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Study Guide: The Age of Exploration
What you should know for the test:
1. Marco Polo, a Venetian explorer’s accounts of his travel to Asia
encouraged exploration.
2. Navigators used an hourglass and a sextant to know where they
were and where they were going.
3. Prince Henry the Navigator provided the leadership for
Portuguese exploration in the 1400s.
4. Bartolomeu Dias found the Cape of Good Hope at the southern
tip of Africa.
5. Dias’s discovery led to the route leading to the Indian Ocean.
6. Vasco de Gama explored almost the entire coast of Africa.
7. Although Pedro Alvares Cabral set sail from Portugal to India, he
wound up discovering Brazil instead.
8. Christopher Columbus discovered the Bahamas.
9. Columbus called the people he encountered Indians because he
thought he had reached the East Indies.
10. The Treaty of Todesillas divided the land in the western
hemisphere between Spain and Portugal
11. Encomiendas were the land and labor grants that the Spaniards
set up to encourage settlers in their newly conquered lands.
12. Las Casas was the Spanish missionary who tried to end the
enslavement of Indians.
13. Magellan visited the following regions on his expedition: The
Philippines, Argentina, and the Pacific Ocean.
14. The Strait of Magellan is near the southern tip of South America.
15. The first English colony in North America was Roanoke Island.
16. The first permanent English settlement in North America was
Jamestown, Virginia.
17. Ferdinand Magellan was not an explorer of North America.
18. Jaques Cartier’s big mistake was that he did not realize that the
Gulf of St. Lawrence was the outlet of a great river.
19. The growth of the fur trade got France interested in building
colonies in the land called New France.
20. The first European to sail up the Atlantic Coast of the present
day United States was Giovanni da Verrazano.
21. Jaques Cartier claimed the North American area of Canada
around Montreal for France.
22. Marquette and Jolliet were the first Europeans to reach the
Mississippi River.
23. Henry Hudson sailed up a river into what is now New York State
and found a huge inland sea in Canada.
Short Answer:
24. What was the name of the trip from Africa to the Americas that
slaves were forced to make? What are some of the words that
describe the horrors of the trip?
25. How was the Age of Exploration both a time of triumph and a
time of hardship for many?