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Physics I
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Work Done by a Spring
• The force exerted by a spring is given by:
Fspring  kx
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Hooke’s Law
Example Problem
• How much work must I do to compress a spring
with k=20N/m 20cm?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Exam Prep Problem
• A 5,000 kg rocket is launched from the Earth’s surface at
a constant velocity (v=50m/s). Assume there is a velocity
dependent drag force (FD=-10v2).
REARTH  6.4 106 m , M EARTH  5.98 1024 kg
– A) (5pts) What is the Force required to move the
rocket at the surface of the Earth? 1,000 km above
the Earth’s surface?
– B) (5pts) What is the Work done by air resistance
over the 1,000km?
– (C) (10pts) What is the Work done by Force
responsible for moving the rocket over those
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Exam Prep Problem
• A 5,000 kg rocket is launched from the Earth’s surface at a constant
velocity (v=50m/s).
REARTH  6.4 106 m , M EARTH  5.98 1024 kg
– A) (5pts) What is the Force required to move the rocket at the
surface of the Earth? 1,000 km above the Earth’s surface?
Ignore air resistance.
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Exam Prep Problem
• A 5,000 kg rocket is launched from the Earth’s surface at a constant
velocity (v=50m/s).
REARTH  6.4 106 m , M EARTH  5.98 1024 kg
– B) (5pts) What is the Work done by air resistance over the
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Exam Prep Problem
• A 5,000 kg rocket is launched from the Earth’s surface at a constant
velocity (v=50m/s).
REARTH  6.4 106 m , M EARTH  5.98 1024 kg
– C) (10pts) What is the Work done by Force responsible for
moving the rocket over those 1,000km?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Review of Dot Products
• Say we have two vectors
A  6iˆ  2 ˆj  3kˆ ,
B  4iˆ  7 ˆj  4kˆ
• What is angle between them?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Work-Energy Theorem
Conservative, non-conservative Forces
What do we know?
Kinematic equations
Freely falling objects
Kinematics + Vectors = Vector Kinematics
Relative motion
Projectile motion
Uniform circular motion
Newton’s Laws
Force of Gravity/Normal Force
Free Body Diagrams
Problem solving
Uniform Circular Motion
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Kepler’s Laws
Work by Constant Force
Scalar Product of Vectors
Work done by varying Force
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
• One of the most powerful concepts in science,
used to solve complicated problems in basically
all fields of Engineering, Chemistry, Materials
Science, Physics…
• For the purpose of this chapter, we will define
Energy as: The ability to do work.
– This means something has energy if it can exert a
force over a distance
• We will begin by looking at translational kinetic
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Translational Kinetic Energy
• Kinetic: associated with motion
• Translational: motion in a line or trajectory (as
opposed to circular/rotational motion)
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Moving Car
• Say a car starts at some velocity v1, and, with a constant
net Force Fnet applied to it, accelerates to a velocity v2
over a distance d.
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Kinetic Energy
• The net work done on the car results in a
change of the car’s kinetic energy (K). The car’s
energy (also in Joules), changes by an amount
equal to the net work done on the car.
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Work Energy Principle
• The net work done on an object is equal to the
change in the object’s kinetic energy.
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
• What is the net Work required to accelerate a
1000kg car from rest to 20 m/s?
• What about from 20 m/s to 40 m/s?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
• What about the net Work required to stop this
car when it is going 40 m/s?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Energy of a Spring
• A spring (k=400N/m) is compressed 10cm, and a mass (m=2kg) is
place in front of the spring. How much work does the spring do on
the mass after the spring is released?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Compressed Spring
• What is the kinetic energy (and velocity)
acquired by the mass when it separates from
the released spring at x=0?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
What about Friction?
• Say we assume a constant frictional force (5N)
on the mass as it is pushed by the spring. Does
work-energy theorem still hold?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Spring problem
• Find spidey-k
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Work Done to Extend Spidey-web
• d≈500m
• vo=25m/s
• Mtrain=181,000
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Kinetic Energy of Train
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Work-Energy Principle
• Energy is the ability to do work
– Train’s kinetic energy does work on Spiderman’s
• Work and Energy have the same units
• Kinetic Energy proportional to mass and the
square of velocity
• Both Work and Energy are scalar quantities.
• Can be applied to a particle, or a mass that can
be approximated by a particle…where internal
motion is insignificant.
• Why do we use Work/Energy here and not
Kinematic equations?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
• A Conservative Force:
– The work done by the force on an object moving from
one point to another depends only on the initial and
final positions of the object, and is independent of the
particular path taken.
• A conservative force is only a function of position
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Is Gravity a Conservative Force?
• Imagine two scenarios:
dh d 
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Alternative Definition
• A force is conservative if the net work done by
the force on an object moving around a closed
path is zero.
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Conservative Forces
• The work done by a conservative force is
– The work done by the object (on something else) on a
given path is equivalent to the work done by the
something else on the object on its return trip.
– This means that the net work done on the object over
the closed loop is zero, which means, from the workenergy theorem, that the change in energy of the
object is zero.
– Energy is conserved!
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
• Is the Force exerted by a spring a conservative
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
What about Friction?
• Is friction a conservative Force?
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Non-Conservative Forces
• For friction, the work done by friction on an
object moving around a closed loop will never be
• This work is not recoverable
• Work done by friction (or any nonconservative
Force) depends on path between two points
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
Non-Conservative Forces
• Work done by non-conservative force depends
on path
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
What about air resistance?
• Move from point A to point B, either by path 1 or
path 2, at constant velocity (FD=-bv).
Path 2
Path 1
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
What about air resistance?
• Move from point A to point B, same path, but
different speeds, (FD=-bv).
Path 1
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
What did we learn today?
• How we can use Energy/Work to understand
physical systems
• Power of Work/Energy is that we don’t have to
know anything about acceleration, or even the
complicated kinematic equations that would go
with spring/mass systems or air resistance,
• All we need is energy!
95.141, F2010, Lecture 12
Department of Physics and Applied Physics