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The Rain Forest
By Justin Holton
Table of Contents
What is a Biome
Animal life
Plant Life
Abiotic Factors: Including Temp.
Precipitation, Land forms
 Food web
 Interesting facts
 The End
What is a Biome……….?
• Biome - a regional ecosystem
characterized by distinct types of
vegetation, animals, and microbes that
have developed under specific soil and
climatic conditions.
Hello my name is Justin I am now the
depths of the rainforest I am reporting
on the plants, the animal life and biotic
factors of the rainforest so follow
Animal life in the
 The Rainforest has a very large animal population 400 species of
birds, 100 species of reptiles, 60 species of amphibians, and 150
species of butterflies. More than 50% of the world's plant and
animal species inhabit the 7% of the world that is covered in
Animal list
Africa Forest Elephant Anaconda Bengal Tiger Black
Caiman Chimpanzee Common Palm Civet Golden Lion
Tamarind Jambi Fruit Dove King Cobra Kinkajou Limns
Sloth Orangutan Proboscis Monkey Red shacked Douc
Languor Silvery Gibbon Slender Loris Sumatran
Rhinoceros Taco Toucan Vampire Bat Wagers Pit Viper.
And many more
Plant life in the Rainforest
• More than two thirds of the world's plant species are found in the
tropical rainforests: plants that provide shelter and food for rainforest
animals as well as taking part in the gas exchanges which provide
much of the world's oxygen supply.
Rainforest plants live in a warm humid environment that allows an
enormous variation rare in more temperate climates: some like the
orchids have beautiful flowers adapted to attract the profusion of
forest insects.
Competition at ground level for light and food has lead to evolution
of plants which live on the branches of other plants, or even
strangle large trees to fight for survival.
What do the plants in the
rainforest do for us
 The plants in the rain forest give more
than half of the worlds oxygen so please
support the programs that try and help
the trees that a getting cut down……
 These plants help us live…..
The levels of the
 EMERGENTS: Giant trees that are much higher than the average
canopy height. It houses many birds and insects.
 CANOPY: The upper parts of the trees. This leafy environment is
full of life in a tropical rainforest and includes: insects, birds,
reptiles, mammals, and more.
 UNDERSTORY: A dark, cool environment under the leaves but
over the ground.
 FOREST FLOOR: Teeming with animal life, especially insects.
The largest animals in the rainforest generally live here.
Temperature In The Rainforest
It is very warm and wet climate. It has an average temperature
of 20-34 degrees Celsius . Because this biome is located very
close to the equator, it has very little seasonal change in
temperature or the length of a day.
The Rainfall in the Rainforest
• The tropical rainforest biome has a annual
rainfall of more than 250 centimeters and has
average humidity between 77 and 88%. It rains
more than ninety days a year in the rainforest,
and between these rain storms, the warm sun
usually heats up the earth. The warm air and lots
of rain make it a perfect climate for growing most
trees, and they can grow extremely large and tall
in the rainforest
Land Forms In The Rainforest
• The tropical rainforest land features have
rocks, water, there are also trees, lakes,
grasslands and waterfalls.
The Food Web
Interesting Fact’s
• An area of a rainforest the size of a football field is being
destroyed each second
• . Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day.
• The trees of a tropical rainforest are so densely packed
that rain falling on the canopy can take as long as 10
minutes to reach the ground.
• In the moist rainforests of South America, sloths move
so slowly that algae are able to grow in their fur.