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Romeo And Juliet
By Matthew Holiday
• the Chorus says two
noble households in the
city of Verona.
• The houses hold an
ancient grudge against
each other that is still a
source of violent and
bloody conflict.
• The Chorus says two
star crossed lovers will
Act1 Scene1
• Sampson and Gregory
are two servants of the
house of the Capulet.
• Gregory and Sampson
talk about Montague
men and Montague
Act One Scene2
• Peter has no power
because he is a
lowly servant and
cannot read.
• Romeo is still has
love for Rosaline but
• Romeo meets
Juliet at the feast
and starts to like
Act one Scene 3
• At the Capulet house
lady caplet calls the
nurse to help her find
• Lady Capulet ask Juliet
what she thinks about
getting married.
• Juliet says that she has
not thought about it.
Act1 Scene4
• Romeo and his
friends are wearing
masks at the
Capulet feast.
• Romeo thinks he is
going to die at the
Act1 Scene5
• In the Great hall The
Servants work fast to
make sure nothing goes
wrong during the feast.
• As Capulet goes tybalt
says he will not let him
• Romeo and Juliet kiss
for the first time.
Act2 Prologue
• Te chorus talks
about Romeos and
Juliet's love for each
• But since they live in
enemy families they
cant be together in
Act2 Scene1
• After the feast
Romeo could not go
home so he went off
for Juliet.
• Juliet and Romeo
are in this scene
Act2 Scene2
• They are in Capulet
orchard after the
next scene.
• Romeo,Juliet, and
the nurse are in this
Act2 Scene3
• Romeo and Friar
are in his cell.
• Romeo tells friar
that he is gong to
marry Juliet.
Act2 Scene4
• Romeo tells the
nurse to tell Juliet
that he wants to
marry her at the
friars cell.
Act2 Scene5
• In the orchard Juliet
is waiting for the
nurse to come back
so she can hear the
word on Romeo.
• The nurse tells Juliet
that Romeo will
marry her at lord
friars cell.
Act2 Scene6
• In lord friars cell
Romeo says that he
does not care if bad
things happen he
wants to marry
• When Juliet comes
Romeo asks to tell
her that she loves