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Romeo and Juliet
A review
Test next class!
 Be able to put events in the order in which they
Be able to match up characters with a
description of each
Balthasar told Romeo of Juliet’s death
Match quotes to the character who said them
Be able to answer true or false for statements
about the setting and action of the story
Outline of the plot structure
 Exposition
 Rising action and Exciting force (Romeo
attends Capulet ball)
 Climax (deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt
and the banishment of Romeo)
 Falling action (Juliet takes potion)
 resolution
Literary Terms
 Oxymoron: contradictory terms are
combined. For example: “Brawling
love”, “loving hate”, “heavy lightness”
 Allusion: a reference to a character,
place, or situation from another work of
literature, music, or art.
 For example, reference to mythological
characters such as Diana, goddess of
chastity, and Phaeton the son of the sun
god are literary allusions
 Foreshadowing: the use of clues by an
author to prepare readers for events that
will happen later in the story. Ex:
Romeo’s dream about Juliet in Act V.
 Irony: a term used to talk about a
contrast between reality and what seems
to be real.
 Ex: Romeo’s suicide while Juliet is still
really alive. Capulet’s plan to arrange
Juliet’s marriage when she is already
married. Juliet’s balcony scene speech
when Romeo is listening
Tradition of “Courtly Love”:
common symptoms of the rejected
 Bewilderment
 Helplessness
 Mental and physical pain
 Sleeplessness
 Loss of appetite
 Pallor
Essay due soon!
 Analyze the different types of love in the
play, Romeo and Juliet.
 For your thesis statement, answer the
question: Where is the true love in
Shakespeare’s play?
 Options: compare the different kinds of
love in the play: love of friendship, of
infatuation, of parent for child, etc.
 Friar Lawrence for Romeo
 Nurse for Juliet
 That which we call a rose by any other
word would smell as sweet
 Juliet in soliloquy 2.3
 I will make thee think thy swan a crow
 Benvolio to Romeo 1.2.94
 From forth the fatal loins of these two
foes/ a pair of star-crossed lovers take
their life…
 Chorus in the Prologue
 Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund
day stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops
 Romeo to Juliet 3.5.9-10
 Thank me no thankings, not proud me
no prouds
 Capulet to Juliet 3.5.157
 Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy
breath, hath had no power yet upon thy
beauty. Thou art not conquered.
 Romeo about Juliet 5.3.92
 Good night, good night. Parting is such
sweet sorrow that I shall say, Good night
till it be morrow.
 Juliet to Romeo 2.2.200
 “She is the faerie’ midwife, and she
comes in shape no bigger than an agate
 Mercutio about Queen Mab 1.4
 Prince: “And I, for winking at your
discords too, Have lost a brace of
kinsmen. All are punish’d.”
Because he neglected to act sooner, the
Prince has been punished with the
deaths of two of his family
True or false rundown…..
Shakespeare Festival Notes
 On test day I will check for:
completed paraphrases
character and company reports mostly done
blocking notes in progress
 For backdrops- find a picture to pull up
on the smart board as a backdrop
 Look over promptbook directions and