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Exploration Study Guide
Vocabulary The 12 blue words in the glossary of your interactive notebook. The definitions are
in the glossary.
o Astrolabe- A device that enabled navigators to learn their ship’s location by charting the
position of the stars
o Caravels- Ships that used triangular sails to sail against the wind, and had rudders to
improve steering
o Cartographer- A person who makes maps
o Circumnavigate- to travel all the way around the globe
o Columbian Exchange- The transfer of plants, animals, and diseases (microbes) between
the Americas, and Europe, Asia, and Africa
o Conquistador- A Spanish soldier and explorer who led military expeditions in the
Americas and captured land for Spain
o Crusades-(1096-1270)- A series of wars fought between European Christians and Muslims
in Jerusalem
o Feudal System- A system where the owner of the land managed both the land and its
o Manor- Large estate owned by a noble on which peasants lived and were protected in
exchange for their services
o Navigation- The science of piloting ships or aircraft
o Northwest Passage- a non-existent path through North America that early explorers
searched for that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
o Serf- Peasant in the Middle-Ages who was bound to the land
1. Understand the relationship between knights and lords
Knights pledged to fight for the Lords in battle, in return for land.
2. What effect did the Crusades have on Europe?
The returning Crusaders brought back foreign goods from Asia which increased trade in
3. What was the Black Death?
A plague which killed millions in Europe.
4. What did Prince Henry do advance Portugal’s exploration efforts?
 Built an observatory
 Funded research by mapmakers
 Founded a school of navigation
 Paid for expeditions to explore West Coast of Africa
5. What group of Europeans first made contact with North America?
The Vikings
6. Review your Christopher Columbus questions. Be prepared to answer any of the
What nation did Christopher Columbus sail from? Spain
What country was Christopher Columbus looking for? China
How many ships did Columbus have on his first voyage? 3
What modern day country did Christopher Columbus land on? The Bahamas
How were the Indians treated? Forced to mine for gold; Enslaved
Which diseases did the Spanish bring to the New World? Measles and Small Pox
Why was Columbus arrested? Columbus (an Italian citizen) was executing Spanish
h. How many voyages did Columbus make? 4
7. Know the positive and negative impacts of the Columbian Exchange
Positive: Increased trade, access to new technology, and foods. New ideas and horses
brought to the New world.
Negative: Spread of disease, exploitation of workers, slavery, invasive species
8. Know some of the plants and animals from the Old World and New World
Old World: Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Horses, Dairy, Bananas, Rice, Wheat
New World: Potatoes, Corn, Squash, Peppers, Pineapple, Cacao, Turkey,
9. Know what continents make up the Old World and New World
Old World: Europe, Asia, and Africa
New World: North and South America
10. The different African Trading Kingdoms, and the proper sequence of order (Which one
came first, second, and third?)
Mali- Sundiata and Mansa Musa.
Mansa Musa’s Muslim faith and desire for all of his people to be able to read the Quran
caused him to build schools, and universities.
Songhai- Askia the Great. Devout Muslim. Built Schools and libraries to educate people.
Built efficient government.
11. How the African Trading Kingdoms made their wealth
Salt, Gold, and Slaves
Ghana- Tax on all goods coming in and leaving
Controlling all of the trade routes
12. The explorers we cover—the significance of their voyage, and who they sailed for
Marco Polo- Italian merchant who explored China, inspired future explorers with tales
of his explorations and adventures
Bartolemeu Dias- Sailed for Portugal, Sailed to Cape of Good Hope (Southern Tip of
Africa) and sails back. First European to reach the Indian Ocean.
John Cabot- Sailed for England. Claims Canada for the British Empire. First land in the
New World claimed for the British Empire.
Vasco Da Gama- Sailed for Portugal, First European to sail to India. Da Gama discovers
the sea route to Asia.
Vasco Balboa- Sailed for Spain, crosses the Isthmus of Panama to discover the Pacific
Ocean. Balboa is the first European to do so.
Ferdinand Magellan- Sails for Spain. Magellan sails west, around South America and
reaches Asia. Magellan is killed in the Philippines. His crew sails west around Africa and
back to Spain. Magellan is credited as the first man to circumnavigate (sail around) the
Hernan Cortes- Spanish Conquistador. Conquers the Aztec Empire in modern day
Francisco Pizarro- Spanish Conquistador. Conquers the Incan Empire in modern day
Henry Hudson- Sails for both England and the Netherlands. Claims Hudson River,
Hudson Bay, New York for the Netherlands. Sails in the Arctic Circle for England, looking
for the Northwest Passage.
Robert La Salle- Sailed for France, exploring the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. La
Salle is able to claim huge amounts of North America for France.
13. Know the P.E.G.S. words, and be able to apply them to pictures or scenarios. (Political,
economical, geographical, societal)
Political- Anything to do with government
Economical- Anything to do with things of value
Geographical- All about the land
Societal- Cultural ( Bob Really Likes/Loves F.A.C.T.S.)