Download Exploration - Lesson # 1

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Day 1
Bell Ringer/Objective
 Bell Ringer: What impact is exploration going to have on native
Essential Question: What was the nature of exploitation of Indians
in the Americas?
Connection: Are Native Americans still suffering from this
exploitation? If so, how?
 Objective: Explain the causes that lead groups and nations to
explore after the Renaissance.
 Foundations of Exploration
 Christopher Columbus
Create the following diagram in
your notebook (it should take an entire page)
 Foundations of Exploration
Advances in
Impact on the World
Explorers to know
Foundations of Exploration
 Spirit of discovery due to Renaissance
 The drive to explore
Goods from the East
 Increase in wealth
 Desire to spread faith
 Curiosity
Foundations of Exploration
 Spirit of innovation due to Renaissance
 Advances in technology
 Compass – direction
 Astrolabe – location
 Shipbuilding
Impact on the World
 Eastern culture had spread to Europe
 European culture will now spread west
Explorers to Know
 Bartholomew Dias – Sailed to Asia past the Cape of
Good Hope (South Africa)
 Magellan – First to circumnavigate the world; Tip of
Southern America across the Pacific
Make a prediction
 What impact will Europeans have on the native
 “Discovering
 Copy the following
table into your
notebook (it should
take an entire page):
Background Information
The Good
The Bad
(write specific good things that
happened as a result of
Christopher Columbus)
(write specific bad things that
happened as a result of
Christopher Columbus)
After watching the video, answer the following question in the form
of a thesis statement: Does Christopher Columbus deserve to be
remembered a hero? Why or why not?
Next Steps
Look at the thesis you wrote.
A thesis should
 Answer the question
 Provide an argument
 Give three reasons why
 Be written as one sentence
Motives for Exploration
 Need a route by sea to Asia (India and China)
 The Ottoman Empire, due to its conquests, controls the
land route to Asia
 Motives for European exploration:
 God – spread their faith to new lands
 Glory – want fame and adventure
 Gold – search for wealth
 Able to expand due to new technologies:
 Better ships and cartography (map-making)
 New technologies from the Arabs, such as the compass
and astrolabe
Portugal Takes the Lead
 Portugal was the first country to launch largescale voyages of exploration
 In 1420 Prince Henry the Navigator sponsors
expeditions to sail along the western coast of
 His ultimate goal was to find a water route around
Africa to India
 Portuguese sailors learned that both gold and slaves
were available on Africa’s west coast
 Bartholomeu Dias was the first European to sail
around the tip of Africa looking for a route to
India in 1488 – he was forced to turn back due to
violent storms
 Vasco da Gama set out for India in 1497 and ten
months later he became the first European to
reach India by sea
 Brings back a cargo of spice, makes a profit of several
thousand percent
 Pedro Cabral sailed to the west and ended up
sighting and claiming land that became known as
 The Portuguese were interested in setting up
trading centers, not interested in conquering
 They took the spice trade from the Muslims by force
 Had the advantage since they put cannons on their
Spain Sails West
 While the Portuguese sailed east to reach the
source of the spice trade, the Spanish sailed west
 Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain
financed Christopher Columbus to sail west to
reach Asia in 1492
 Columbus thinks that the circumference of the world is
not as large as others thought it was
 Reaches Cuba in 1492, but thinks he is in Asia, on
islands known as the Indies
 Sails a total of four missions – explores many Caribbean
islands and Honduras, which he names the Indies and
calls the people Indians
 The Spanish call Columbus a hero since they think he
has found a new route to Asia
 In 1502 Amerigo Vespucci sailed along the coast of
South America and he finally realized that this
wasn’t Asia, but a new land
 It is later named America in his honor and the Spanish
set out to explore it
 Vasco Nunez de Balboa led an expedition across
the Isthmus of Panama and became the first
European to view the Pacific Ocean
 Ferdinand Magellan decided to sail west around
the world in 1519 with five ships and 250 men
 Magellan was killed in a fight in the Philippines against
the native people but his men continued on
 In 1522 18 survivors from Magellan’s expedition arrived
back in Spain, the first people to ever circumnavigate
the world
 Treaty of Tordesillas – signed by both Spain and
Portugal in 1494 that gives a line of demarcation
dividing their new territories
 Each feared that the other would claim some of its
newly discovered territories
 The treaty gives an imaginary north-to-south line
through the Atlantic Ocean and the easternmost part of
South America
Everything west of this line went to Spain and
Portugal got everything east of the line
Other Explorers
 John Cabot sailed to and explored the Atlantic
coast of Canada and New England
 He set out on a second voyage, but his entire fleet
 Sir Francis Drake sailed around the tip of South
America and explored its west coast
 He stopped in what is now California and then went on
to become the second man to circumnavigate the globe
 Henry Hudson explored parts of eastern America
and had a river and a bay named after him
 Jacques Cartier sailed past the island of
Newfoundland into the St. Lawrence river
 He claimed all the land along the river as
the province of New France (Canada)
Explorers and their Routes
Chapter 16, section 1, pages 472-473
Research a Native American tribe in the United States. Use
SPICE to discuss aspects of their culture. Do you still see any
effects of exploitation today?