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Getting Started – Import Management Pack
Optional Configuration
SQL Server Management Pack 的安全性考量
SQL Server Management Pack 的剖析
下載最新的 SQL Server Management Pack
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Pack -
SQL Server Management Pack 新功能
SCOM 2007的 Management Pack (.mp) 已經分割為 2 種檔案,分別為 Discovery 和
在 Operations Console 中能夠顯示各個元件,例如資料庫、代理程式工作和電腦等。
在 Operations Console 中能夠顯示元件層級的各個元件狀態。
在 Operations Console 中能夠顯示各個元件層級之間的關係。
SCOM 2007的 Management Pack 包含了三種新報表:SQL Broker Performance (for
SQL Server 2005 only) 、SQL Database Space 以及SQL Server Database Counters。
可以直接從 Operations Console 中連結到報表。
下載 SQL Server Management Pack 的相關檔案,包含:
建議: (作業系統的相關監測)
–至少監測執行 SQL Server 的 Windows Server Management Pack,
例如磁碟空間、磁碟效能、記憶體使用率、網路卡流量以及 CPU 使用
Agentless 監控方式的支援
Service discovery
Service availability
Database health
Space analysis
Database configuration monitoring
Service pack compliance
Long-running agent jobs
Block analysis
Replication monitoring
Agentless 不支援的監控項目
啟動、停止 SQL Server 的服務
啟動、停止 SQL Server Mail
如果需要執行 SQL Management Studio 與 SQL Servr
Profiler 的管理工具,你必須安裝 SQL Server
Management Studio 以及 SQL Server Profiler在每一台
所要執行的 Operations Manager 2007 電腦上。
在 Operations Manager 2007 上進行探索與監視並不需要安裝 SQL Server
Management Studio 以及 SQL Server Profiler。
Import Management Pack
Change the setting for automatic discovery
以 Override 變更自動探索方法。
In the Authoring pane, expand Management Pack Objects, and then click Object
On the Operations Manager toolbar, click Scope, and filter the objects that
appear in the details pane to include only SQL Server objects.
In the details pane, click the object type you want to change the setting for.
On the Operations Manager toolbar, click Overrides, click Override the Object
Discovery, and then click either For all objects of type: <name of object type>,
For a group, For a specific object of type: <name of object type>, or For all
objects of another type.
In the OverridesProperties dialog box, click the Override box for the Enabled
parameter you want to change.
Under Management Pack, click New to create an unsealed version of the Management
Pack, and then click OK.
Database configuration monitoring
DB File monitoring
DB File Group monitoring
Excluding databases from monitoring
Excluding DB engine instances from monitoring
Publication component monitoring
Service pack compliance
Subscription component monitoring
SQL Management Pack two Run As Profiles
The SQL Server Discovery Account
The SQL Server Monitoring Account
系統預設使用SCOM 2007的Action Account,如果需要個別設定則所需
Monitoring 最低需有DBO權限
Discovery 最低權限需求如下表
Discovery Target
Database Engine, Reporting Services, Analysis
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
• ·
Read registry keys under
• ·
Connect to and read from WMI Namespace root/cimv2
• ·
Connect to and read from WMI Namespace/root/Microsoft/SqlServer
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
Connect to and read from WMI Namespace/root/cimv2
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
• ·
Have connect right to all databases in the instance
• ·
Select from sys.databases table
File and FileGroup
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
Have connect right to all databases in the instance (sp_helpdb"dbname")
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
• ·
Execute sp_help_job in the msdb database
Replication components
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
• ·
Execute the following stored procedures.
• ·
• ·
• ·
Select from the sys.databases table
Replication publications and subscriptions
The Run As Account must be able to do the following:
• ·
Execute sp_helppullsubscription (Requires sysadmin or db_owner role)
• ·
Execute sp_helppublication
SQL Management Pack Groups
SQL 2000 Computers
SQL 2000 DB Engine Group
SQL 2005 Computers
SQL 2005 DB Engine Group
SQL 2005 Replication Computers
SQL Computers
SQL Instances
SQL Server 2000 Databases
Change Run As Profiles
Objects Discovered by the SQL Server Management Pack
How Health Rolls Up
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Viewing Information
Objects Discovered by the SQL Server Management Pack
Object Type
Discovered Automatically
SQL Server Roles
SQL Server 2005 DB Engine
SQL Server Roles
SQL Server 2000 DB Engine
SQL Server Roles
SQL Server 2005 Analysis
SQL Server Roles
SQL Server 2005 Reporting
SQL Server Roles
SQL Server 2005 Integration
Replication Components
SQL Server 2005 Distributor
Replication Components
SQL Server 2005 Publisher
Objects Discovered by the SQL Server Management Pack
Replication Components
SQL Server 2005 Subscriber
Replication Components
SQL Server 2005 Subscription
SQL Server 2005 Computers
SQL Server 2000 Computers
SQL Computers
SQL Server 2005 DB Engine
SQL Server 2000 DB Engine
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2005 DB
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2000 DB
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2005 Agent
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2000 Agent
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2005 Agent Job
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2000 Agent Job
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2005 DB File Group
Other Object Types
SQL Server 2005 DB File
Change the setting for automatic discovery
以啟用 SQL 2005 Agent Job 的自動探索為例。
1. In the Authoring pane, expand Management Pack Objects, and then click Object
2. On the Operations Manager toolbar, click Scope, and then filter the objects that
appear in the details pane to include only SQL Server objects.
3. In the Operations Manager toolbar, use the Scope button to filter the list of
objects, and then click SQL Server Agent Job.
4. On the Operations Manager toolbar, click Overrides, click Override the Object
Discovery, and then click For all objects of type: SQL 2005 Agent, For a group.
5. In the OverridesProperties dialog box, click the Override box for the Enabled
6. Under Management Pack, click New to create an unsealed version of the Management
Pack, and then click OK.
Change the setting for automatic discovery
• 以啟用 SQL 2005 Agent Job 的自動探索為例。
How Health Rolls Up
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 各元件之間的關係
How Health Rolls Up
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 各元件之間的關係
How Health Rolls Up
• Display SQL 2005 Diagram view
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Configurable Elements
Block analysis
Modify the time threshold,
which by default is one minute.
Database configuration
Enable this monitoring feature
and configure the database
configuration settings that you
want to apply to your
Database health monitoring
Modify the list of highseverity databases. In addition
to triggering unhealthy alerts,
databases that are defined as
high-severity databases will
trigger service unavailable
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Configurable Elements
Database space monitoring
Modify the threshold values
that are used to trigger both
warning and error events.
Disable space monitoring for
specific types of databases.
Excluding databases from
Create a text file list of
databases to exclude from the
following monitoring scenarios
• Database space monitoring
• Transaction log space monitoring
• Database health
Excluding database instances
From monitoring
Create a text file list of database instances to
exclude from the following monitoring scenarios.
• Database space monitoring
• Transaction log space monitoring
• Database health
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Configurable Elements
Excluding long-running agent
jobs from monitoring
Create a text file list of
agent jobs to exclude from
monitoring for long-running
agent jobs.
Long-running agent jobs
Modify the time threshold,
which is by default 60 minutes
Configure to discover each
specific job instead of the
aggregate of jobs. (available
only for SQL Server 2005)
Performance thresholds
Modify the thresholds for
performance alerting.
Enable rules that are disabled
by default and modify
thresholds for these rules.
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Configurable Elements
Service pack compliance
Specify the service pack
version to check for. You must
manually configure Service
Pack 2.
Generate success events, in
addition to failure events.
SQL Server replication
performance collection
Enable replication performance
rules to collect data for
public views.
SQL Server Role availability
Enable monitoring of the Full
Text Search service, which is
disabled by default.
Viewing Information
Active Alert – 彙集顯示所有未關閉的警報
Computers – 顯示所有執行 SQL Server 電腦的狀態
Task Status -顯示所有可用 Task 的狀態
Health Monitoring
Server Roles
SQL 2000
SQL 2005
SQL Agent
Database Views
View Name
Database Free Space
The Legend pane displays a list of counters
for every monitored database.
Above the Legend pane appears a chart that
illustrates the information in the Legend
Database State
Displays a list of monitored databases and
their current states.
The Detail View pane displays the properties
of the database selected above.
Transaction Log Free Space
The Legend pane displays a list of monitored
databases and the amount of space free in the
transaction log for each.
Above the Legend pane appears a chart that
illustrates the information in the Legend
Health Monitoring Views
View Name
Agent Health
This is a dashboard view that displays the health
of SQL Agents and, for each agent, the alerts
that have not been closed.
If you have discovered agent jobs, they are also
included in this view.
The Detail View pane provides the properties of
the agent selected in the SQL Agent State pane.
Database Engine Health
This is a dashboard view that displays the health
of each database engine instance, including a
list of the alerts that have not been closed for
that database engine instance and for any objects
that instance contains.
The Detail View pane displays the properties of
the selected database engine instance.
Performance Views
View Name
All Performance Data
The Legend pane contains a list of
objects for which data is
Database Free Space
The Legend pane displays a list of
Transaction Free Space
The Legend pane displays a list of
User Connections
The Legend pane displays a list of
objects governed by the SQL User
Connections rule.
Replication Views
View Name
Distributor State
Displays the state of the replication
Publication State
Displays the state of the replication
Publisher State
Displays the state of the replication
Subscription State
Displays the state of the replication
Server Roles Views
View Name
Analysis Services
Displays a list of database instances with
SQL Server Analysis Services installed.
Database Engines
Displays a list of database instances with
SQL Server database engines installed.
Integration Services
Displays a list of database instances with
SQL Server Integration Services installed.
Reporting Services
Displays a list of database instances with
SQL Server Reporting Services installed.
SQL Agent Views
View Name
SQL Agent Job State
The SQL Agent Job State pane displays a list
of agent jobs.
The Detail View pane contains the properties
of the SQL Agent Job.
SQL State
Displays a list of SQL Agents. If agent jobs
have been discovered, it also contains
columns for each agent job and their
respective health states.
The Detail View displays the properties of
the SQL Agent.
你可以使用SQL Server Management Pack提供的報表來做趨勢
• Capacity Information Reports
• Operations Information Reports
• Trend Information Reports
Capacity Information Reports
Report Name
SQL Broker Performance (SQL Server 2005 only)
Displays a chart with the following performance items:
•Activation stored procedures invoked per second statistics
•Activation task limit reached
•Activation task limit reached per second statistics
•Activation tasks aborted
•Messages per second placed in the queue
•Transport messages per second placed in the queue
•SQL RECEIVEs per second
•SQL SENDs per second
•Tasks started per second
•Total transaction rollbacks
•Transport message fragment RECEIVEs per second
•Transport message fragments
•Transport open connection count statistics
•Transport receive I/Os per second
•Transport Send I/Os per second
SQL Server Database Counters
Displays a chart with the following performance items.
•Buffer cache hit ratio
•Lock timeouts per second
•Number of deadlocks per second
•SQL recompiles per second
•Transactions per second
Operations Information Reports
Report Name
SQL Server Configuration
When the objects supplied are of the type SQL DB Engine, displays the following discovered properties.
•· Audit level
•· Authentication mode
•· Cluster
•· Enable error reporting
•· Error log location
•· Language
•· Master database location
•· Master database log location
•· Service pack version
•· Replication distribution database
•· Replication working directory
•· Version
SQL Server Lock Analysis
When the objects supplied are of the type SQL DB Engine, displays a chart with the performance item, Number of
deadlocks per second.
SQL Server Servicepack
When the objects supplied are of type SQL DB Engine or Service Pack Version, displays the following discovered
•· Service Pack Version
•· Version
SQL User Activity (SQL Server 2005 only)
For each selected object, displays a chart with the performance item, Logins per second. Data is aggregated to days of
a month.
Top 5 Deadlocked Databases
Displays a chart with the top five deadlocked databases and a table detailing the databases and their counter values.
User Connections by Day
When the objects supplied are of type SQL DB Engine, displays a chart for each selected object with the performance
item, SQL user connections.
User Connections by Peak Hours
When the objects supplied are of the type SQL DB Engine, displays a chart for each selected object with the
performance item, SQL user connections. Data is aggregated to days of a month.
Trend Information Reports
Report Name
SQL Database Space Report
When the objects supplied are of the type SQL DB Engine,
displays a chart for each selected object with the following
performance items:
•Database free space in MB
•Database free space in percentage
•Database space in MB
•Transaction log free space in MB
•Transaction log free space in percentage
•Transaction log space in MB
Data is aggregated to days of a month.
Change the setting for automatic discovery
• Create a test database (TestDB)
• 啟用 DB File Group 的自動探索
• Action – Set Database Offline
• Views
• Reset the database state
SQl Server 技術支援中心
Integration Services:效能微調技巧
SQl Server 支援服務中心
SQl Server 開發人員中心
Getting Started – Import Management Pack
Configuration IIS Logging
IIS Server Management Pack 的安全性考量
IIS Server Management Pack 的剖析
下載最新的 IIS Server Management Pack
你可以在以下的網址找到 Microsoft IIS Server Management
Pack -
IIS Server Management Pack 新功能
Web site
FTP site
NNTP virtual servers
SMTP virtual servers
新增許多的 task,能夠幫助您快速處理解決問題
監控項目的知識庫中能連結到相關的 Views與 task ,能夠幫助您快速處理解決問題
收集各式基準效能數據,幫助您了解 IIS 效能狀態
下載 IIS Server Management Pack 的相關檔案,包含:
建議: (服務系統的相關設備監測)
IIS Server 作業系統的監控
Web 服務的後端資料庫
必須安裝 SCOM 2007 Agent 才能提供所有的監控功能
Agentless Managed
Windows Server Internet Information Services 2000 and
2003 Management Packs for Operations Manager 2007
不支援 agentless 方式的監控。
Import Management Pack
啟用 IIS 的 Log 來增強監控能力
包含的 site 與 virtual server
• FTP site
SMTP virtual servers
• Web site
NNTP virtual servers
系統預設會啟用 FTP 與 Web site 的 log,Format為W3C Extended Log,但
SMTP與 NNTP virtual servers 預設未啟用,必須手動起用。
啟用 IIS 的 Log 步驟
In Internet Information Services Manager, double-click the local computer.
Right-click the SMTP Virtual Server or NNTP Virtual Server folder for which
you want to enable logging, and then click Properties.
On the General tab, select Enable logging.
From the Active log format drop-down list, select W3C Extended Log File
format, and then click OK.
Windows Server 2000 上的IIS Logging相關設定
在 Windows Server 2000 上,IIS Web site 的 Logging 是包含了 Process
Accounting extensions,這會產生錯誤”An unknown token name (s-event) was
encountered.”因此必須關閉 Process Accounting extensions 的 logging
停用 Process Accounting extensions 步驟
In Internet Services Manager, double-click the local computer.
Right-click the Default Web Site, and then click Properties.
On the Web Site tab, select Enable logging.
From the Active log format drop-down list, select W3C Extended Log File
Format, and then click Properties.
Click the Extended Properties tab.
In the Extended Logging Options list box, clear Process Accounting, and then
click OK.
IIS Management Pack 預設使用 agent action account
必須是 local user group 的成員
必須是 local Performance Monitor user group 的成員
1. 低權限帳號不支援監控 IIS 2000
2. Domain 帳號密碼一但變更,低權限帳號密碼必須保持與之一致
3. 以下對於 IIS 2003 的 MP 的 tasks 需要更高的權限才能執行
List Backups
Lists all of the backups of IIS by name, version, and date.
List Application Pools
Lists the process, process ID, and name for each application pool on the
Web server.
Start Web Site Diagnostics
Checks to determine whether the Web site, dependent application pool,
and site configuration are in a healthy state.
IIS Management Pack Groups
Management Pack
Windows Server Internet Information
Services 2000
IIS 2000 Computer Group
All Windows-based computers running a
Windows 2000 Server version of an IIS
Windows Server Internet Information
Services 2000
IIS 2000 Server Role
All Windows 2000 Server instances of the IIS
Windows Server Internet Information
Services 2003
IIS 2003 Computer Group
All Windows-based computers running a
Windows Server 2003 version of an IIS
Windows Server Internet Information
Services 2003
IIS 2003 Server Role
All Windows Server 2003 instances of the IIS
Windows Server Internet Information
Services Library
IIS Computer Group
All Windows-based computers running an IIS
Windows Server Internet Information
Services Library
IIS Instance Group
All Windows Server instances of the IIS role.
Objects Discovered by the SQL Server Management Pack
How Health Rolls Up
Key Monitoring Scenarios
Viewing Information
Objects Discovered by the IIS Server Management Pack
Object Discovery Rule Name
Windows Internet Information Services
Server Role Discovery Rule
Discovers and populates the Windows
Internet Information
Services 2000\2003 object type named
IIS 2000\2003 Server Role with
instances of the Internet Information
Services 2000\2003 Server Role.
Windows Server
Windows Internet Information Services
Web Server Discovery Rule
Discovers instances of Windows
Internet Information Services 2000
components, such as FTP servers.
IIS 2000 Server
Windows Internet Information Services
Sites, Virtual Servers, and Application
Pool Discovery Rule
Discovers instances of Windows
Internet Information Services 2003
components, such as SMTP virtual
IIS 2003 Server
How Health Rolls Up
Microsoft IIS Server 各元件之間的關係
How Health Rolls Up
• Display IIS Server Diagram view
Key Monitoring Scenarios Is My IIS Web-Base Application Healthy?
To create a distributed application definition for a Web-based application
1. Open the Operations Manager 2007 Operations Console.
2. In the navigation pane, click Authoring.
3. In the Authoring pane, right-click Distributed Applications, and then click Create new distributed application.
4. When the Distributed Application Designer displays, do the following:
a. Type a Name, such as LOBWebApp1.
b. Select the Line of Business Web Application in the Template list.
c. Save the Distributed Application Definition to a Management Pack, such as LOBWebApp1MP.
d. Click OK.
5. On the Distributed Application Designer menu, click Save.
To add Web sites and databases to the distributed application definition
1. In the navigation pane of the Distributed Application Designer, click Web Site.
2. Select the Web sites for this application, and then drag them to the LOBWebApp1 Web Application Web Sites
3. In the navigation pane, click Database.
4. Select the databases for this application, and then drag them to the LOBWebApp1 Web Application Database
5. On the Distributed Application Designer menu, click Save.
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Web,FTP,SMTP,and NNTP Server Available?
Are service-base monitors.
Set the state of the server to critical if the service is unavailable.
Raise an alert with a name similar to the name of the monitor.
The product knowledge for the monitors provides an inline task to start the respective
server service. The following monitors verify the availability of Web, FTP, SMTP, and
NNTP servers.
Monitor Name
The Windows Internet Information Services FTP Server is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services NNTP Server is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services SMTP Server is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services Web Server is Unavailable
View Name
FTP Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS FTP servers
NNTP Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS NNTP servers
SMTP Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS SMTP servers
Web Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS Web servers
Key Monitoring Scenarios How Are My IIS 2003 Web Servers Performing?
Rule Name
Web Service\Bytes Total/sec Baseline Collection
Creates a performance baseline, also referred to as an
envelope, using the "Bytes Total/sec" counter for all
instances of the Web service.
Web Service\Bytes Total/sec Performance Rule
Optimized collection of the "Bytes Total/sec" performance
counter data for all instances of the Web service.
Web Service\Current Connections Baseline
Collection Rule
Creates a performance baseline, also referred to as an
envelope, using the "Current Connections" counter for all
instances of the Web service.
Web Service\Current Connections Performance
Optimized collection of the "Current Connections"
performance counter data for all instances of the Web
Key Monitoring Scenarios How Are the Operating System of My IIS Sevrers Performing?
Operating System Performance Views
Disk Capacity
Disk Performance
Disk Utilization
Memory Utilization (Page File)
Memory Utilization (Physical)
Network Adapter Utilization
Processor Performance
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Web,FTP,SMTP,and NNTP Sites and Virtual Servers Available?
Set the state of the site or virtual server to critical if it is unavailable.
Raise a low-priority critical severity alert with a name similar to the name of the
Provide product knowledge that provides an inline task to start the respective site or
virtual server.
Monitor Name
The Windows Internet Information Services FTP Site is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services NNTP Virtual Server is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services SMTP Virtual Server is Unavailable
The Windows Internet Information Services Web Site is Unavailable
View Name
FTP Site Health
Displays the health state of IIS FTP Sites
NNTP Virtual Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS NNTP Virtual servers
SMTP Virtual Server Health
Displays the health state of IIS SMTP Virtual servers
Web Site Health
Displays the health state of IIS Web Sites
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Sites Configured Properly?
Configuration Monitors for IIS 2003 Web Sites
Are event-based.
Set the state of the site to warning if the event is raised.
Raise a critical alert of a similar name.
Deactivate the site.
Monitor Name
Service configuration related failure: A failure occurred while configuring the logging properties for the site. The server does not have access
permissions to the site's log file directory.
Web site configuration related failure: A failure occurred while configuring an application's bindings. The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: Either the network endpoint for the site's IP address could not be created, or the IP listen list for
HTTP.sys did not contain any usable IP addresses. The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: The IP address for the site is not in the HTTP.sys IP listen list. The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: The URL may be invalid. The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: The necessary network binding may already be in use. The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: The site has been deactivated.
Web site configuration related failure: Too many listening ports have been configured in HTTP.sys. The site has been deactivated.
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Sites Configured Properly?
Configuration Rules for IIS 2003 Web Sites
• Are event-based.
• Collect the event data.
• Do no raise alerts.
Rule Name
Service configuration related failure: Could not initialize the logging for the site.
Service configuration related failure: Unable to configure logging for site.
View Name
Web Site State
Displays the health of all IIS Web sites managed by the Management
Groups in a state view.
Web Site Health
Displays the health state and alerts for all IIS Web sites managed by
the Management Groups in a dashboard view.
Key Monitoring Scenarios How Are My Mission-Critical Site and Virtual Servers Performing?
Performance Rules for IIS 2003 Web Site
Rule Name
Web Service\Bytes Received/sec Baseline
Collection Rule
Creates a performance baseline, also referred to as an envelope, using
the "Bytes Received/sec" counter for a specific instance of the Web
Web Service\Bytes Received/sec
Performance Rule
Optimized collection of the "Bytes Received/sec" performance counter
data for a specific instance of the Web service.
Web Service\Bytes Sent/sec Baseline
Collection Rule
Creates a performance baseline, also referred to as an envelope, using
the "Bytes Sent/sec" counter for a specific instance of the Web service.
Web Service\Bytes Sent/sec Performance
Optimized collection of the "Bytes Sent/sec" performance counter data
for a specific instance of the Web Service.
Web Service\Bytes Total/sec Baseline
Collection Rule
Creates a performance baseline, also referred to as an envelope, using
the "Bytes Total/sec" counter for a specific instance of the Web service.
Web Service\Bytes Total/sec Performance
Optimized collection of the "Bytes Total/sec" performance counter data
for a specific instance of the Web Service.
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Application Pools Available and Configured Properly?
Availability Monitor for IIS Application Pools
Sets the state of the application pool to Healthy if the application
pool is running.
Sets the state of the application pool to Critical if the application pool is not
Raises a critical alert of a similar name if the state of
application pool was set to Critical.
Configuration Monitors for IIS Application Pools
• Are event-based.
• Set the health state of the application pool to warning if the
was raised.
• Generate an alert with a name similar to the name of the event was
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Application Pools Available and Configured Properly? –續-
Configuration Monitors for IIS Application Pools
Monitor Name
Application pool configuration related failure, The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to
create the Application Pool.
Application pool configuration related failure, The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to
record the proper state of the Application Pool.
Application pool configuration related failure, The identity of the Application Pool is invalid.
Unexpected Application pool failure, a failure was encountered while launching the process serving
the application pool has been disabled.
Unexpected Application pool failure, The World Wide Web Publishing Service's request to disable
the application pool failed.
Key Monitoring Scenarios Are My IIS 2003 Application Pools Available and Configured Properly? –續Configuration Rules for IIS Application Pools
• Are event-based.
• Do not raise alerts.
Rule Name
Application pool configuration related failure: A process serving an application pool reported a
Application pool configuration related failure: A process serving an application pool terminated
Application pool configuration related failure: An ISAPI reported an unhealthy condition to its
worker process.
Application pool configuration related failure: The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to
create a worker process for the application pool.
Viewing Information
Active Alert
All Performance Data
Application Pool State
FTP Site State
IIS Computer State
IIS Role State
Task Status
Web Site State
Task Name
Task Description
List FTP Server Service Status
Lists the status for the FTP Server and other Internet services.
List FTP Site
Lists an FTP site along with Name, Metabase Path, Status, and
Port information.
List all Web Server Service Status
Lists the status for all Windows IIS Internet services.
Recycle Application Pool
Recycles a specific application pool.
Start all Windows Internet
Information Services
Starts all Windows Internet Information Services.
Start Computer Management Console
Starts the Computer Management Console for the selected
Start Web Site Diagnostics
Determines whether a Web site, dependant application pool, and
site configuration are in a healthy state. It also determines
whether critical IIS and Windows services that the Web site
depends on are available.
你可以使用IIS Server Management Pack提供的報表來了解特
• All IIS Server Application Pools
• All IIS Servers
• Application Pool Failure
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