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19.1 Ecology
The study of interactions between
organisms and the living and nonliving
components of their environment.
Oikos = house
Logy = study of
Exploding Human Population
• The worlds population since
1930 has tripled from 2 billion to
6 billion in 1999.
• Projections estimate by 2050 a
population of 7.8 and 12 billion.
The Sixth Mass Extinction
• Due to this exploding human population
scientists estimate that 1/5 of the species
that exist today may disappear in the next
• Scientist have found evidence of five
previous mass extinctions. Ex. Ice ages,
dinosaurs dying out.
Thinning ozone
• The ozone layer protects organisms from
ultraviolet (UV) light.
• Due to the production of CFC’s
(ChloroFloroCarbons) there is now a hole
in the ozone over Antarctica
Climate Changes
• The Greenhouse effect is when
gasses trap solar radiation in the
atmosphere of the earth.
• If this effect is too strong it can
become too hot
• If the effect is too weak it can
become too cold.
Levels of Organization
• All organisms live in the biosphere (earth)
• The biosphere is made of many ecosystems
• Ecosystems include the living and non living
things found in a particular place.
Community, Population, and
• All these are living things.
• Community is all the organisms living and
interacting in an area
• Populations include all the organisms of
one type of species
• Organisms are individuals
Key theme in Ecology
• No organism is isolated. There is an
interconnectedness of all organisms
Disturbances in Ecosystems
• Due to interconnectedness if one species
dies out this can affect other organisms.