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Name: ______________________ Date: ______________
Social Studies Unit 3 Test 1 Study Guide 5th grade
European Exploration and Colonization (Beginnings to 1620)
GLE 10, 11, 19 and 31
Directions: Match each word to the correct definition. Place the letter of the matching
definition in front of the correct word. (1 point each)
1. Knoll is also known as a small, round hill.
2. Exploration is searching the unknown.
3. Compass is an instrument used to find direction.
4. Navigation the study of how to plan and control the course of a ship.
5. Parallels are lines of latitude that run east and west.
6. Meridians are lines of longitude that run north and south.
7. Prime Meridian is the meridian marked 0 degrees.
8. Isthmus is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas.
9. Expedition is a journey made for a special reason.
10. Scurvy is a sickness caused by not getting enough Vitamin C.
11. Many years before Europeans arrived in the Americas, some groups of Native Americans had
established powerful empires.
12. A compass and an astrolabe are kinds of navigational tools sailors used to determine their
location at sea.
13. When Columbus landed in the Americas, he thought he was in Asia.
14. The Portuguese explorer Magellan was the first to sail around the world.
15. Johannes Gutenberg invented a new way to print books.
16. The Turks closed the trade routes to Asia, which affected trade between Europe and Asia.
17. Prince Henry of Portugal known as the Navigator because he set up a school to train sailors in
18. Christopher Columbus sail west from Spain to find a new route to Asia.
19. Ferdinand Magellan was the leader of the first expedition to sail around the world?
20. An agreement between nations about peace, trade, or other matters is called a treaty.
21. Northern European explorers search for a Northwest Passage to find a route to Asia.
22. The names of the ships that Columbus and his crew set forth on were the Nina, the Pinta, and
the Santa Maria.
23. Why did some nations send out explorers in the 1400s and 1500s?
There were different reasons. Some were sent out to find new trade routes and new markets.
Spain wanted to switch people over to Christianity.
24. Why do you think Henry the Navigator believed European exploration was so important?
Henry the Navigator believed that European exploration was important because of the riches to
be made from trade with Asia
25. Why was Amerigo Vespucci’s discovery important?
People realized that they had not discovered a western route to Asia, but instead discovered an
unknown continent.
26. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
This treaty moved the line the Pope drew farther West. It gave Portuguese Brazil and Spain the
rest of the Americas.