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Natural SelectionPhysical and Spiritual
Charles Darwin (Feb.12, 1809 –
Apr.19, 1882) was an English naturalist
who changed the world with his Theory
of Evolution.
Darwin was obviously very bright and
intelligent, but he was both wrong and
He was wrong about Macroevolutionchanges above the “species” level.
But he was right about Microevolutionchanges at and within the “species”
level. (donkey + horse = mule; same
genus of equine, new species)
Charles Robert Darwin at
age 51. He had just
On the Origin of Species.
(source: Wikipedia)
Natural SelectionPhysical and Spiritual
Charles Darwin also put forth, along with
his theory, the supporting idea of “natural
Natural selection is the notion that natural
factors such as environment and predation
will selectively cull the weaker specimens
from a species allowing the stronger
characteristics to be passed on to
subsequent generations- thus increasing
it’s longer term survival odds.
Darwin was also right about natural
selection, despite how it contradicts his
macroevolution through genetic mutation.
Charles Robert Darwin at
age 51. He had just
On the Origin of Species.
(source: Wikipedia)
Does “Natural Selection” really
occur in our world?
• Sure. For example:
Why, despite all of modern medicine’s advances,
are so many of us sick so much?
While environmental factors certainly contribute, think
about it further.
A few generations ago, infant and childhood mortality
rates were much higher. Physically and genetically
weaker children just didn’t survive long enough to
pass their weaknesses on to subsequent generations
by reproduction.
What about now? Medical science enables the weaker
to live and pass on those weaknesses- thus creating
the need for even more medical support for each
subsequent generation. So?
Go for a degree/job in some form of medical service!
Does “Natural Selection” occur
in the spiritual world?
• We know the spiritual often mimics the
physical world, so what about here? In
other words, do “environmental factors
and predation” prevent weaker spiritual
members from reproducing?
Absolutely! Consider the following:
1. Luke 8:4-15 Is this not a “case in point”?
2. Luke 14:25-35 Ditto with this passage!
3. Acts 5:1ff Here is an example.
So as Christians, what are we to do
about this
spiritual natural selection?
• Just accept it as a “beneficial” or a
“necessary” part of the process which
ultimately ensures survival of the fittest?
• Is that what we do in the physical world?
Certainly not! Consider the following:
1. ICor.12:22-26 We are to bestow “more
abundant honor” to strengthen them.
2. Heb.12:12-13 “strengthen …make straight
paths…but rather be healed.”
3. see also Matt.18:6,15ff; Eph.4:11-16; Gal.6:1
• Just like in the physical world, natural selection is at work in
the spiritual world.
• But likewise, just as in the physical world, we heal and help
all we can to survive and thrive in the spiritual world.
• Does this mean there will continue to be more work to do
because some who might not otherwise survive are
preserved as occurs in the physical world?
• Sure, most who are converted to Christ bring worldly
“baggage” with them that requires continuing education and
healing- but do it anyway because it is the right thing to do!
• We unfortunately sometimes only “look for” those who are
easy to convert and “would make good Christians”- meaning
they would require little maintenance or effort on our part.
Not only is this wrong, it may be overlooking a “Paul” or
“spiritual Helen Keller”! Remember, the “gospel is for all!”