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Kinetic Energy
Energy due to motion reflects
– the mass
– the velocity
of the object
KE = 1/2
Kinetic Energy
Units: reflect the units of mass * v2
KE 
• Units KE = Units work
KE 
KE 
KE 
KE 
1 2
(kg)( m / s ) 2
kg  m  m / s / s
(kg  m / s / s )  m
Calculate Kinetic
How much KE in a 5
ounce baseball (145 g)
thrown at 80 miles/hr
(35.8 m/s)?
Calculate Kinetic
Table of Variables
Mass = 145 g  0.145 kg
Velocity = 35.8 m/s
Calculate Kinetic
Table of Variables
Select the equation and solve:
Calculate Kinetic
How much KE possessed by
a 150 pound female
volleyball player moving
downward at 3.2 m/s after a
Calculate Kinetic Energy
Compare KE possessed by:
• a 220 pound (100 kg) running back
moving forward at 4.0 m/s
• a 385 pound (175 kg) lineman moving
forward at 3.75 m/s
Bonus: calculate the momentum
of each player
Potential Energy
Two forms of PE:
• Gravitational PE:
–energy due to an object’s position
relative to the earth
• Strain PE:
–due to the deformation of an object
Gravitational PE
• Affected by the object’s
– weight
• mg
– elevation (height) above reference point
• ground or some other surface
GPE = mgh
Units = Nm or J (why?)
Calculate GPE
How much gravitational
potential energy in a 45 kg
gymnast when she is 4m
above the mat of the
Take a look at the energetics of a roller coaster
Calculate GPE
How much gravitational potential energy in a
45 kg gymnast when she is 4m above the
mat of the trampoline?
Trampoline mat is 1.25 m
above the ground
Calculate GPE
More on this
GPE relative to mat
Table of Variables
m = 45 kg
g = -9.81 m/s/s
GPE relative to ground
Table of Variables
Conversion of KE to GPE and
GPE to KE and KE to GPE and
Strain PE
Affected by the object’s
• amount of deformation
– greater deformation = greater SE
– x2 = change in length or deformation of the
object from its undeformed position
• stiffness
– resistance to being deformed
– k = stiffness or spring constant of material
SE = 1/2 kx2
Strain Energy
• When a fiberglass vaulting pole bends,
strain energy is stored in the bent pole
Strain Energy
• When a fiberglass vaulting pole bends,
strain energy is stored in the bent pole
• Bungee jumping
Strain Energy
• When a fiberglass vaulting pole bends,
strain energy is stored in the bent pole
• Bungee jumping
• Hockey sticks
Strain Energy
• When a fiberglass vaulting pole bends, strain
energy is stored in the bent pole
• Bungee jumping
• When a tendon/ligament/muscle is stretched,
strain energy is stored in the elongated elastin
fibers (Fukunaga et al, 2001, ref#5332)
– k = 10000 n /m
in walking
x = 0.007 m (7 mm), Achilles tendon
• When a floor/shoe sole is deformed, energy is
stored in the material
Work - Energy
• The work done by an external force acting
on an object causes a change in the
mechanical energy of the object
Fd  Energy
Click here for
a website
Fd  KE  PE
Fd  mv f  vi   mg (rf  ri )
Work - Energy
• The work done by an external force acting
on an object causes a change in the
mechanical energy of the object
– Bench press ascent phase
initial position = 0.75 m; velocity = 0
final position = 1.50 m; velocity = 0
m = 100 kg
g = -10 m/s/s
What work was performed on the bar by lifter?
What is GPE at the start & end of the press?
Work - Energy
• Of critical importance
• Sport and exercise =  velocity
– increasing and decreasing kinetic energy of a
Fd  Energy
Fd  KE  PE
Fd  mv f  vi   mg (rvf  rvi )
– similar to the impulse-momentum relationship
Ft  m(vv  vi )
Work - Energy Relationship
• If more work is done, greater energy
– greater average force
– greater displacement
• Ex. Shot put technique (121-122).
• If displacement is restricted, average force
is __________ ? (increased/decreased)
– “giving” with the ball
– landing hard vs soft
Gravitational Potential Energy
• Gravitational potential energy:
– PE that an object has by virtue of its
HEIGHT above the ground
• GPE = mass x freefall acceleration x height
• GPE = mgh = (Fd)
• mg = weight of the object in Newtons (F)
• h = distance above ground (d)
• GPE stored = Work done to lift object
GPE Example - Solved
• A 65 kg rock climber
ascends a cliff. What is
the climber’s gravitational
potential energy at a
point 35 m above the
base of the cliff?
m = 65 kg
h = 35 m
Unknown: GPE = ? J
PE = mgh
Plug & Chug:
PE = (65 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(35 m)
GPE = 22000 J
GPE Example - Unsolved
• What is the gravitational
potential energy of a 2.5
kg monkey hanging from
a branch 7 m above the
jungle floor?
m = 2.5 kg
Unknown: GPE = ? J
GPE = mgh
Plug & Chug:
GPE = (2.5 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(7m)
GPE = 171.5 J
Kinetic Energy
• Def: the energy of a moving object due
to its motion
• Moving objects will exert a force upon
impact (collision) with another object.
• KE = ½ (mass) (velocity)2
• KE = ½ (mv2)
The Impact of Velocity
• Which variable has a greater impact on
kinetic energy: mass or velocity?
– Velocity! It’s SQUARED!
• Velocity as a factor:
– Something as small as an apple:
• At a speed of 2 m/s = 0.2 J
• At a speed of 8 m/s = 3.2 J
(4 x velocity = 16x energy)
KE Example - Solved
• What is the kinetic
energy of a 44 kg
cheetah running at 31
m = 44 kg
v = 31 m/s
KE = ? J
• Equation:
– KE = ½ mv2
• Plug & Chug:
KE = ½ (44 kg)(31 m/s)2
• Answer:
KE = 21000 J
KE Example - Unsolved
• What is the kinetic
• Equation:
energy of a 900 kg
– KE = ½ mv2
car moving at 25 km/h
(7 m/s)?
• Plug & Chug:
KE = ½ (900 kg)(7 m/s)2
• Given:
– m = 900 kg
– v = 7 m/s
• Unknown: KE = ? J
• Answer:
– KE = 22050 J
Work-Energy Theorem
• Imagine a rigid body that does work or has
work done on it to overcome only inertia
(i.e. to accelerate it)
• Doesn’t experience friction, nor does it rise
or fall in a gravitational field
• Under these conditions the net work done
equals the body’s change in kinetic
• W = ΔKE = KEf - KEi
Conservation of Energy
• Objectives
– Identify and describe transformations of
– Explain the law of conservation of energy
– Where does energy go when it
– Analyze the efficiency of machines
Conservation of Energy
• The Law of Conservation of Energy
– Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but
can be converted from one form to another or
transferred from one object to another
• Total Energy of a SYSTEM must be
Conservation of Energy
• Total Mechanical Energy = Kinetic + Potential
– TME = KE + PE
TME must stay the same!
If a system loses KE, it must be converted to PE
In reality… some is converted to heat
We will USUALLY consider frictionless systems
 only PE & KE
Energy Conversions in a
Roller Coaster
• Energy changes form many times.
– Energy from the initial “conveyor”
– Work stored: Grav. Potential Energy
• Some PE is converted to KE as it goes down
• Some KE is converted to PE as it goes up
Where does the coaster have max. PE?
Where does the coaster have min. PE?
Where does the coaster have max. KE?
Where does the coaster have min. KE?
• Where could energy be “lost”?
• Friction, vibrations, air resistance
Conservation of Energy:
Example Problem
• You have a mass of 20 kg and
are sitting on your sled at the
top of a 40 m high frictionless
hill. What is your velocity at
the bottom of the hill?
• Given:
– m = 20 kg
– h = 40 m
• Unknown:
– v = ? (at bottom)
• Equations:
– TME = PE + KE
– PE = mgh
– KE = ½ mv2
• Plug & Chug:
At Top:
ME = mgh
TME = (20 kg)(10 m/s2)(40 m)
TME = 8000 J
At Bottom:
TME = ½ mv2
8000 J = ½ (20kg)(v2)
v2 = 800 m2/s2
v = 28.3 m/s
Other Forms of Energy
• Mechanical Energy – the total energy associated with motion
– Total Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy
– Examples: roller coasters, waterfalls
• Heat Energy – average kinetic energy of atoms & molecules
– The faster they move, the hotter they get!
– Ex. Boiling water,
• Chemical Energy – potential energy stored in atomic bonds
– When the bonds are broken, energy is released
– Ex. Combustion (burning), digestion, exercise
• Electromagnetic Energy – kinetic energy of moving charges
– Energy is used to power electrical appliances.
– Ex. Electric motors, light, x-rays, radio waves, lightning
• Nuclear Energy – potential energy in the nucleus of an atom
– Stored by forces holding subatomic particles together
– Ex. Nuclear fusion (sun), Nuclear fission (reactors, bombs)