Download SPACE By: Hailey Merrill and Katie Whatley Earth

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By: Hailey Merrill
Katie Whatley
The earth is a big ball or iron with some rock on the outside.
And a very, very thin coating of moisture and oxygen.
Three interesting facts about earth
There is a lot of water on the earth in fact there is so much water
that you could cover the entire atmosphere with 1 inch of water.
In 1783 an ice land eruption threw up enough dust to temporally
block out the sun over Europe
Approximately 40,000 meteoritic dust hits the earth each year.
Earth is a terrestrial planet
Jupiter is a bid ball of mostly gasses and helium.
Three interesting facts about Jupiter
Jupiter has a red spot that is a storm that storm has been going
on science Jupiter was first observed.
Jupiter is the largest planet.
Jupiter produces it’s own energy.
Jupiter is a gas planet
Mars is the red planet it only has two moons and is mostly
carbon dioxide.
Three interesting facts
Mars has 1/3 of the gravity that earth has witch means you
could jump 3 times as high as you can on earth.
Mars has tremendous wind storms in fact one of its storms
covered the planet for several days.
Mars has the biggest volcano in the entire solar system it is called
Olympus Mons it is 16 miles high that is 3 times the size of Mt.
Mars is a terrestrial planet.
Saturn consist of four layers purple bluish color it is a big planet
and it has no surface.
Three interesting facts
Saturn has flattened poles because of it’s fast rotation.
Saturn is less dense than water.
Saturn has the biggest rings in the solar system.
Saturn is a gas planet
Uranus has numerous moons and magneto’s sphere it’s upper
most layer is mostly clouds.
Three interesting facts.
Uranus is the only planet that is on it’s side so scientist can’t tell
it’s north pole from it’s south.
Uranus has a moon called Umbriel. Umbriel has a ring called the
Florescent cheerio it’s called that because. The ring is very round
and bright it is believed to be the floor of a creator.
Uranus is a gas planet
Neptune mostly rock and ice purple and blue.
Three interning facts.
It takes Neptune 165 years to orbit the sun it hasn't event made a
full circle around the sun since it was discovered.
Neptune had a great dark spot but in 1994 it disappeared.
Neptune's temperature is -353 degrees F
Neptune is a gas planet
Mercury is a planet with no atmosphere and it is mostly rock.
Mercury is very dry and has many creators.
 Three interesting facts.
 Mercury is tidal locked meaning that it stopped rotating and
keeps the same side facing the sun as it orbits.
 Mercury's core is mostly iron.
 1 day on Mercury is even to 176 earth days!
 Mercury is a terrestrial planet.
Has acid clouds big planet from our point of view. Looks
yellowish but it’s earthier a reddish orange of event purple.
Three interesting facts.
Venus is so hot that if it has bodies of water on it they wouls
completely evaporate.
Venus is nick named The Jewel Of The Sky because it is the
second brightest planet after the sun.
The hottest that Venus has ever gotten is 900 degrees F
Venus is a terrestrial planet.
Comet-A loose collection of ice dust and small rocky particles typically with a long
narrow orbit of the sun.
Asteroid belt-The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
where many asteroids are found.
Meteor- A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of the meteoroid in the
earths atmosphere.
Meteorite- A meteoroid that passes through atmosphere and hit’s the earth’s surface.
Solar eclipse-The blocking of sunlight to the earth that occurs when the moon is
directly between the sun and the earth.
Lunar eclipse- The blocking sunlight to the moon that occurs the earth is directly
between the sun and the moon.
Astronomy- The study of the moon star sand other objects in space.
Axis- An imaginary line that passes through the earth’s center and the North and
South poles about witch the earth rotates.
Rotation- The spinning motion of a planet on it’s axis.
Equinox- The two day’s of the year where neither Hemisphere is tilted away or tward
the sun.