Download Ricci Adams Music Theory Lesson 1 Review The Staff, Clefs, Ledger

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Ricci Adams Music Theory
Lesson 1 Review
The Staff, Clefs, Ledger Lines
• Do you count staff lines and spaces from
bottom to top, or top to bottom?
• Do you count staff lines and spaces from
bottom to top, or top to bottom?
to top!
• What do the lines and spaces on the staff
• What do the lines and spaces on the staff
• Notes on a piano keyboard
What is this?
Treble clef
• What about this one?
Bass Clef
• What are ledger lines for?
• When you run out of room on the staff
• What are the notes of a musical scale?
• What are the notes of a musical scale?
• A B C D E F G
• What do you call a treble and bass staff
joined together?
• What do you call a treble and bass staff
joined together?
• A grand staff