Download Corot-7b the first Super Earth with radius measured

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Document related concepts
T-7 b ,c
first transiting Super-Earth
fully characterized in
Radius & Mass
a « bonus » :
a system of 2 Super-Earths
D. Rouan, A. Léger, J. Schneider, P. Barge, M. Fridlund, B. Samuel,
and all the Corot Exoplanet Science Team
Short period planets: the small component
2006: first Super Earth detected with gravitational lensing
 Beaulieu et al. Nature 06
Recent results from radial velocity point to a very
significant population of Super-Earth: e.g.
 9.3 M Howard et al. 09
 7.5 M Bouchy et al. 09
 1.9 … 15.6 M Mayor et al. 09
Today 32 planet w M < 0.1 MJup
 Size needed !
Bouchy &al 09
 to derive the structure
One major goal of CoRoT
 detect transits of Super-Earth
 performances allow it
 And indeed a first case !
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
The star CoRoT-7
Parameters :
G9V star - mV = 11.7
Teff = 5250 K
Distance = 130 pc ± 30
age ≈ 1.2 Gyr
Very active : emission feature in H and K Ca lines, 2% variability !
Spots clearly seen crossing the disk because of rotation
rotation period = 23 days
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
The folded light curve
0.033% !
Transits first detected by alarm mode
 153 transits, all ~ seen when superimposed
Extremely short period : P= 0.8536 days
transit depth : F/F = 0.033%
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
A small planet ?
The ennemy : the false positive !
produces a signal that mimics a transiting
Grazing Eclipsing Binary
Eclipsing Binary in a dwarf/giant system
Eclipsing Binary or transiting giant planet
in a triple system
 A big effort of the whole team
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Follow-up : spectroscopy and imaging
UVES and HARPS spectra
 no blend, K0V star  exclude a dwarf/giant binary system
ON/OFF photometry of neighbours
 NO mag > alarm  exclude BEB at  > 4”
Adaptive Optics + Angular Differential Image
 No BEB between 0.4” and 4 ”
IR spectra with CRIRES-VLT:
 No late K or M earlier than M5V
ROSAT all sky survey
 No very close X binary (e.g. similar to YY Gem)
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
CoRoT colors
Triple system with a Jupiter transiting
a second star ?
CoRoT Colors : 3 Light Curves
 Blue, Green, Red
 transit is achromatic !
Eliminate a triple system because
star_2, and thus the transit signal,
would be red
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Follow-up: Radial Velocity with SOPHIE
Velocimetry with SOPHIE
 2 points
 exclude a planet of mass > 21 M with 95% confidence
 NO grazing Jupiter or white dwarf (exluded by timing anyway)
10 M
21 M
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
All known cases of false positives practically
eliminated with a high level of confidence
(risk of a background blend = 8 10-4)
The transit should be due to a
Super Earth planet
of radius 1.7 R
on a very close orbit
with a fairly high probability
Léger, Rouan, Schneider et al., A&A, in press & Xarch
Today, « The Plus » : RV with HARPS
HARPS Velocimetry (Queloz, Bouchy, Moutou, Hatzes et al. A&A
in press)
 106 measurements (70h) during 4 months
Difficulty : strong variablity of corot-7 affects the CCF
 bissector and FWHM correlates with photometry
 activity : CaII S index
 obvious correlation w rotation (23 days)
Scargle analysis
 after filtering of rotation (3 harmonics)
 first peaks : 3.7 days
 substracted : peak at 0.85 days
 Phase of 0.85 d peak agrees w transit
 Clear confirmation of Corot-7b
 And a second planet !
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Follow-up : Radial Velocity with HARPS (2)
Finally a two Super-Earth solution is found
4.8 ± 0.8 M
P = 0.853 days
a = 0.017 AU
R = 1.68 ± 0.1 R
8.4 ± 0.9 M
P = 3.70 days
a = 0.046 AU
First case of a system with 2 Super-Earths, one in transit
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Nature of Corot-7b ?
First solid evidence for a rocky planet !
 A lot of exciting physics (Léger et al. in prep). For instance :
Tidal forces :
 Phase-locked (tsynch< 100 yrs)
 Elongation under tidal forces < 150 km
 Tidal heating efficient if e ≠ 0
 dark side : 50K
 pretty cold !
 geothermal origin
 dayside :1800-2600 K :
 pretty hot !
 no heat redistribution by atmosphere or ground
 Thus… a temperate region of 90 km width (270-370 K)
 life is however not possible : no water !
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Nature of Corot-7b ?
 First time density of a SE measured
 5.6 g cm-3 (~Earth) ➜ rocky
 likely silicates mantle
 compatible w 20% of water
 should have migrate
 core of Neptune or rocky telluric
 surface : ocean of liquid rock
 up to z = 50°
 refractory oxydes: CaO, Al2O3
 continent or frost H2O, CO2 elsewhere
 escape of all volatiles in 0.1 to 1 Gyr
 composition : vaporised silicates
 tenuous : P = 5-0.05 10-5 bar
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Joan Mirò
Two planets pursued by astronomers…
Corot-7b : a planet of mass and
size cousin of Earth, around a star
cousin of our Sun : a clear
milestone on the pathway we are
exploring at this conference
Cabello perseguido por dos planetas (1968)
Hair pursued by two planets
Thanks extended to the whole CoRoT team
and to the HARPS team
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Planet characteristics
Period: P = 0.8536 d (one year = 20.5 h)
➜ a = 0.017 AU = 2.8 R
A sun of 28 in the sky !
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan
Planet characteristics
 Rpl / R✷ = 0.020
 Rpl = 1.70 ± XX R
Pathways Towards Habitable Planets- Barcelonia - Sep 09 - D Rouan