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Exploring The Universe
Student Guided Notes
Ch. 20 Sec.1
• Objectives:
– Classify stars according to chemical and
physical properties
– Interpret an H-R diagram.
What are STARS?
• Star
– a large celestial body that is composed of gas and
that emits light; the sun is a typical star
• Light-year
– the distance that light travels in one year; about 9.5
trillion kilometers
• Stars are huge spheres of hot gas.
• The nearest star to the Earth is the sun.
• We use the unit light-year to describe a star’s
distance from Earth.
How do we classify STARS?
• Scientists classify stars according to their:
– Color
– Size
– Brightness
How do we classify STARS?
• Scientists classify stars according to their:
– Color
– Size
– Brightness
Copy this
Above 30,000o
3000o C
How do we classify STARS?
• Scientists classify stars according to their:
– Color
– Size
– Brightness
• Apparent Brightness:
– Decreases as its distance from you increases
• The brightness of a star as it appear from
Apparent Brightness:
Absolute Brightness:
• How bright a star REALLY is regardless of
its distance from Earth.
• Absolute brightness is a characteristic of a
How do we classify STARS?
• Scientists classify stars according to their:
– Color
– Size
– Brightness
• Temperature & Absolute Brightness help us
figure out a star’s VOLUME
• Gravitational attraction of stars that appear in
pairs helps us figure out its MASS
• There is a relationship between mass &
absolute brightness
How do we know what elements
are in STARS?
• Spectrograph:
– An instrument that spreads light from a hot glowing
object into a band of colors called a spectrum.
• Spectral lines reveal the composition of stars.
• The spectra of most stars have dark lines caused by
gases in the outer layers that absorb light at that
• Each element produces a unique pattern of spectral
How do we know what elements
are in a STAR?
• Astronomers can match the dark lines in
starlight to the known lines of elements found
on Earth.
H-R Diagrams
Early 1900’s:
• Ejnar Hertzprung & Henry Norris Russell
(working independently) Noticed:
• Stars can be classified by graphing them
according to their
surface temperature (color) and absolute
H-R Diagram
H-R Diagram
• Two factors
determine a star’s
absolute brightness:
– Size
– Surface temperature
• The H-R diagram
shows temperature
& absolute
– We can use it to infer
a star’s size.
Types of Stars:
• Main Sequence Stars
• Supergiants
• Giants
• White Dwarfs
Main Sequence Stars
• Range from bright & hot to dim & cool
• Over 90% of stars are classified this way
• Over 90% of a star’s lifetime is spent in this
Diagonal band in the
middle of the H-R Diagram
•The Sun lies near the
middle of this band
Super Giants
• Very Bright
• Much Brighter than main sequence stars of
the same temp.
• Very Large
Red Giants
• Large & Bright
• Fainter than Supergiants.
White Dwarfs
• Small, dense remains of low to
medium mass stars
• Hot, but dimmer
than main
sequence stars of
the same temp.
Exploring the Universe
Part II
Life Cycle of Stars
Life Cycles of Stars
• Objectives:
– Describe how stars form.
– Estimate how long a star remains in the main
sequence stage.
– Predict what happens to a star when it runs
out of fuel.
Birth of a Star
1. A star begins as a cloud
of dust & hydrogen gas.
Cloud of
Hydrogen gas
2. As gravity pulls the
clouds together, a
dense, hot core is
3. Temps increase in core.
Hydrogen atoms smash
into each other
Cloud pulls
Together &
Forms a
Dense, hot core
Birth of a Star
4. When temp is hot
enough, hydrogen begin
FUSING to form helium.
5. Nuclear Fusion
generates huge
amounts of energy.
6. Leftover dust & gas
dissipates, leaving the
star behind.
Fusion begins
& the core…
Becomes a
Leaving star
Life Cycle of a Star
• Lifetime depends on size of star.
– Large, heavy stars burn up their hydrogen
(fuel) faster than smaller stars do.
– Therefore, large (massive) stars burn out
faster than small stars.
Life Cycle of an Average Star
• Death
– When Hydrogen is used up, the core
collapses on itself causing temp to rise.
– Heat from core makes outer layers expand
– Any remaining hydrogen is burned up.
Life Cycle of an Average Star
• Collapse
– When all Hydrogen is used up, the star
collapses on itself.
– Resulting in a WHITE DWARF.
Life Cycle of a Massive Star
• Death
– When Hydrogen is used up, the core
collapses on itself causing temp to rise.
– Heat from core makes outer layers expand
– Any remaining hydrogen is burned up.
Life Cycle of a Massive Star
• Supernova
– When the supergiant starts to collapse, there
is a huge & sudden explosion.
– Everything except the core is blown outward
into space.
• This exploded material is used to start new stars &
solar systems.
Life Cycle of a Massive Star
• Collapse
– Remaining star’s core becomes a dense,
invisible pulsar sending out pulsing radio waves.
– When pulsar stops pulsing, it becomes a neutron
– Neutron star eventually collapses further,
becoming a black hole.
Exploring the Universe
Part III
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
• Galaxies contain millions or billions of
• Galaxy a collection of stars, dust, and gas
bound together by gravity
• Because stars age at different rates, a
galaxy may contain many types of stars.
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Galaxies, continued
• Gravity holds galaxies together in clusters.
• Galaxies are not spread evenly throughout
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Galaxies, continued
• Cluster a group of stars or galaxies bound
by gravity
• The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda
galaxy are two of the largest members of the
Local Group, a cluster of more than 30
• Clusters of galaxies can form even larger
groups, called superclusters.
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Types of Galaxies
• We live in the Milky Way galaxy.
• Edwin Hubble divided all galaxies into three
major types: spiral, elliptical, and irregular.
• Most of the objects visible in the night sky are
part of the Milky Way galaxy.
• Scientists use astronomical data to piece
together a picture of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
• Types
The MilkyofWay
is a spiral continued
• Our galaxy is a huge spiraling disk of stars, gas,
and dust.
• Our solar system is located within a spiral arm.
• The nucleus of the galaxy is dense and has many
old stars, while the arms have younger stars.
• Interstellar matter the gas and dust
located between the stars in a galaxy.
Spiral Galaxies
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Types of Galaxies, continued
• Eliptical galaxies have no spiral arms.
• Elliptical galaxies are spherical or egg
• They contain mostly older stars and have
little interstellar matter.
• Because older stars are red, elliptical galaxies
often have a reddish color.
Elliptical Galaxy
The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Types of Galaxies, continued
• All other galaxies are irregular galaxies.
• Irregular galaxies lack regular shapes and do
not have a well-defined structure.
• Some irregular galaxies may be oddly shaped
because the gravitational pull of nearby
galaxies distorts their spiral arms.
• Contain mostly YOUNG STARS
Irregular Galaxy
How do Galaxies FORM?
• Quasars may be infant galaxies.
• In 1960, a faint object was matched with a
strong radio signal. This object was called a
• quasar quasi-stellar radio sources; very
luminous objects that produce energy at a high
rate and that are thought to be the most distant
objects in the universe
• Each quasar has a huge central black hole and
a large disk of gas and dust around it.
How do Galaxies FORM?
• Galaxies change over time.
• Galaxies change as they use up their stores
of gas and dust
• Galaxies also change as a result of
• As galaxies approach each other, mutual
gravitational attraction changes their shape.
• Collisions of gas and dust may cause new
stars to begin forming.
Exploring the Universe
Part IV
Origins of the Universe
Origins of the Universe
• Universe the sum of all space, matter,
and energy that exist, that have existed in
the past, and that will exist in the future.
• You are part of the universe, as is Earth
and everything on it.
Origins of the Universe
• We see the universe now as it was in the
• It takes time for light to travel in space.
• The farther away an object is, the older the
light that we receive from that object.
• Most of the universe is empty space
Origins of the Universe
• The universe is expanding.
• Observations of spectral lines from other
galaxies indicated that they were moving
away from us
Origins of the Universe
• Red shift a shift toward
the red end of the light
spectrum caused when
objects move away from
the observer
• Blue shift a shift toward
the blue end of the light
spectrum caused when
objects move toward the
Birth of the Universe
• Expansion implies that the universe was
once smaller.
• All of the matter in the universe appears to
expand rapidly outward, like a gigantic
• Scientists call this hypothetical explosion the
big bang.
Birth of the Universe
• Cosmic background radiation supports
the big bang theory.
• Cosmic background radiation is a signal from
all over the sky in the form of microwave
• Many scientists believe that the microwaves
are dim remains of the radiation produced
during the big bang.
Birth of the Universe
• Processes in stars
lead to bigger atoms.
• Once hydrogen
atoms formed, stars
and galaxies began to
form, too.
• All elements other
than hydrogen and
helium form in stars.
The FUTURE of the Universe
• The future of the universe is uncertain.
• The universe is expanding,
but the gravity of all the mass in the universe
is also pulling the universe inward.
• So what’s going to happen?
The FUTURE of the Universe
• The competition between these forces
leaves three possibilities:
The universe will keep expanding forever
The expansion of the universe will gradually slow
down, and the universe will stay the same size.
The universe will stop expanding and start to fall
back in on itself
The FUTURE of the Universe
• The fate of the universe depends on mass.
• If there is not enough mass, the gravitational
pull will be too small to stop the expansion.
• The right amount of mass, the expansion will
continually slow down, but will never stop
• Too much mass, gravity will eventually
overcome expansion and the universe will
The FUTURE of the Universe
• There is a debate
about dark matter.
• There is more matter
in the universe than
what is visible.
• Scientists call this
dark matter.
• Dark matter may be:
• Planets
• black holes
• brown dwarfs
(starlike objects that lack
enough mass to begin