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Lesson Objectives
To know the notes of the Bass Clef
To understand how to remember the notes of
the Bass Clef
To be able to draw the Bass Clef and notes on
the stave.
The stave is the name of the 5 lines we write
music on.
The Bass Clef
Clef is French for Key.
In Geography a map
has a key that tells
you what the
symbols mean. This
is a similar thing.
The bass clef is a
symbol which tells
you that you're about
to play lower notes.
The Bass Clef lives at the start of
the stave
Notes can be drawn
On the lines
Or in the spaces
Rhyme for the Lines
The notes on the lines can be remembered by
the mnemonic
Good Boys Deserve Football Always
Deserve Football Always
Each note head is centred on the line; half
above & half below
Notes in the Spaces
Cows Eat Grass
Each note head is 'in' the space, touching the
lines but NEVER going over
The Musical Alphabet
In music we only use the first 7 letters of the
alphabet and then repeat them over and over