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First stars and Near Infrared Extragalactic Background Light 1. 2. 3. 4. Impact of WMAP First stars (pop.III) ? Near Infrared Extragalactic Light(NIR EBL) Future observations Sapporo, March 1, 2005 T. Matsumoto (ISAS/JAXA) Recent topics on Cosmology WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Launched on June, 2001 Orbit S-E L2 Frequency 23,33,41,61,94 GHz Polarization can be observed Angular resolution 0.2 degree (cf. COBE:7 degree) First data was opened on Feb.2003 Fluctuation of CMB observed by WMAP Consistent with COBE Finer structure is detected Power spectrum of CMB fluctuation Positions, heights of peaks provide cosmological parameters Geometry of the Universe Life of the Universe Baryon, dark matter, dark energy Hubble constant Douspis et al. t~0.17 +/- 0.04 z_rei ~ 20 +/- 8 ----------- Summary of WMAP results suggesting inflation universe ● Flat universe Ω=1.04 ± 0.04 ● Life of the Universe 134±3 108 yr ● Baryon density Ωm=0.046 ± 0..02 ● Dark matter density Ωdm=0.23 ± 0.04 ● Hubble constant h=0.72 ± 0.05 ● Dark energy ΩΛ=0.71 ± 0.07 ● Optical depth for CMB τ=0.17 ± 0.04 Constraint on the re-ionization epoch: z〜17 Reionization of the Universe Gunn-Peterson troughs -> Absorption by neutral Hydrogen Fan et al. 2001 t GP ~ 10 (n 5 HI / nH ) From Gunn-Peterson troughs in Sloan quasars: 1. Small neutral fractions at z ~ 6 (1% neutral) 2. Sharp transition at z~6 (end of reionization?) Reionization epoch is earlier than previously thought What caused reionization? Super novae AGN mini black holes First stars (Pop.III stars) Integrated light of first stars can be observed as near infrared background! First stars (pop.III stars)? After the recombination era, universe was neutralized No metal, H and He only Cooling through hydrogen molecules ⇨ massive star formation Luminosity (Eddington limit): 4pG mc2 M/sT ~1.3x1038 M/M○ erg/sec Temperature T~104.8-5 K Life time tL~eMc2/L~3x106 yr (e~0.007) Final stage of the evolution M< 40M○ type II super nova 40M○<M< 130M○ black hole 130M○ <M<260M○ pair instability super nova M>260M○ black hole Can we detect the signature of first stars directly? A 300 M○ first star at z~15, K-band mag 33 (unlikey to be detectable) First proto-galaxies can contain as many as 105 stars. (Still not detectable) Interesting wavelength range is 1 to 3 microns!! (Scherrer 2002; Bromm et al. 2002; Santos et al. 2001) Infrared Extragalactic Background Light (IREBL) Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) integrated light of distant galaxies and stars UV and optical radiation can be observed at near Infrared wavelengths due to redshift A key observation to delineate the dark age of the Universe Complementary to galaxy deep survey Space observation is inevitable! Several rocket flights COBE/DIRBE IRTS/NIRS COBE(COsmic Background Explorer) • FIRAS • DMR • DIRBE(Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment) Absolute photometry of the sky brightness at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5, 4.9, 12, 25, 60, 100, 140, 240 mm beam size ~0.7 degree COBE was launched on 1989 and attained all sky survey. As for the CIB,COBR team reported detections at far infrared bands upper limits for other bands Several authors obtained significant detections at J, K, L bands using COBE data IRTS(Infrared Telescope in Space) One of mission instruments of small space platform, SFU launched on March 15, 1995 15cm cold telescope Optimized for diffuse Extended sources Mission life ~ 1 month NIRS(Near Infrared Spectrometer) One of 4 focal plane instruments of IRTS wavelength coverage spectral resolution beam size 1.4-4.0 mm 0.13 mm 8 arcmin. x 8 arcmin. Compared with COBE/DIRBE smaller beam capability of the spectroscopy smaller spatial coverage ~7% of the sky Near Infrared Sky Foreground emission sources • zodiacal light scattered sunlight by interplanetary dust (IPD) • zodiacal emission thermal emission from IPD l>3.5mm • Milky Way, integrated star light ・It is important to resolve and remove as faint stars as possible. ・Smaller beam is better to avoid confusion IRTS/NIRS: 8 arcmin COBE/DIRBE: 0.7 degree Subtraction of foreground emission Is a critical issue to detect EBL IRTS observations 7% of the sky was surveyed during IRTS observation period (4 weeks) The data for 5 days before liq. He ran out were used to avoid contamination The data at high galactic latitudes are sampled 40<b<58 degree, 10<b<70 degree spectra of 1010 blank skies where no stars are detected effective beam size is 8’x20’ due to scanning effect ǙDZÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇÇ• QuickTimeý DzêLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ TIFFÅiLZWÅj ÅB Integrated light of faint stars Constructed logN/logS model based on the NIRS observation (M.Cohen) Calculated integrated light of stars fainter than cut off magnitudes for b=42, b=45, b=48 and applied cosec(b) law The result is consistent with 2MASS For the H and K bands -1 .sr ) mm) 40 -2 cf. 10.4 mag. at 2.24 mm 2MASS(H) and model(1.63 45 Surface brightness (W.m Obtained magnitudes of stars that correspond to the noises → cut off magnitudes for all wavelength bands 50 35 30 25 20 15 2MASS(K) and model( 2.14 mm) 10 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 cosec(b) 1.5 1.55 Zodiacal light and emission Apply physical model by Kelsall et al. (ApJ, 508, 44 1998) to NIRS bands. Model is based on the annual variation of the zodiacal light observed by DIRBE/COBE. Calculate the brightness of zodiacal light/emission for all NIRS bands and observed points. After subtracting the star light and zodiacal light/emission Significant isotropic emission was detected for all bands ! Ch22,1,63 mm 700 600 500 -2 .sr -1 ) observed_sky - star_light Surface brightness (W.m 400 300 zodiacal light 200 100 0 residual emission -100 10 20 30 40 50 b, ecliptic latitude (degree) 60 70 80 Residual emission shows no dependence on the galactic plane Breakdown to emission components Surface brightness (W .m -2 .sr -1 ) 10-6 Observed sky brightness at high ecliptic latitude 10-7 Zodiacal light/emission Isotropic emission 10 ~20 % of dark sky -8 Integrated light of faint stars 2 Wavelength ( 3 mm) 4 COBE/DIRBE and star counts Comparison with other observation J-band K-band Dwek & Arendt (1998) 9.9 ±2.9 Gorjian et al. (2000) 22.4±6 30.7±6 Wright and Reese (2000) Wright (2001) Cambresy IRTS/NIRS L-band 23.1±5.9 31.4±5.9 28.9 ±16.3 61.9 ±16.3 54 ±16 20.2±6.3 28.5 ±6.3 27 ±6.7 27±5 (2.24 mm) In unit of nW.m-2.sr-1 Red numbers are based on "very strong no-zodi principle" (VSNZP) All observations are consistent if same zodi model is used! 11.0 ±3.3 15.4 ±3.3 16.8 ± 3.2 Spectrum of the observed isotropic emission IRTS/NIRS Totani et al. 2001 COBE/DIRBE Wright and Reese 2000 Cambrecy 2001 Stellar like spectrum was found. Madau and Pozettti 2000 , Kelsall model Fazio et al. 2004 Model by Totani et al. 2001 Bernstein et al. 2002 Main error is uncertainty of the zodiacal light model Significantly brighter than the integrated light of galaxies ! Spectral gap around 1mm In-band energy flux is ~ 35 nW.m-2.sr-1 -1 ・sr ) Surface brightness (nW・m -2 Consistent with COBE/DIRBE 100 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Wavelength ( mm) 3 5 Spectrum of excess emission over ILG can be explained well by integrated light of first stars! Model by Salvaterra and Ferrara Bernstein et al. 2002 NIRS/IRTS Cambresy et al. 20 01 Wright and Ree se 2000 Surface brightness (W.m -2 -1 .sr ) 100 10 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 W avelength (mm) 3 4 Sarvaterra and Ferrara (MN 339, 973 (2003) zend~8.8, redshifted Lya -> J band f★=10〜50% massive star formation -> produced metals were confined in black holes z=17 2.2x108 yr z=8.8 5.5x108 yr Another evidence of NIR EBL Inverse process of pair anihiration g (E~TeV) + g (e~eV) -> e+ + ewhen Ee>(mc2)1/2 Cross section is maximized when the soft phton energy is e~2(mc2)2/E=0.5(1 TeV/E) eV ~2mm Absorption of TeV-g blazer! BL Lac object H1426+428 z=0.129 ■ CAT(1998-2000) ▲ Whipple(2001) ● HEGRA(2002) ○ HEGRA(2002) lines: model by Mapelli and Ferrara QuickTimeý Dz TIFFÅiLZWÅj êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB Fluctuation of the sky -1 rms fluctuation Surface brightness of the sky fluctuation (W.m -2 -1 .sr ) b>47, observed_fluc SL_nominal 2MASS stars Read out noise photon noise Stellar fluctuation is estimated by using the model, but consistent with 2MASS 10 Fluctuation of zodiacal emission at 12mm is less than 1% (IRAS, COBE, ISO)! ⇨ Zodiacal light can not explain observed sky fluctuation! 1 2 W avelength (mm) 3 4 Fluctuation of the sky -2 Correlation between wavelength bands 4 10-8 ) -1 3 10 -8 mm ( W.m 2 10-8 Surf a ce br ight ness at 2.24 -2 .sr Clear correlation between wavelength bands was detected. Spectrum (color) of fluctuation component is similar to that of isotropic emission y = 4.5368e-12 + 0.51344x R= 0.74258 0 1 10 -1 10 -8 ⇨ Isotropic emission is spatially fluctuating -8 -2 10 -8 -3 10 -8 -4 10 -8 -6 10 -8 -4 10 -8 -2 10 -8 0 Surf a ce br ight ness at 1.83 2 10-8 mm ( W.m 4 10-8 -2 .sr -1 ) 6 10-8 Spectrum of fluctuation 10 ⇨ Excess emission is ) -1 DIRBE/COBE 10 EBL Surface brightness (W.m -2 .sr fluctuating keeping the similar spectrum! Excess emission over ILG Excess sky fluctuation 1 color of flutuating component Observed rms fluctuation: ~5% of the sky brightness, ~6% of the zodiacal light, ~20% of the isotropic emission Nearest pop.III stars (z~8.8) are responsible for the fluctuation! 1 2 Wavelength ( mm) 3 4 What causes NIREBL fluctuation? 1. Stellar fluctuation? Model is fairly consistent with 2MASS data! 2. Zodiacal light and/or emission? IRAS, COBE, ISO 3. Faint galaxies? 4. Pop.III stars? Zodiacal emission is very isotropic! IRAS: 0.5 degree beam at 15 and 25 mm COBE: 0.7 degree beam at 12, 25 and 60 mm ISO: 3’x3’ pixel, 45’x45’ frame 5 fields at different b were observed at 25 mm 10-5 Surface brightness (W.m -2 .sr-1 ) Residual from smooth distribution is less than 1% of peak brightness! Spectrum of the zodiacal light and emission ( b<10 degree) 280K blackbody solar spectrum 10-6 MIRS NIRS 10-7 rms fluctuation in one field is ± 0.2% ! 1 10 Wavelength ( mm) Observed fluctuation is 6% of ZL It is unlikely there exists big difference between scattering and emission Observations (DIRBE, IRTS/NIRS and NITE) and theory (Cooray et al. 2004) Can pop.III explain observed Fluctuation? model brightness 9<z<10 10<z<11 11<z<12 12<z<13 13<z<14 (Salvaterra and Ferrara 2004) -1 -2 model surface brightness (W.m z-dependence of the model brightness .sr ) 100 10 1 2 Wavelength (mm) 3 4 2-point correlation function IRTS / NIRS 30 20 Analysis is made for wide band brightness (integrated brightness for 1.43-2.14mm) Read out noise is negligible Fluctuation is celestial origin 0 -10 -20 Correlation amplitude, C() (nW.m -2.sr r-1) Data points lie along the belt ↓ One dimensional analysis 60 55 b (galactic latitude, degree) 10 2MASS 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 Random simulation 30 20 50 ↑ 10 0 45 -10 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 l (galactic longitude, degre) Observed sky 180 200 0 2 4 6 Angular distance, [degree] 8 10 Power spectrum 100 Specific feature at 1〜2 deg. This scale is, 20 Mpc at z=8.8 200 Mps at present 10 Angular spectrum, √{qP(q)} [nW.m -2 .sr -1 ] IRTS / NIRS 2MASS Random simulation 1s upper limit First peak of CMB (l~220, 0.8 deg) corresponds to 1.45 deg. at z~8.8 1 0.1 1 Angular frequency, q [1/deg] Power spectrum for subsections Power spectrum, {qP(q)}1/2 [nWm-2sr-1] A ( l < 134) B (l > 134) 10 1 0.1 1 Spatial frequency, q [1/deg] Expected fluctuation and detection capability of IRC/ASTRO-F (Cooray et al. 2004, Ap.J, 606, 611) ⌒ Theory: Based on the fluctuation of dark matter. Observation: Much larger fluctuation Sharp peak at 2 deg. Radiation of pop.III stars do not follow dark matter? Underlying fluctuation may exists. Future observations: Subtraction of foreground galaxies is essentail. ASTRO-F is powerful Theoretical estimation of fluctuation Kashlinsky et al. 2004 Surface brightness (nW・m-2・sr -1) 100 Future observations Issues to be observed 10 • Spectral shape Confirmation of the spectral gap at ~1mm real? Other spectral features? 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 3 5 Wavelength ( mm) -1 .sr ) 2MASS stars b>47, observed_fluc Read out noise Photon noise Star light, model Surface brightness of the sky fluctuation (W.m -2 • Fluctuation Spatial correlation over the wide range of angular scale Confirmation of 2 degree feature in 2 dimensional image Observe underlying large scale structure • Absolute measurements Observation free from ambiguity of the model ZL 10 1 2 3 4 W avelength (mm) ASTRO-F: image at K and L 100 ] -1 [nW.m -2 .sr √{qP(q)} Out of zodiacal cloud mission: zodi free observation IRTS / NIRS 2MASS Random simulation 1s upper limit 10 Angular spectrum, CIBER (Rocket experiment): spectral observation, image at I and H 1 0.1 1 Angular frequency, q [1/deg] ASTRO-F Formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, and planets First dedicated infrared mission of ISAS 70cm cooled infrared telescope Advanced Infrared Survey 50 times higher sensitivity, 10 times better spatial resolution, has longer wavelength band, than IRAS Instruments IRC(Infrared Camera) 512x412 InSb array camera, 1.5”/pixel band imaging: K, L, and M bands low resolution spectroscopy: R-30 slit 2x50 pixel, R-15 4x50 pixel 256x256 SiAs array FIS(Far Infrared Surveyor) Launch target : January, 2006 Orbit : sun synchronous orbit, 750km altitude Mission life: ~1.5 year (liq. He holding time) + 2 years (dedicated to NIR Observations) Observation of NIREBL with ASTRO-F Advantages of IRC/ASTRO-F observation • Point-source rejection by high-resolution imaging observation Limiting magnitude at the K band is ~20 mag. for one pointing observation (~10 min.) This corresponds to ~30 nW m-2 sr-1 for 1 pixel (5s) Almost all galactic stars and faint galaxies can be identified • Discrimination of the fluctuation of the zodiacal light Observation of the same field at the different time epoch • Spitzer does not have K band Observation plans 1. Detection of the NIREBLfluctuation over the wide range of angular scale Wide area survey towards north ecliptic pole (NEP) is being proposed. Coordination with galaxy deep survey group 2. Detailed study of the spectrum of IREBL Low resolution spectroscopy at different ecliptic latitudes (2~5mm) Spectrum without contamination of stars and galaxies can be obtained “NEP-Deep & Wide” : Summary Revised on 28th Oct. 2004 NEP-Deep Field, 50 pointing/FOV 0.5 deg2 NEP-Wide Field, 4 pointing/ FOV Area: 2.8 deg2 2.8 deg N2 N3 or N4 2 2 S7 S11 2 2 L15 L24 2 2 ASTRO-F detection limit Wide(1pixel) 5s Spectroscopy (100pixels x 10sky) 5s Deep(1pixel) 5s Wide(100pixels) 5s K >20mag Integrated flux of galaxies • IRC imaging observations at NEP are enough sensitive to detect the CNIRB fluctuation seen by IRTS • Spectroscopic measurement of the CNIRB mean level avoiding the contamination by normal galaxies Expected fluctuation and detection capability of IRC/ASTRO-F (Cooray et al., submitted to Ap.J.) CIBER: Cosmic Background Explorer Objectives Sounding rocket observations at the wavelengths below the K band! NASA’s Black Brandt rocket 1. Spectrometer: Confirmation of spectral gap at ~1mm low resolution spectroscopy, 0.8mm<l<2.0mm Surface brightness (nW・m-2・sr -1) 100 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 3 Wavelength ( mm) 2. Imager: Observation of sky fluctuations at the I and H bands 2-dimension analysis 100 10 Angular spectrum, √{qP(q)} [nW.m -2 .sr -1 ] IRTS / NIRS 2MASS Random simulation 1s upper limit 1 0.1 1 Angular frequency, q [1/deg] 5 Instrumentation of CIBER Spectrometer 7.3 cm dia. Telescope 1 arcmin./pixel, 4 degree frame low resolution spectroscopy 0.8-2.0mm, R~10 Imager 15 cm dia. Telescope x2 10 arcsec/pixel, 2.8 degree frame I and H Optical design of the spectrometer Optics 13 lenses & 1 prism linear dispersion multiple slits (4 apertures) Aperture 73.3 F-number F/2 mm FOV 4x4 degrees Pixel FOV 1x1 arcmin Slit size 1x256 arcmin Wavelength l = 0.85~2.00 Spectral resolution ll = 21~23 Optical efficiency 0.8 Focal plane array 256 x 256 HgCdTe Operating temperature 77 Quantum efficiency 0.5 Dark current Readout noise (CDS) < 0.1 10 mm K e-/s e- Photo current (dark sky) 10~20 e-/s Photon noise (t=15s) 12~17 e- Limiting mag (15s, 3s) J = 15.0 Imager Optics Aperture 15 cm Pixel size 10 arcsec FOV l 2.8 x 2.8 degrees mm 0.95 (I) 1.6 (H) l l 0.5 0.5 Optical 0.3 0.5 23 32 e-/s < 0.03 < 0.03 e-/s RN (C DS) < 10 <10 e- I (sky) 800 390 nW m-2 sr-1 I inst. 18/pix (1s) 7/pix (1s) nW m-2 sr-1 I conf. 8/pix (1s) 5/pix (1s) nW m-2 sr-1 I total 20/pix (1s) 9/pix (1s) nW m-2 sr-1 1e3 6e3 #/sq degree 0.8 % 5% pixel loss 140 (s) 120 (s) mJy 18.0 (s) 17.5 (s) Mag efficiency Photo current Dark current galaxy cut F total Detection limit of the spectrometer Surface brightness lIl [nW/m2/sr] ZL ZE 100 1 pixel, 15s, 1s IREB brightness HST 10 4 x 4 pixels, 50s, 1s 1s fluctuation 400 pixels, 15s, 1s 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 Wavelength l [mm] 3 4 Simulated spectrum of the sky 1.4 103 EBL fit b=10 1.2 103 ZL(90)+EBL .sr -1 ) ZL(10)+EBL -2 IRTS HST Surf ac e Bri ghtness (nW.m 1 103 8 102 b=90 6 102 4 102 2 102 0 100 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Wavelength [um] 1.6 1.8 2 Expected performance of the imager Spatial power spectrum of Pop III fluctuations (red curves), local galaxy fluctuations (correlations term light blue curves, shot term dashed curves) for 3 different cutoff magnitudes, and the total signal (solid blue curves). The 18.5 mag cutoff is for the rejection level from the NAME images alone; the faintest cutoff (I = 25.5 and H = 21) comes from ground-based measurements overlapping our images. The data points show the errors from NAME in a 100 s observation, including both instrument noise and sample variance. We assume there are no Pop III fluctuations detectable at I-band, following the IRB star spectrum in Fig. 3. NAME can easily detect the optimistic Pop III signal (this model produces a cumulative background of 25 nW m-2 sr-1, consistent with the missing amount in Figs. 1 and 3), clearly distinguished by its different power spectrum from local galaxies at H-band. NAME has sufficient sensitivity to detect the pessimistic Pop III signal (this model produces a background of 3 nW m-2 sr-1), although it is obscured by local galaxy fluctuations at a limiting magnitude of H = 21. Reducing the cut-off magnitude further is possible, and would allow us to positively extract even the signal of the pessimistic model. Configuration of the telescope system QuickTimeý Dz TIFFÅiLZWÅj êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB QuickTimeý Dz TIFFÅiLZWÅj êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB Payload configuration Observation plan Fig. 17. Proposed sequence of observations superposed on the trajectory of the NITE payload. Separation from the rocket engine occurs at 85 s, followed by despin, opening of the vacuum shutter door at 95 s, and slewing the payload to the first science target. The instrument observes 5 science fields before closing the shutter door, reentry into the atmosphere, and recovery operations Organization and schedule Organization Japan: US: Korea: ISAS(Matsumoto, Matsuura, Wada, Matsuhara) Nagoya U. (Kawada, Watabe) Caltech/JPL(J.Bock) UCSD (B.Keating) KAO (S. Pak, D-H. Lee) Schedule June, 2004 Spring, 2007 Spring, 2008 Funding? Proposal to NASA Now approved! No-funded launch! First launch at White Sands Second launch The life of an IR rocket (Jamie’s previous experiment) Solar sail mission Out of zodiacal cloud mission ● Free from ZL and IPD emission ● Accurate absolute measurement of EBL without IPD model ambiguity is possible ● Observation of the mid-infrared background is possible Free from zodiacal light/emission provides decisive result for the NIREBL! Possible mission concept of out of zodiacal cloud mission! Scientific objectives Accurate measurement of spectrum and fluctuation of IREBL Instrumentation Telescope Wavelength range Pixel FOV Detector Cooling system Weight 5cm dia. lens system 0.8-2.2mm ~10’ HgCdTe radiation cooling 3 kg Summary 1. CMB polarization observed by WMAP indicates that the Universe was reionized at z~17 by the first massive stars (pop.III stars). 2. Independent observations by COBE and IRTS provide detections of significant near infrared extragalactic background light. Recent observations of Tev-g Blazers support its cosmological origin. 3. The near infrared extragalactic background observed by IRTS and COBE could be consistent with pop.III star scenario. 4. Spectrum observed by IRTS suggests the redshift at the end of pop.III era is ~9. 5. Fluctuation of the sky was detected (~20% of EBL) by IRTS and COBE which is too large to be explained with the standard model. 6. Near infrared background is a unique tool to investigate the pop.III stars. ASTRO-F, CIBER(Rocket experiment) and Solar-Sail missions will provide valuable information on the pop.III era. NIREBL is a unique tool to investigate the first stars! CMB QuickTimeý Dz TIFFÅià• èkǻǵÅj êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB z=1,000 ? 3x105 year Near infrared background z~10 5x108 year Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Most distant observable object The Universe ~4x105 years after big bang Fossil photons COBE(COsmic Background Explorer) CMB Map (launched on 1989 by NASA) CMB is very uniform But Fluctuation of ~10-5 is detected ⇨ Present Universe Extremely non uniform! Large scale structure, Cluster of galaxies, galaxies, stars planets, ------- Evolution from uniform and isotropic Universe to extremely non uniform Universe? How first stars and galaxies formed? Evolution of the Universe Dark age of the Universe Proposed Survey Field Prepared by N. Fujishiro IRC background measurements around NEP 1. Wide-band deep imaging in K, L and / or M bands Spectral resolution l/l Survey area [sq.degree] Exposure time per frame [# of pointings] Single pixel detection limit (5s) * [nW/m2/sr] Number of galaxies per camera frame** Number of dark pixels per frame *** Ultra-Wide (Phase-3) 3 100 TBD ~ 10 (pixel binning) - - Wide 3 2.8 2 (500 s) 10 - - Deep 3 0.5 25 (1.4 hrs) 3 3000 >10^5 Ultra-Deep 3 - - - - - * in unit of surface brightness (lIl) ** FOV of the IRC camera frame is 10’x10’ *** number of pixels available for the background analysis = total number of pixels – (confusion factor) x (number of galaxies) = 1.7x10^5 – (3pics x 3pics) x (number of galaxies) 2. Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Spectral resolution l/l Survey area Exposure time Detection limit (5s) [nW/m2/sr] Number of galaxies Number of dark pixels 30 (l = 2 – 5 mm) 3” x 73” x 100 directions (various b and b) 1 pointing (500 s) x 100 directions 30 (pixel binning) ~10 (10 sky average) 2 90 Ratio to the ZL model 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Wavelength (mm) 3.5 4 4.5 Lensed galaxy at z~10? Pello et al. 2004, A&A 416, L35-L40. SED and spectrum IRC SURVEY STRATEGIES Depth and Area Number of Pointings 100 10 1 Area (sq. deg.) Theory to Reality: Near-IR wide-field surveys (planned) 5-sigma point source detection (experiments at this end are preferred) IRC background measurements around NEP 1. Wide-band deep imaging in K, L and M bands Spectral resolution l/l Survey area [sq.degree] Exposure time per frame [# of pointings] Single pixel detection limit (5s) * [nW/cm2/sr] Number of galaxies per camera frame** Number of dark pixels per frame *** Wide-field Shallow (phase-3) 3 100 1 (500 s) 30 2x10^3 >1.5x10^5 Shallow (Phase-1,2) 3 10 1 (500 s) 30 2x10^3 >1.5x10^5 Deep (Phase1,-2) 3 1 10 (1.4 hrs) 10 (3-4)x10^3 >1.3x10^5 Ultra Deep (Phase-1, 2) 3 0.02 100 (14 hrs) 3 (0.5-1)x10^4 >8x10^4 * in unit of surface brightness (lIl) ** FOV of the IRC camera frame is 10’x10’ *** number of pixels available for the background analysis = total number of pixels – (confusion factor) x (number of galaxies) = 1.7x10^5 – (3pics x 3pics) x (number of galaxies) 2. Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Spectral resolution l/l Survey area Exposure time Detection limit (5s) [nW/cm2/sr] Number of galaxies Number of dark pixels 30 (l = 2.0 – 5 mm) 3” x 73” x 100 directions (various b and b) 1 pointing (500 s) x 100 directions 30 (pixel binning) ~10 (10 sky average) 2 90 Fluctuation of the sky-4 Detection of fluctuation with 2MASS data Kashlinsky et al. ApJ 279, L53 (2002), Odenwald et al. ApJ 283, 535 (2003) Interpretation of the 2MASS fluctuation with pop.III stars Theoretical estimation of fluctuation I. Magliocchetti, Salvaterra and Ferrara MN, 342, L25 (2003) Sharp drop at ~200 arcsec 8.6 Mpc at zend=8.8 Fluctuation is dominant at the J band