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Introduction to Multiple Intelligences
Θάλεια Χατζηγιάννογλου
By the end of the seminar, participants will be able to
answer the following questions:
What is intelligence?
What is the theory of Multiple Intelligences (M.I.)?
How can I use Gardner’s theory in my classroom?
What are the benefits and challenges of using
multiple intelligences?
Now, let’s play a game
Reflect on:
• What you already know about
intelligence. How do you know if
someone is intelligent or not?
• Do you consider yourself to be
intelligent? Why? What is your evidence
for this?
Reflect on the following:
• During your own education, how has your
"intelligence" been assessed?
• How has this affected the educational opportunities
you have been given?
• What judgments have people made about you that
have been affected by an assessment of your
How did the “intelligence” issue start?
• Alfred Binet was a French psychologist who invented
the first practical intelligence test, the Binet-Simon
scale. His principal goal was to identify students who
needed special help in coping with the school
curriculum. Along with his collaborator Theodore
Simon, Binet published revisions of his intelligence
scale in 1908 and 1911, the last appearing just before
his death.
 Early 20th century
thoughts implied an all
or nothing
approach…smart or not
Multiple Intelligences
(MI) theory first
proposed by Howard
Gardner in 1983.
 Gardner claims
intelligence is not
unitary rather
multifaceted (2004).
How did Gardner come to his M.I. idea?
• He works at the Boston Veterans Medical Center
• People who have experienced aphasia (a loss of
language) from brain damage can maintain their
musical abilities, while others become disabled
musically yet keep basic language skills (p.118).
What are the Intelligences?
Logico-Mathematical: the use of logical methods and to solve
mathematical problems
Spatial: to use and manipulate space
Musical: the ability to create, perform, and appreciate music
Interpersonal: to understand others’ needs, intentions, and motivations
Intrapersonal: the ability to understand one’s own motivations and
Naturalist: the ability to recognize, identify, classify objects
Linguistic: the ability to use language
Bodily-Kinesthetic: the ability to use one’s body
Gardner claims that individuals possess at least
eight independent types of intelligence (2004).
Other intelligences
• Existential Intelligence (cosmic smart): The ability to
be sensitive to, or have the capacity for,
conceptualizing or tackling deeper or larger questions
about human existence.
• In the Moral Intelligence of Children, Robert Coles
(1997) notes that it is not enough for children to know
right from wrong; they must act in the right way.
According to Gardner…
The ability to solve a problem (in a real-life situation) or
create a product that is valued in a society.
“Creating a product” means transforming a blank
canvas into a picture that evokes emotion, or it might
mean forming and leading a productive team from a
group that couldn’t agree on anything.
According to Gardner:
• All human beings possess all nine intelligences in
varying amounts.
• Each person has a different intellectual composition.
• We can improve education by addressing the
multiple intelligences of our students.
• These intelligences are located in different areas of
the brain and can either work independently or
• These intelligences may define the human species.
True or False?
• Everyone is intelligent in a different way.
• People with strong linguistic intelligence are likely to enjoy
crossword puzzles.
• Some intelligences are more important for academic success.
• People with strong intra-personal intelligence enjoy going to
parties and socializing.
• If you enjoy keeping budgets and family accounts, you
probably have mathematical intelligence.
• Map reading is a characteristic of interpersonal intelligence.
• You are displaying musical intelligence when you tap your
fingers or foot in rhythm with the music.
• If you enjoy gardening and camping, it shows you have some
naturalist intelligence.