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Environmental Science
Chapter 1: Section 1
Living Things and the Environment
Double-Column Notes
(please complete in your compbook)
Double-Column Notes Format
• We will set up compbooks together.
• 1st Fold your paper in half and draw a line
down the middle
• 2nd Questions will go on the left-hand side
• 3rd Answers will go on the right-hand side
• 4th ALWAYS skip lines between questions
(everything should line up perfectly)
Question 1
• What is an organism?
• An organism is any living thing.
Question 2
• What must an organism obtain in order to live,
grow, and reproduce?
• Food, water, shelter, and space
Question 3
• What is a habitat?
• An environment that provides the things the
organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce.
Question 4
• Give an example of an area that contains many
• A forest: mushrooms grow in the damp soil,
salamanders live on the forest floor, and
woodpeckers build nest in tree trunks.
Question 5
• Why do different organisms live in different
• Because organisms have different
requirements for survival.
Question 6
• What are biotic factors?
• The living parts of a habitat.
Question 7
• What are the biotic factors of a prairie dog
• Grass and plants that provide seeds and berries; the hawks, ferrets, and
eagles that hunt the prairie dogs; worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in
Question 8
• What are two biotic factors from your
• Answers will Vary! 
Question 9
• What are abiotic factors?
• Nonliving parts of an organisms habitat
Question 10
• List and explain the five abiotic factors
discussed on pg. 8 in the textbook.
• (the answers will be on the next slide. Make
sure they go on the right-hand side of your
compbook. #10 will have a long answer.) 
Abiotic Factors (#10)
• Water: all living things require water to carry out their life
• Sunlight: sunlight is required in order for photosynthesis to
• Oxygen: oxygen is so important to the functioning of the
human body that you can only live a few minutes with out it
• Temperature: the temperatures that are typical of an area
determine the types of organisms that can live there.
• Soil: the type of soil in different areas influences the kinds of
plants that can grow there. Soil is also used as a home for
many organisms.
Question 11
• What are the four levels of organization?
1. Organism
2. Population
3. Community
4. Ecosystem
Question 12
• What is a species?
• A group of similar organisms that are
physically similar and can mate and
Question 13
• What is a population? Give an example.
• All members of one species in a particular area are called
populations. The 400 million prairie dogs in Texas town would
be an example of a population.
Question 14
• What is a community?
• All different populations that live together in
an area.
Question 15
• To be considered a community, different populations must live close
enough to interact. How do populations interact?
• Populations interact by using the same resources, such as
food, water, and shelter.
Question 16
• What is an ecosystem?
• The community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their
nonliving surroundings.
Question 17
• Copy this statement in your compbook on the
question side!
• The smallest level of organization is a single organism, which
belongs to a population that includes other members of its
species. The population belongs to a community of different
species. The community and abiotic factors together form an
Question 18
• What is the study of how living things interact with each
• The study of ecology!!!!!