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Very mountainous, small area
 Many islands (sea)
 Cause small,
independent communities
& seafarers (city-states)
On island of Crete with the capital
Knossos, named after king of Crete –
These people sailed…
Allowing for trade…
Fell – either because of tidal wave
caused by volcano, or by invasion of
Mycenaean people
Fortified site
1st Greek state
Warrior culture, hunting & fighting
Conquered Greek islands – we know about
this through Homer
Fell because they began to fight each other &
because of earthquakes
“Dark Ages” of Greece
Called that because records don’t exist,
population & food decreased
When it ended, there was...
Iron replaced bronze
A revival of trade
Improved weapons & farming
Adopted Phoenician alphabet
What written works there are, are by Homer
Wrote what?? 2 things...
Gives Greeks an ideal past & values…
teaches young men how to live their lives and
be good people
Greek Life
Polis – the center of Greek life/a community
of people who shared an identity & goals,
building loyalty…
Acropolis – Acropolis is a Greek word
meaning 'high city'.
Tyranny in the city-states
Trade allowed for a new wealthy class to rise,
leading to tyrants – these were people who
fought against the aristocrats and took away
some of their power – they used to be liked
Fell out of power because they weren’t the
Greek ideal, but they did some pretty things
when in power… (new marketplaces,
temples, & walls)
New governments pop up: democracy (gov
by the people), oligarchy (gov of a few
Needed more land, so took it
Military state, rigidly controlled and
Closed itself off from the world, didn’t visit,
frowned on new ideas & the arts… only war
Government PROBLEMS>>>
Until Cleisthenes
He created a council of 500
to propose laws
and supervise treasury
All male citizens could pass laws
Free and open debate
Laid foundation from Athenian democracy
(and ours…)
Sparta vs Athens
- Women had power, had
to be strong
- Closed off from outside
Military state; oligarchy
Kicks Athens butt later
- Women had no power
Cultural diffusion
Goes all “empire” but
loses to Spartans
Problems between Greeks & Persia means
Greeks revolted and Athens beats Persia –
Persia sought revenge (because Xerxes
swears revenge)
180,000 Persians vs 7,000 Greeks fought at
Thermopylae, Greeks held them off for 2
days, but lost…
Persia cont.
Athenians left their city
Greek Navy
kicked Persia navy’s butt
Few months later, Greeks formed their
largest army ever and defeated Persia
Athens Power
Now Athens is all-powerful
Formed Delian
League – creating an
empire (Age of Pericles
Turned Athens into a direct democracy (is
like a town meeting where everyone gets a
vote and a say)
Allowed lower-class males voting rights, paid
office holders, could ostracize
(ignore them/shunning)
Peloponnesian War
Athenian Empire vs Sparta
The plan:
Athens stays behind her walls
Sparta tries to pull Athens out from behind walls
so she can kick her butt
BUT, plague broke out… lasted 25 years
Supply carrying navy was destroyed, so Athens
Ruined cooperation between Greeks - & then
ignored Macedonia – BAD idea
What was Athens…
Largest populated city-state
Numerous, common slaves
Economy based on farming and trade
couldn’t participate or have
anything to do with government or society,
except with religious ceremonies
Greek Religion
Polytheistic (Zeus
, Hera, Aphrodite...)
Affected all aspects of life
Focused on making the Gods happy with the
Religious rituals
& festivals used to honor
gods… included Olympics
Their myth is like the Christian Bible, and
their temples
are like Christian
Greek Drama
Created Western Drama (tragedies
Plays were presented as part of religious
Famous play-writes
Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, oracles
Euripides: created more realistic characters &
showed more interest in real-life situations
The “love of wisdom” referring to an
organizational system of rational thought
3 main philosophers
 Plato
 Aristotle
The Sophists
were a group of teachers who
argues it was beyond the human mind to
understand the universe and stressed the
importance of rhetoric
Goal of education was to improve your soul
Socratic method
– questions and answers
“the unexamined life isn’t worth living” – the
belief in the individual power to reason was
an important contribution to culture
After the loss of Peloponnesian war, Athens
afraid of debate, puts Socrates to death
Preoccupied with the nature of reality and
how we know it [material objects are
shadows of the real “ness” of an item]
Concerned that the city-states be virtuous –
just & rational
Wrote the Republic
Believed in:
1) 3 groups of people
2) equal opportunities for men & women
Interested in analyzing & classifying things by
observation and investigation
Believed a constitutional government was the
best choice of government
Wrote his opinion in Politics that he preferred
either a monarchy, an aristocracy, or a
constitutional government
History, writing
Herodotus – History of the Persian Wars; first
Thucydides – greatest historian of ancient
world. History of Peloponnesian War.
Emphasized facts and insight into human
psychology. Believed studying history
beneficial for understanding the past through
systematic analysis
Greek art concerned with expressing eternal
ideas through moderation, balance &
Chief subject matter: ideally beautiful human
Most important architectural form: temple
dedicated to gods. What’s the most famous
Greeks viewed their northern neighbors as
barbarians… even though it was a powerful
Philip II admired Greek culture and wanted to
unite all of Greece under Macedonia rule. He
crushed, insisted, conquered – and got
Alexander the Great
Philip II’s son
Picked up where his dad left off
Got Persia
, established Alexandria in
Egypt, and kept on to India…
Alexander’s time period called Hellenistic
– “to imitate the Greeks” – cultural diffusion
He died, and generals bickered so empire fell
Hellenistic culture
Alexandria’s library the largest of its kind, with
over 5,000 scrolls (National Treasure)
Thousands of statues
were erected.
(writing) was popular and comedy
was another new form that was developed.
Astronomy: Aristarchus & heliocentric
 Eratosthenes: Earth is round, calculated the
Euclid wrote a textbook on plane geometry
: value of pi, geometry of
spheres & cylinders, invented the lever
New Philosophies
Stoicism’s teacher: Zeno
Emphasized achieving happiness – gained
by living in harmony with the will of God &
then life’s problems couldn’t disturb you
Regarded public service as noble
Study Questions
Explain Homer’s influence on Greek
Describe the growth of democracy in
Explain the spread of Greek culture into SW
Asia during the Hellenistic Era
Describe the characteristics of a “Spartan”
life style