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Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Agency of Environment
Assessment of the state and quantity of
the Bear's ear populations Arctostaphylos uva- ursi L. (Spreng.) in
the Republic of Macedonia
Sashko Jordanov, M.Sc
Central and Eastern Europe Regional Worshop on Sustainable Use of Biological
Diversity 30 May - 02 June 2005, Moscow
1. General information
• The Republic of Macedonia is situated in the central part of the
Balkan Peninsula and it occupies an area of 25.713 km2.
• The richness and heterogeneity of species and ecosystems
appear to be the basic characteristics of the biodiversity of the
Republic of Macedonia.
• Biodiversity of R. Macedonia is represented by over 18000 taxa
of flora, fauna and fungi, of which over 900 are endemic taxa.
• There are approximately 3,500 vascular plant species in
Macedonia, of which 700 have medicinal properties, but only
120 species are utilised.
• The collection of medicinal plants can be divided into two
categories: collection for personal use and for economic
• The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning is the
competent authority in the Republic of Macedonia for
biodiversity protection.
• The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning prepared
a new Law on Nature Conservation and National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan (2004).
• The main objective of the Strategy is to protect biological
diversity and ensure its sustainable use for the benefit of
people, taking into consideration the unique natural values and
the rich tradition of the Republic of Macedonia.
• A Case-study on the sustainable use of biological resources in
the Republic of Macedonia has not been prepared yet.
• An assessment of the state and quantity of bear's ear
population - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L. (Spreng.) in the
Republic of Macedonia was prepared in 2003
2. Case-study an assessment of the state and
quantity of bear's ear population
• The bear's ear is a shrubby species, widely distributed on a
global level.
• In the Republic of Macedonia the species is distributed in the
following areas (Skopje Valley, mountains of Yakupitsa,
Karadzitsa, Dautitsa, Shar Mountain, Osogovo Mountains and
• Bear's ear thrives on rocky ground in the light woods of black
and white pine and in subalpic plant communities on limestone
and dolomite ground.
Map of distribution of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in
Republic of Macedonia
Serbia and Montenegro
Arctostaphylos uva - ursi
Bear's ear
Mountain Karadzitsa - natural habitat
of Bear's ear
• Total estimated quantity of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in the
Republic of Macedonia is 600- 650 t (fresh matter) or 230300 t (dry matter). Most of it (150-200 t) comes from the areas
of Skopje Valley, mountains Jakupitsa, Karadzitsa and
Dautitsa) where there is mass collection of this species by the
local people and its populations are excessively used.
• Generally, the populations of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi are
decreasing on a national level.
• The Bear's ear is a well-known medicinal plant in the
traditional medicine and pharmacology.The collection and
trade of its is for commercial purposes. The leaves of the plant
are collected in the period April-June or August-September.
• The purchase price of the bear's ear leaves changes depending
on the season of collection and the climate conditions.
Purchase is done by private companies at purchase stations or
at the collection site directly with the collectors. The purchase
price in 2003 was 1,59 EUR for 1 kg leaves of bear's ear.
• Official data on exported amounts of bear's ear have been
recorded since 1993 to 2004. Greatest exploitation of the
populations of bear's ear has been registered in 1995/96, when
65-80 t were exported annually. In 2004 43,5 t of bear's ear
were exported.
• New Law on Nature Conservation incorporates provisions for
conservation of nature. It also covers the regulation of wildgrowing plants collection and trade.
• In the course of 2002, the new Law on Customs Tariff of the
Republic of Macedonia was adopted with Decision for
distribution of goods in export and import forms. The Decision
includes lists of endangered wild plants, fungi and animals,
placed under the regime of permit, issued by the Ministry of
Environment and Physical Planning. The List of endangered
plants includes the species Arctostaphylos uva-ursi as well.
• The conditions and manner of use of medicinal plants have not
been regulated in the national legislation, because we have not
prepared secondary acts for the concrete area.
• There is no institution on the national level responsible for
monitoring of the state of wild-growing plants, so there is no
continuous monitoring of the same, and the data are based only
on individual scientific research.
• The Republic of Macedonia has not established a mechanism
for sustainable use of biodiversity yet, especially concerning
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, nor has prepared a system and Action
Plan for management of bear's ear population.
• The Republic of Macedonia envisages to introduce a 5-year
exploitation moratorium of the Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.
• Maximum permitted exploitation quote after the moratorium is
7-10 t of the total estimated amounts.
3. Priority activities of conservation of bear's ear
 Prepare secundary legislation on the regulation of wildgrowing plants collection and trade (export-import).
 Prepare of Case-study on the sustainable use of
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in the whole territory of
 Introduce 5-year exploitation
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.
 Introduce maximum permitted exploitation quote for after
of moratorium.
 Develop of Ecological Networks (Emerald and Natura
2000) as an important model of biodiversity and ecosystem
 Intoduce continuous monitoring of collection and trade of
bear's ear
 Control collectors, purchasers,
producers and manufacturers
 Include localities of bear's ear on Jakupitsa and Nidze,
which will be proclamed national parks in the next period
 Establish a mechanism for sustainable use of bear's ear
 Inculde bear's ear in the next Red book of the Republic of
 Introduce commercial breeding of bear's ear
 Introduce and implement the Addis Ababa Principles and
Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and
Principles and Guidelines of the Ecosystem Approach in
order achieve integrated conservation and management of
land, water and living resources