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PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Angular Resolution
Resolving power: Wave nature of light =>
The telescope aperture produces
fringe rings that set a limit to the
resolution of the telescope.
Resolving power = minimum angular
distance amin between two objects that
can be separated.
amin = 1.22 (/D)
For optical wavelengths, this gives
amin = 11.6 arcsec / D[cm]
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
So: the angular resolution/resolving power of a reflecting telescope is
dependent on the diameter of its mirror
Mirror Angular Resolution Animation
and the wavelength of the light
Wavelength Effect on Resolution
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Light Gathering Ability: Size Does Matter
1. Light-gathering
power: Depends on
the surface area A of
the primary lens /
mirror, proportional
to diameter squared:
A = (D/2)2
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
So: light collecting ability of a reflecting telescope is dependent on the
area of the mirror
Light Collecting Area Animation
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Magnifying Power
Magnifying Power = ability of the telescope to make the image
appear bigger.
The magnification depends on the ratio of focal lengths of
the primary mirror/lens (Fo) and the eyepiece (Fe):
M = Fo/Fe
A larger magnification does not improve the resolving
power of the telescope!
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Recall: Resolving power of a telescope depends on diameter D:
amin = 1.22 /D.
This holds true even if
not the entire surface is
filled out.
• Combine the signals from
several smaller telescopes
to simulate one big mirror
 Interferometry
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Uses of Telescopes
use a camera to take pictures (images)
2. Photometry
measure total amount of light from an object
3. Spectroscopy
use a spectrograph to separate the light into its different
4. Timing
measure how the amount of light changes with time
(sometimes in a fraction of a second)
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
• In astronomy, filters are
usually placed in front of
a camera to allow only
certain colors to be
• Single color images are
superimposed to form
true color images.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
• The spectrograph reflects light of
a grating: a finely ruled, smooth
• Light interferes with itself and
disperses into colors.
• This spectrum is recorded by a
digital detector called a CCD.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Nonvisible Light
Special detectors/receivers record light invisible to the human eye - gamma
rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves.
- each type of light can provide information not available from
other types.
Digital images are reconstructed using false-color coding so that we can see
this light.
Chandra X-ray image of the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Crab Nebula
Radio Waves
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Atmospheric Effects
Earth’s atmosphere causes problems for astronomers on the ground:
• Bad weather makes it impossible to observe the night sky.
• Man-made light is reflected by the atmosphere, thus making the night
sky brighter.
– light pollution
• The atmosphere absorbs light - dependent on wavelength
• Air turbulence in the atmosphere distorts light.
– That is why the stars appear to “twinkle”.
– Angular resolution is degraded.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Light Pollution
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Radio Astronomy
Recall: Radio waves of  ~ 1 cm – 1 m also penetrate the
Earth’s atmosphere and can be observed from the ground.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Radio Telescopes
Large dish focuses the
energy of radio waves
onto a small receiver
Amplified signals are
stored in computers and
converted into images,
spectra, etc.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Radio Telescopes
• The wavelengths of radio waves are long.
• So the dishes which reflect them must be very large to achieve any
reasonable angular resolution.
305-meter radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Radio Interferometry
The Very
Large Array
(VLA): 27
dishes are
combined to
simulate a
large dish of
36 km in
Even larger arrays consist of dishes spread out over the entire U.S.
(VLBA = Very Long Baseline Array) or even the whole Earth (VLBI
= Very Long Baseline Interferometry)!
PHYS 3380 - Astronomy
Most sensitive VLBI array in the world - European VLBI Network (EVN).
• brings together the largest European radiotelescopes for typically week-long
Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)
• uses ten dedicated, 25-meter telescopes spanning 5351 miles across the
United States
• the largest VLBI array that operates all year round as both an astronomical
and geodesy instrument.
Global VLBI
• Combination of the EVN and VLBA
Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (SVLBI)
•dedicated VLBI placed in Earth orbit to provide greatly extended baselines.
•HALCA, an 8 meter radio telescope - launched in February 1997 - made
observations until October 2003,
•small size of the dish - only very strong radio sources could be
observed with
•Spektr-R (or RadioAstron) - launched in July 2011.
When Global VLBI combined with one or more space-based VLBI antennas gives
resolution of microarcseconds.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Science of Radio Astronomy
Radio astronomy reveals several features, not visible at other
- neutral hydrogen clouds (which don’t emit any visible light),
containing ~ 90 % of all the atoms in the Universe.
- molecules (often located in dense clouds, where visible light is
completely absorbed).
- Radio waves penetrate gas and dust clouds, so we can observe
regions from which visible light is heavily absorbed.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Atmospheric Distortion
The turbulence (ever-changing motion) of the atmosphere causes
distortion - twinkling of starlight. Bends light in constantly shifting
patterns. Like looking down the road on a hot day and seeing distant
cars rippling and distorting. Why best viewing is when it is cold and
Atmospheric Distortion Animation
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Adaptive Optics (AO)
It is possible to “de-twinkle” a star.
The wavefronts of a star’s light rays are deformed by the atmosphere.
By monitoring the distortions of the light from a nearby bright star (or a laser):
– a computer can deform the secondary mirror in the opposite way.
– the wavefronts, when reflected, are restored to their original state.
• Angular resolution
• These two stars are
separated by 0.38
• Without AO, we see
only one star.
AO mirror off
AO mirror on
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Sun
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Sun’s Energy Source
The first scientific theories involved chemical reactions or gravitational
- chemical burning ruled out…it can not account for the Sun’s
- conversion of gravitational potential energy into heat as the Sun
contracts would only keep the Sun shining for 25 million years
- late 19th-century geological research indicated the Earth was older
than that
Development of nuclear physics led to the correct answer
- the Sun generates energy via nuclear fusion reactions
- Hydrogen is converted into Helium in the Sun’s core
- the mass lost in this conversion is transformed into energy
- the amount of energy is given by Einstein’s equation: E = mc2
- given the Sun’s mass, this will provide enough energy for the Sun to
shine for 10 billion years
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Striking a Balance
The Sun began as a cloud of gas undergoing gravitational collapse.
- the same heating process, once proposed to power the Sun, did cause
the core of the Sun to get hot and dense enough to start nuclear fusion
Once begun, the fusion reactions generated energy which provided an
outward pressure.
This pressure perfectly balances the
inward force of gravity.
- deep inside the Sun, the pressure is
strongest where gravity is strongest
- near the surface, the pressure is
weakest where gravity is weakest
This balance is called gravitational
- it causes the Sun’s size to remain
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
One second of output from the Sun (luminosity) would provide power
for the human race for the next 500,000 years
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Layers of the Sun
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
T = 1.5 x 107 K; depth = 0 – 0.25 R
Density - up to 150,000 kg/m³ (154 times the density of water on
Pressure 200 billion times that on the surface of Earth
This is where the Sun’s energy is generated.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Why does fusion occur in the Sun’s core ?
Nuclear fusion
- a reaction where heavier nuclei are
created by combining (fusing) lighter
- all nuclei are positively charged
Electromagnetic force causes nuclei to
repel each other.
- for fusion to occur, nuclei must be
moving fast enough to overcome EM repulsion
- this requires high temperatures and
When nuclei touch, the nuclear force
binds them together
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Energy Generation in the Sun: The Proton-Proton Chain
Need large proton speed ( high
temperature) to overcome
Coulomb barrier (electromagnetic
repulsion between protons).
Basic reaction:
T ≥ 107 0K =
10 million 0K
4 1H  4He + energy
Sun needs 1038 reactions, transforming 5 million tons of mass into energy
every second, to resist its own gravity.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Three Step Process
1. 1H + 1H  2H + e+ + 
- two protons fuse to make deuterium
- one of the protons turns into a neutron and releases energy in
a positron and a neutrino
- average time for this step - 1 billion years
n + e+ + 
the form of
(inverse -decay)
neutrino carries up to 0.42 MeV
the positron annihilates with an electron, creating two gamma rays
- 1.02 MeV
Note: In a free state the neutron is unstable with a half-life of about 12
decaying into a proton, an electron, and an anti-neutrino.
p+ + e- + 
2. 2H + 1H  3He + 
- the deuterium then combines with another proton, releasing a
gamma ray and giving a nucleus of helium-3 - 5.49 MeV
- average time for this step - 1 second
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Three Step Process
3. 3He + 3He  4He + 1H + 1H
- the helium-3 nucleus fuses with another helium-3 to form
normal helium - 12.86 MeV
- sets free two protons to start the whole process again.
- average time for this step - 1 million years
Total energy  26.7 MeV
Mproton = 1.67 X 10-27 kg
MHe4(nucleus)= 6.6326 X 10-27 kg
4(Mproton) - MHe4(nucleus) = 4.74 X 10-29 kg
E = mc2 = (4.74 X 10-29 kg)(2.9979 X 108 m/s)2 = 4.26 X 10-12 J
(4.26 X 10-12 J)(1 eV/ 1.602 X 10-19 J)=26.7 MeV
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Proton-Proton Chain Animation
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Energy in form of:
Gamma rays
- take one to 10 million years to work their way out from the star's
- scattered numerous times - lose energy as they go, heating the
-eventually emerge from the surface as rays of light and heat.
- annihilate with free electrons - produce gamma rays
Energy of motion of particles
- raises temperature of gas
- almost never interact - escape
- do not contribute to heating
Inside the Sun, about 655 million tons of hydrogen are converted into 650 million tons of
helium every second.
In stars heavier than about 2 solar masses, in which the core temperature is more than
about 18 million K, the dominant process in which energy is produced by the fusion of
hydrogen into helium is a different reaction chain known as the carbon-nitrogen cycle.
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
The Solar Luminosity
The Sun’s luminosity is stable over the short-term.
However, as more Hydrogen fuses into Helium:
- four H nuclei convert into one He nucleus
- the number of particles in Sun’s core decreases with time
- the Sun’s core will contract, causing it to heat up
- the fusion rate will increase to balance higher gravity
- a new equilibrium is reached for stability at a higher energy output
- the Sun’s luminosity increases with time over the long-term
Models indicate the Sun’s luminosity has increased 30% since it formed 4.6 billion
years ago.
- it has gone from 2.9 x 1026 watts to today’s 3.8 x 1026 watts
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Other Helium Production Paths in the Sun
The proton-proton chain is common path to making helium in the Sun,
but not the only one. After Step 2 is complete, other reactions can take
place -- the PPII chain (31% of the time):
+ 4He  7Be + 
7Be + e-  7Li + 
7Li + 1H  4He + 4He
Or even the PPIII chain(rare, 0.3% of the time):
+ 1H  8B + 
8B  8Be + e+ + 
8Be  4He + 4He
PHYS-3380 Astronomy
Energy Production
Binding energy
due to strong
force = on short
range, strongest
of the 4 known
weak, strong,
Nuclei are made up of protons and
neutrons, but the mass of a nucleus is
always less than the sum of the
individual masses of the protons and
neutrons which constitute it. The
difference is a measure of the nuclear
binding energy which holds the nucleus
Nuclear fusion can produce
energy up to the production
of iron.
For elements heavier than iron,
energy is gained by nuclear