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How an SME Might Assemble
a KB from Components
Bruce Porter (University of Texas)
Peter Clark (Boeing)
and Colleagues
Desiderata for Rapid Knowledge
1. Representations must be simple
and clear
2. Input knowledge must be highly
3. Question-answering must be a
constructive process
Building Representations from
Reusable Components
• Knowledge engineers do the following:
– build a component library containing high-level
and mid-level core concepts
– develop methods for combining components
• SME’s build knowledge bases by
combining and customizing the
Microbiology Example:
How a virus invades a Cell
Some viruses invade a cell in the following way. First, the
virus penetrates the cell membrane by endocytosis, which
creates an intracellular vesicle containing the virus. Then, the
vesicle fuses with a lysosome of the cell, thereby transferring
the virus into the cytoplasm of the cell.
Once inside the lysosome, the virus’s protein coat is degraded
by the lysosome’s acid. Finally, the virus’s DNA is released
into the cytoplasm near the cell’s replication machinery.
How might an SME enter this
• As a dialogue with a knowledgeable system,
using a good Graphical User Interface
• With terse statements that are interpreted and
expanded by the system.
Leveraging Input Knowledge
• SME: “a virus invades a cell.”
• System: Therefore,
from Enter:
Initially, the virus is outside but near the cell.
from Invade and the structure of Cell’s:
The virus penetrates the cell membrane,
then enters the cytoplasm of the cell.
from Penetrate, a component of Invade:
Once inside the cytoplasm, the virus is
protected by the cell membrane.
Which inferences are worthwhile?
This is governed by subsequent input and questions from the SME.
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
This is the first slide in a series
showing a hypothetical dialogue
between an SME and a
knowledgeable system.
Although this dialogue manager
and interface have not been implemented,
the domain knowledge presented here
has been fully encoded in KM
and the knowledge base is now able to
answer a variety of test questions,
which we’ll see later.
This slide illustrates the system’s
acknowledgement of the SME’s
input. The system underlines the
terms that it “understands”.
“OK” means that the SME’s input
is sensible, in that:
• the terms are in the system’s lexicon
• the terms are used properly
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell.
This illustrates the result
of the SME’s double-click
(“tell me more”) on the
terms virus and cell.
After reviewing the
descriptions, the SME
elects to remove them from the
display, to avoid clutter.
The cell is invaded by the virus.
Structurally, it consists of a cell
membrane, which contains the
cytoplasm, which contains lysosomes
and DNA.
Initially the virus is outside the cell.
Afterwards, it’s in the cell’s cytoplasm.
Structurally, it consists of a protein coat
surrounding a DNA protein.
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
The virus first penetrates the
cell membrane, then it enters the
cytoplasm of the cell, then it
takes control of the cell.
This illustrates the SME’s
double-click on “invade”,
asking for more detail on
that event.
The underlined terms can be
further expanded,
as we’ll see.
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
The virus first penetrates the
cell membrane, then it enters the
cytoplasm of the cell, then it
takes control of the cell.
The virus penetrates the
cell membrane of the cell.
SME: This is by means of endocytosis.
The virus penetrates the
cell membrane by means of
endocytosis. OK.
The cell creates a vesicle and
draws the virus into the vesicle.
This illustrates the SME’s
double-click on “penetrate”
and the resulting display of detail.
Then, the SME supplements the
description to say that the
penetrate is “by means of”
Then, the system acknowledges
the new input
by echoing its interpretation of it,
and the SME confirms the details of endocytosis,
then removes this detail from the display.
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
The virus first penetrates the
cell membrane, then it enters the
cytoplasm of the cell, then it
takes control of the cell.
The virus enters the cytoplasm of the cell.
SME: It’s purpose is to deliver its DNA
to the cytoplasm of the cell.
As on the previous slide,
the SME asks for an elaboration
of “enters”, then supplements it
with additional information.
The virus’s purpose for entering the cytoplasm
(Because of space constraints,
of the cell is to deliver its DNA to the cytoplasm
I’ll continue on the next slide,
of the cell. OK.
and shrink the dialogue that’s
occurred so far.)
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
The virus first penetrates the
cell membrane, then it enters the
cytoplasm of the cell, then it
takes control of the cell.
The virus enters the cytoplasm of the cell.
SME: It’s purpose is to deliver its DNA
to the cytoplasm of the cell.
The virus’s purpose for entering the cytoplasm
of the cell is to deliver its DNA to the cytoplasm
of the cell. OK.
The virus first conveys its DNA
to the cytoplasm of the cell, then it
releases its DNA in the cytoplasm
of the cell.
The virus conveys its DNA to the
cytoplasm of the cell.
SME: This is by means of a fuse of the vesicle
And a lysosome of the cell.
The convey is by means of a fuse of the
vesicle created by the endocytosis and a
lysosome of the cell. OK.
The SME continues to “drill down”
on the convey event
in order to supplement it with
“by means of” a fuse event.
Then the SME removes
from the display
all the details below the green line.
SME: A virus invades a cell.
System: A virus invades a cell. OK.
The virus first penetrates the
cell membrane, then it enters the
cytoplasm of the cell, then it
takes control of the cell.
The virus enters the cytoplasm of the cell.
SME: It’s purpose is to deliver its DNA
to the cytoplasm of the cell.
The virus’s purpose for entering the cytoplasm
of the cell is to deliver its DNA to the cytoplasm
of the cell. OK.
The virus first conveys its DNA
to the cytoplasm of the cell, then it
releases its DNA in the cytoplasm
of the cell.
Now the SME “drills down”
on the release event
in order to supplement it
with a description of the
two steps that comprise it.
That concludes the entry of
knowledge required for our
current scenario.
The virus releases its DNA in the cytoplasm of the cell.
SME: this occurs in two steps. First, the acid in the lysosome
degrades the virus’s protein coat. Second, the virus’s
DNA exits the lysosome into the cytoplasm of the cell.
The release occurs in two steps. First, the acid contained in the
lysosome of the cell degrades the protein coat surrounding the virus.
Second, the DNA part of the virus exits the lysosome of the cell into
the cytoplasm of the cell. OK.
Question Answering Capabilities
We are currently working on
generating answers to some of the
test questions posed by Bob Schrag.
A sample of the results will go here.
Snippets of the Component Library
Used in the Scenario
• Move = event that changes the location of a TangibleThing
• Convey = Move of a Container and its contents
(every Convey has
(patient ((a Container)))
the Defining property
(causes ((forall (the contains of (the patient of Self))
(a Move with
(patient ((It)))
(source ((the source of Self)))
(destination ((the destination of Self)))
(concurrent-with ((Self))) )))))
Snippets of the Component Library
Move = event that changes the location of a TangibleThing
Convey = Move of a Container and its contents
Release = Undo of a Hold
• Deliver = Convey then Release
(every Deliver has
(agent ((a Container)))
(patient ((a TangibleThing)))
(subevents ((a Convey with
(agent ((the agent of Self)))
(patient ((the patient of Self)))
(nextEvent ((the Release subevents of Self))))
(a Release with
(agent ((the agent of Self)))
(patient ((the patient of Self)))))))
Snippets of the Component Library
Move = event that changes the location of a TangibleThing
Convey = Move of a Container and its contents
Release = Undo of a Hold
Deliver = Convey then Release
• Container = Barrier that separates two Space’s, inside and outside
(every Container has
(contains ((must-be-a TangibleThing)))
(portal ((must-be-a Portal)))
(inside ((a Space with (surroundedBy ((Self))))))
(outside ((a Space with (intersects ((<> (the inside of Self)))))))
(prevents (‘(every Dispersion with
(patient (#,(the contains of Self)))
(destination (#,(the Space outside of Self))))))
Snippets of the Component Library
Move = event that changes the location of a TangibleThing
Convey = Move of a Container and its contents
Release = Undo of a Hold
Deliver = Convey then Release
Container = Barrier that separates two Space’s, inside and outside
• Enter = Move into a Container through a Portal
(Enter has (superclasses (Move))
(every Enter has
(beneficiary ((a Container)))
(source ((the outside of (the beneficiary of Self)))
(destination ((the inside of (the beneficiary of Self)))
(through ((:oneof (the portal of (the beneficiary of Self))))))
Snippets of the Component Library
• InTake = action by a Container that causes an Enter
• Penetrate = the Create of a Portal in a Barrier
• Invade = Penetrate then Enter then TakeControl
(every Invade has
(agent ((a TangibleThing with
(goal ((a ToBe with
(role (agent))
(roleIn (the TakeControl subevents of Self))))))))
(patient ((a Container)))
(subevents ((a Penetrate with
(agent ((the agent of Self)))
(patient ((the patient of Self))))
(a Enter with
(patient ((the agent of Self)))
(beneficiary ((the patient of Self))))
(a TakeControl with
(agent ((the agent of Self)))
(patient ((the patient of Self)))))))
Snippets of the Component Library
Move = event that changes the location of a TangibleThing
Convey = Move of a Container and its contents
Container = Barrier that separates two Space’s, inside and outside
Enter = Move into a Container through a Portal
InTake = action by a Container that causes an Enter
• Endocytosis = InTake by a Cell of an outside Particle
(Endocytosis has (superclasses (InTake)))
(every Endocytosis has
(agent ((a Cell)))
(patient ((a TangibleThing)))
(beneficiary ((the Vesicle creates of (the Invaginate subevents of Self))))
(subevents ((a Invaginate with ; Create of a Container in a Container
(creates ((a Vesicle with (containedBy (the agent of Self)))))
(a PinchOff with ; Close of a Vesicle
(patient ((the Vesicle creates of (the Invaginate subevents
of Self))))))))