
Wetlands protection
Mitigation banking
Wetlands restoration
Control of invasive
See Individuals Matter p. 268
Fig. 13-11 p. 267
Protecting, Sustaining, and
Restoring Rivers
Disruption of
water flow
Loss of
Invasive species
Fig. 13-13 p. 269
Life Cycle of Wild Salmon
Fig. 13-14 p. 270
Rebuilding Salmon Populations
Build upstream hatcheries
Repopulating streams
Build fish ladders
Transport salmon around dams
Reduce silt runoff
Restrict dam construction
Refer to Fig. 13-15 p. 271