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3rd Quarter Review
Circular Motion
1. Determine the momentum of a ...
• 60-kg halfback moving eastward at 9 m/s.
• 1000-kg car moving northward at 20 m/s.
• 40-kg freshman moving southward at 2
1 Answers
A) p = m * v
(60 kg)(9m/s) =
540 kg * m /s
B) p = m * v
(1000 kg)(20 m/s)
20,000 kg* m/s
C) p = m * v
40 kg * 2 m/s
80 kg * m/s
2. A car possesses 20 000 units
of momentum. What would be
the car's new momentum if ...
• its velocity were doubled.
• its velocity were tripled.
• its mass were doubled (by adding more
passengers and a greater load)
• both its velocity were doubled and its
mass were doubled.
2 answers
A) 40, 000 units (doubling the velocity will double
the momentum)
B) 60, 000 units (tripling the velocity will triple the
C) 40, 000 units (doubling the mass will double
the momentum)
D) 80, 000 units (doubling the mass and doubling
the velocity will quadruple the momentum)
3. A halfback (m = 60 kg), a tight
end (m = 90 kg), and a lineman (m
= 120 kg) are running down the
football field. Consider their ticker
tape patterns below.
• Compare the velocities of these three
players. How many times greater is the
velocity of the halfback and the velocity of the
tight end than the velocity of the lineman?
Vector Diagrams
Tabulate your Answers
Greatest velocity change?
Greatest acceleration?
Greatest momentum
Greatest Impulse?
Greatest velocity change? B (changes from +30 m/s to
-28 m/s which is a change of 58 m/s and A only
changes -15 m/s)
Greatest acceleration? B, because it has the greatest
velocity change and acceleration is dependent on
velocity change.
Greatest momentum change? B, because momentum
is dependent on velocity and the change in velocity is
greatest in B.
Greatest Impulse? B, impulse is momentum change
and the momentum change is greatest in B.
Setting up your answers
Greatest velocity
Greatest acceleration?
Greatest momentum
Greatest Impulse?
Greatest in A because it changes from
+5 m/s to -3 m/s which is a change of 8
whereas B only changes 4 m/s
A, acceleration is greatest because
acceleration? velocity change is greatest in A
A, momentum is dependent on velocity
change and that is greatest in A
A, Impulse equals the change in
Example 4
• 2. In a phun physics demo, two
identical balloons (A and B) are
propelled across the room on horizontal
guide wires. The motion diagrams
(depicting the relative position of the
balloons at time intervals of 0.05
seconds) for these two balloons are
shown below.
Question 4a
• Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest
acceleration? Explain.
Answer 4a
• Balloon B has the greatest acceleration
The rate at which the velocity changes is
greatest for balloon B, this is shown by the
fact that the speed (distance/time)
changes most rapidly.
Example 4B
• Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest
final velocity? Explain.
Answer 4B
• Balloon B has the greatest final velocity. At
the end of the diagram, the distance
traveled in the latest interval is greatest for
Balloon B.
Question 4C
• Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest
momentum change? Explain.
Answer 4C
• Balloon B has the greatest momentum
change. The final velocity is greatest for
Balloon B, its velocity change is also the
greatest. Momentum change depends on
velocity change. The balloon with the
greatest velocity change will have the
greatest momentum change.
Question 4D
• Which balloon (A or B) experiences the
greatest impulse? Explain.
Answer 4D
• The impulse is the same for each car. The
impulse equals the momentum change. If
the momentum change is the same for
each car, then so must be the impulse.
Question 5
• The diagram to the
right depicts the
before- and aftercollision speeds of a
car which undergoes
a head-on-collision
with a wall. In Case
A, the car bounces
off the wall. In Case
B, the car "sticks" to
the wall.
Question 5A
• In which case (A or B) is the change in
velocity the greatest? Explain.
Answer 5A
• Case A has the greatest velocity change.
The velocity change is -9 m/s in case A
and only -5 m/s in case B.
Question 5B
• In which case (A or B) is the change in
momentum the greatest? Explain.
Answer 5B
• Case A has the greatest momentum
change. The momentum change is
dependent on the velocity change; the
object with the greatest velocity change
has the greatest momentum change.
Question 5C
• In which case (A or B) is the impulse the
greatest? Explain.
Answer 5C
• The impulse is greatest for Car A. The
impulse equals the momentum change. If
the momentum change is greatest for car
A then the impulse is greatest.
Question 5D
• In which case (A or B) is the force which
acts upon the car the greatest (assume
contact times are the same in both
cases)? Explain.
Answer 5D
• The impulse is greatest for car A. The
force is related to impulse (I = F * t). The
bigger impulse for car A is attributed to the
greatest force upon car A. Recall that the
rebound effect is characterized by larger
forces; car A is the car which rebounds.
• 5. If a 5-kg bowling ball is projected
upward with a velocity of 2.0 m/s, then
what is the recoil velocity of the Earth
(mass = 6.0 x 10^24 kg).
Answer 5
• Since the ball has an upward momentum
of 10 kg m/s, the Earth must have a
downward momentum of 10 kg m/s. To
find the velocity of the Earth, use the
momentum equation p = m * v. This
equation rearranges to v = p/m. By
substituting into this equation
• v = (10 kg m/s) / (6 x 10 24 kg).
• V = 1.67 * 10 -24 m/s (downward)
• 7. Would you care to fire a rifle that has a
bullet ten times as massive as the rifle?
Answer 7
• Absolutely not! In a situation like this, the
target would be a safer place to stand than
the rifle. The rifle would have recoil
velocity that is ten times larger than the
bullet’s velocity. This would produce the
effect of “the rifle actually being the bullet.”
• A railroad diesel
engine has four
times the mass
of a flatcar. If a
diesel coasts at
5 km/hr into a
flatcar that is
initially at rest,
how fast do the
two coast if they
couple together?
Train Answer
• 4 km/hr
• 5. A 3000-kg truck moving rightward with a
speed of 5 km/hr collides head-on with a
1000-kg car moving leftward with a speed
of 10 km/hr. The two vehicles stick
together and move with the same velocity
after the collision. Determine the postcollision velocity of the car and truck.
(CAREFUL: Be cautious of the +/- sign on
the velocity of the two vehicles.)
• 5. The problem can be solved using a
momentum table:
• For questions #5-#8: An object is moving
in a clockwise direction around a circle at
constant speed. Use your understanding
of the concepts of velocity and
acceleration to answer the next four
questions. Use the diagram shown at the
• 5. Which vector below represents the
direction of the velocity vector when the
object is located at point B on the circle?
Answer 5
• Answer D
• The velocity vector is directed tangent to
the circle that would be downward when at
point B.
• 6. Which vector below represents the
direction of the acceleration vector when
the object is located at point C on the
Answer 6
• B The acceleration vector would be
directed towards the center that would be
up and to the right when at point C
• 7. Which vector below represents the
direction of the velocity vector when the
object is located at point C on the circle?
Answer 7
• A The velocity vector would be directed
tangent to the circle and that would be
upwards at point C.
• 8. Which vector below represents the
direction of the acceleration vector when
the object is located at point A on the
Answer 8
• D the acceleration vector would be
directed towards the center and that would
be straight down when the object is at
point A
Example 2
• 2. A 1.5-kg bucket of water is tied by a
rope and whirled in a circle with a radius of
1.0 m. At the bottom of the circular loop,
the speed of the bucket is 6.0 m/s.
Determine the acceleration, the net force
and the individual force values when the
bucket is at the bottom of the circular loop.
• m = 1.5 kg
• a = ________ m/s/s
• Fnet = _________ N
Answer 2
F grav = 15 N
a = 36 m/s/s
F net = 54 N Up
F tens = 69 N
• Anna Litical is riding on The Demon at
Great America. Anna experiences a
downwards acceleration of 15.0 m/s2 at
the top of the loop and an upwards
acceleration of 20.0 m/s2 at the bottom of
the loop. Use Newton's second law to
determine the normal force acting upon
Anna's 1000 kg roller coaster car.
• Steps 1 and 2 involve the construction of a
free body diagram and the identification of
known and unknown quantities. This is
shown in below.
Given Info:
m = 1000 kg
atop = 15.0 m/s2 , down
bottom = 20.0 m/s2 , up
Fnorm at top and bottom
• Step 3 of the suggested method would not
apply to this problem since there are no
forces directed "at angles" (that is, all the
forces are either horizontally or vertically
directed). Step 4 of the suggested method
involves the determination of any known
forces. In this case, the force of gravity can
be determined from the equation Fgrav = m *
g. An approximate g value of 10 m/s2 will be
used in this problem in order to simplify some
of the math and highlight the concepts. So
the force of gravity acting upon the 1000-kg
car is approximately 10 000 N. Step 5 of the
suggested method would be used if the
acceleration were not given. In this instance,
the acceleration is known. If the acceleration
were not known, then it would have to be
calculated from speed and radius information.
• Step 6 of the suggested method involves the
determination of an individual force - the normal
force. This will involve a two-step process: first
the net force (magnitude and direction) must be
determined; then the net force must be used
with the free body diagram to determine the
normal force. This two-step process is shown
below for the top and the bottom of the loop.
• Bottom of Loop
• Fnet = m * a Fnet =
(1000 kg) * (20 m/s2,
• Fnet = 20 000 N, up
• From FBD:
• Fnorm must be greater
than the Fgrav by
20000 N in order to
supply a net upwards
force of 20000 N. Thus,
• Fnorm = Fgrav + Fnet •
• Fnorm = 30 000 N
Top of Loop
Fnet = m * a Fnet = (1000
kg) * (15 m/s2, down)
Fnet = 15 000 N, down
From FBD:
Fnorm and Fgrav
together must combine
together (i.e., add up) to
supply the required
inwards net force of
15000 N. Thus,
Fnorm = Fnet - Fgrav
Fnorm = 5 000 N
• 3. The Cajun Cliffhanger at Great America
is a ride in which occupants line the
perimeter of a cylinder and spin in a circle
at a high rate of turning. When the cylinder
begins spinning very rapidly, the floor is
removed from under the riders' feet. What
effect does a doubling in speed have upon
the centripetal force? Explain.
• Doubling the speed of the ride will cause
the force to be four times greater than the
original force.
• According to the eqn F = m (v2/R), force
and velocity (v2) are directly proportional.
• So 2x speed would equal 4x force.
• 4. Determine the centripetal force acting
upon a 40-kg child who makes 10
revolutions around the Cliffhanger in 29.3
seconds. The radius of the barrel is 2.90
• Fnet = 533 N
• T = 2.93 s since 10 cycles take 29.3 s
• Find speed (6.22 m/s) then find
acceleration (13.3 m/s2)
• Sample Speed Skater Problem
• Bonny Blair is ice skating at the Olympic
games. She is making a sharp turn with a
radius of 20.0 m and with a speed of 16.0
m/s. Use Newton's second law to
determine the acceleration and the angle
of lean of Bonnie's 55.0-kg body.
• Steps 1 and 2 involve the construction of a
free body diagram and the identification of
known and unknown quantities. This is
shown in below.
Given Info:
m = 55.0 kg
v = 16.0 m/s
r = 20.0 m
a = ???
Angle of lean =
• Step 3 of the suggested method involves
resolving any forces which act at angles into
horizontal and vertical components. This is
shown in the diagram at the right. The contact
force can be broken into two components Fhoriz and Fvert. The vertical component of
force would balance the force of gravity; and as
such, the vertical component will be equal in
magnitude to the force of gravity.
• The horizontal component of force remains
unbalanced. As mentioned in the above
discussion, this horizontal component is the net
inward force; and as such, Fhoriz is equal to
m*a. Finally, the two components are related to
the angle of lean by the tangent function. Simple
algebraic manipulation would yield the
relationship shown in the graphic at the right. So
the angle of lean can be found if the vertical and
horizontal component of force are known.
• Step 4 of the suggested method involves the
determination of any known forces. In this case,
the force of gravity can be determined from the
equation Fgrav = m * g. An approximate g value
of 10 m/s2 will be used in this problem in order
to simplify some of the math and highlight the
concepts. So the force of gravity acting upon
Bonnie's 55.0-kg body is approximately 550 N.
And since this force is balanced by the vertical
component of the contact force, the Fvert is also
550 N. Step 5 involves determination of Bonnie's
acceleration as she makes the turn. This can be
accomplished by using the acceleration equation
for circular motion.
• Step 4 of the suggested method involves the
determination of any known forces. In this case, the
force of gravity can be determined from the equation
Fgrav = m * g. An approximate g value of 10 m/s2 will
be used in this problem in order to simplify some of the
math and highlight the concepts. So the force of gravity
acting upon Bonnie's 55.0-kg body is approximately 550
N. And since this force is balanced by the vertical
component of the contact force, the Fvert is also 550 N.
Step 5 involves determination of Bonnie's acceleration
as she makes the turn. This can be accomplished by
using the acceleration equation for circular motion.
• Circular Motion in Football
• A 90-kg GBS fullback is running a sweep around the left
side of the line. The fullback's path as seen from above
is shown in the diagram. As he rounds the turn, he is
momentarily moving in circular motion, sweeping out a
quarter-circle with a radius of 4.0 meters. The fullback
makes the turn with a speed of 5.0 m/s. Use a free-body
diagram and your understanding of circular motion and
Newton's second law to determine
• acceleration
• Fgrav
• Fnorm
• Ffrict
• Angle of lean
a = v2 / R
a = 6.25 m/s2
Fnet = 563 N
F grav = 900 N
F horiz = F net = 563 N
Theta = invtan (Fvert/Fhoriz) = 58 degrees
• Determine the force of gravitational
attraction between the earth (m = 5.98 x
1024 kg) and a 70-kg physics student if the
student is standing at sea level, a distance
of 6.37 x 106 m from earth's center.
• The solution of the problem involves
substituting known values of G (6.67 x 1011 N m2/kg2), m1 (5.98 x 1024 kg ), m2 (70
kg) and d (6.37 x 106 m) into the universal
gravitation equation and solving for Fgrav.
The solution is as follows:
• The planet Jupiter is more than 300 times
as massive as Earth, so it might seem that
a body on the surface of Jupiter would
weigh 300 times as much as on Earth. But
it so happens a body would scarcely weigh
three times as much on the surface of
Jupiter as it would on the surface of the
Earth. Explain why this is so.
• The effect of the greater mass of Jupiter is
partly offset by the fact that the radius of
Jupiter is larger. An object on Jupiter’s
surface is 10 x farther from Jupiter’s center
than it would be on Earth’s surface. So the
300-fold increase in the force (due to the
greater mass) must be divided by 100
since the distance is 10x greater.