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Polar Shift
When the sun was moved to the other
side of the earth, the stars of the Polar
region that normally pointed down
must point up.
The Gilgamesh Epic
tablet VI
• Enkidu leapt out of it and seized the Bull by
the horns The Bull of Heaven retreated before
him And brushed him with the hairy tip of its
• When Enkidu heard the curse of Inanna, He
tore loose the right thigh of the Bull of
Heaven, Flung it skywards up into her face
Bull of Heaven Retreated
• The Bull of Heaven retreated means the Bull
of Heaven reversed.
• The Bull of Heaven pointed to the 12 signs of
the zodiac.
• The sun had moved to the other side of the
earth and earth had flowed into a reverse
orbit of the sun.
• Thus the Bull of Heaven pointed to the
seasons in retreat.
Ceiling of Pharaoh Seti I
Big Dipper Shift
• The man is pointing up to the pole star.
• The pole star was Thuban in 1300 BC just
above in the handle of the Big Dipper.
• However, the other man is measuring a shift.
• The shift may simply be the Bull of heaven
shifting direction 180 degrees the night
following a sun miracle.
The Sun Moved
• The Sun had moved to the other side of the
• Thus the noon day sky became the midnight
• Thus the Bull of Heaven, the Big Dipper,
instead of pointing down at midnight, now
pointed up at midnight.
• Thus is measured the severed leg of the Bull
and the retreat in position of the Bull.
Earth shift, or Sun drop
Flat plane of the solar system
Sun drop, plane tilt
Sun move, drop on otherside.
To keep earth in the same season.
Orbit Shift
• The sun must move up or down after moving
the 180 degrees in Summer or Winter to keep
earth in the same season.
• Then the planets must shift their orbit around
the sun.
• Thus it may appear the sun and moon shifted
in respect to the pole star.
Shift in Zodiac
• When the sun moved up or down after
moving 180 degrees, it only moved to its
normal position in the zodiac.
• Thus the path of the zodiac is the same.
• Only the season associated with that sign of
the zodiac is six months different and
progressing in reverse.
Shift in sunrise position
• The sun standing still at sunrise in the
northeast in summer may appear to move to
the southeast to the winter sunrise position.
• This is because the sun may travel in a straight
line to the other side of the earth.
• Then the sun must move up or down to keep
earth in the same season.
• Thus the sun and moon may temporarily
move near the pole star region.
No earth shift
• Earth did not shift.
• The pole star did not move.
• Earth’s axis continued to point in exactly the
same direction.
• Only the sun and moon moved.
Slaying of the Bull
• Horus spears the Bull of the polar region in
this next slide.
Senmut’s Ceiling
Dendera Zodiac
• East is West in the Dendera Zodiac.
• When the sun moved to the other side of the
earth, earth flowed into a reverse orbit of the
• Thus the sun would move to the other side of
the zodiac.
Spring in the East
• Then looking south at the stars of the zodiac,
the constellation of Spring, Pisces, which
normally appears to the west would appear to
the east.
• Moreover, the zodiac would progress to
Scorpius in Summer.
• Thus the zodiac would progress like the day
from sunrise in the east to noon in Scorpius
and to sunset in the west in Fall.
The Phoenix not Pisces on Sun
• Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Thyestes.
• translated by Moses Hadas
• Ah, patient Phoebus, though you fled
backward and submerged shattered daylight
in mid heaven, your setting was too
late...Though Titan himself should reverse his
chariot and steer it on a backward course,
though thick night be ordered out at day's
proper rising to swathe the loathsome act in
unexampled darkness, it must nevertheless be
Upside down
• and the Wain (Great Bear), which was never
washed by the sea, the swathing whirlpool
shall engulf.
• A sun miracle in Summer and the Big Dipper
had been pointing up at midnight.
• Now the Big Dipper pointed down and some
of the Wain, the Great Bear, dropped below
the horizon.
Five Planets Reverse
• "On the last day of the twelfth month (11
February 141 BC) it thundered. The sun
appeared purple. Five planets moved in
retrograde and guarded the constellation T'aiwei. The moon passed through the center of
the constellation T'ien-t'ing." The Grand
Scribes Records, Volume II, p.213.
Sun miracle in Winter
• This sun miracle of the Chinese was in Winter.
• The Big Dipper normally points down at
midnight in Summer and up at midnight in
• This Chinese record is in Winter.
• The unusual thing to the observer is the moon
now appeared 180 degrees away near
Arcturus in the handle of the Big Dipper.
• When the sun and moon moved 180 degrees
to the other side of the earth in winter, the
moon may now appear near Arcturus that
night in the handle of the Big dipper pointing
straight up at midnight.
• And earth flow out of the reverse orbit of the
• The constellation T'ien-t'ing is the polar
• Thus the Big Dipper pointed up at midnight
instead of down.
Copy Right
• Copy Right November 30, 1999 - 2012 Copy
Right Registration Number 1058489. Andrew
Bennett. All Rights Reserved.