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Chapter 3
Earth, Moon, and Sky
How do we locate
objects in the sky?
How are seasons and
tides related to
What goes into making
a modern calendar?
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.1 Earth and Sky
Directions on Earth:
North (N) and South (S) are the directions
to the corresponding poles.
East (E) is the direction in which the Earth
rotates and West (W) is opposite.
Locations defined by latitude and
Meridian: an imaginary circle around the
Earth passing through the poles.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Latitude and Longitude
Used to locate positions on Earth.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Seasons Arise from the Earth’s
The Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted 23 degrees to its
plane of rotation. At different times of the year more
solar radiation (light) strikes the northern or southern
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Sun’s Path Changes with
the Seasons
The Sun is above the Cel. equator in summer, and
below in winter (in the Northern hemisphere).
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Illumination in June
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Illumination in December
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.3 Keeping Time
• This is just a summary of the history of time.
• Our fundamental measure of time is the length of a
– Our normal day is called a solar day – the Earth rotates
once w.r.t. the Sun, or noon-to-noon.
– The Earth moves from one sunrise to the next by about
1°, so stars appear to shift.
– A sidereal day is the time for the Earth to rotate once
w.r.t. the stars, and is about 4 minutes shorter.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Sidereal Versus Solar Day
During one day, the Earth moves
around the Sun by about 1/365
since a complete orbit is 365 days.
This causes the time for the Earth
to rotate back to face the Sun to be
longer by about 4 minutes compard
to the time to rotate back to face the
same star.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.3.2/3 Solar Time
• Apparent solar time is the time at your location
based on the position of the Sun.
– It varies from city-to-city (Detroit to Baltimore).
– It varies day-to-day because the speed of the Earth varies.
• Mean solar time averages out the day-to-day
• Standard time is the same everywhere in a time
zone, and changes by 1 hr. or ½ hr. between zones.
• Daylight saving time is standard time + 1 hr. Shifts
daylight to align with work hours.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The International Date Line
Traveling westward, a new time zone appears every 15° of
longitude, each 1 hr. earlier. You lose 24 hrs. (1 day) when
returning home. The problem is solved by the use of the
international date line. It passes thru the Pacific Ocean, by
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.4 The Calendar
• The challenge is that the obvious measures of day,
month, and year don’t mesh.
– 1 lunar month = 29.5306 days
– 1 solar year = 365.2422 days
• Many early calendars, as evidenced by ruins found
around the globe.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Mayan Observatory at Caracol
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Gregorian Calendar
• The Romans used the leap year, counting 1 extra day
every fourth year
– 1 year  365.25 days
– 11 minutes of error every year
• By 1582 the calendar was off by 10 days.
• Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar, and
skipped 10 days so that Oct. 4, 1582 was followed
by Oct. 15, 1582!
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.5 Phases and Motions of the
• The Moon is the second brightest object in the sky,
yet it’s all reflected sunlight.
• The Moon goes through phases every month.
New Moon
First quarter
Full Moon
Third quarter
Back to new
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Phases of the Moon
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.5.2 The Moon’s Revolution
and Rotation
Revolution – to go around in the orbit.
Rotation – to spin around an axis.
The Moon revolves once in about 29 days.
The Moon rotates once in exactly the same time.
We see only one side of the Moon.
The side we don’t see is called the “dark side”.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Moon Rotates Once per
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.6 Ocean Tides and the Moon
• Tides are due primarily to the Moon, with some
influence from the Sun.
• All points on the Earth are not equally distant from
the Moon.
– The pull of the Moon’s gravity is different.
– Forces result that push water and raise tides.
• Each day there are 2 high tides and 2 low tides.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Moon’s Gravity Pulls
Differently at Different
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
Tides Come from Water Moving
in Response to the Moon
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Sun’s Gravity Also
Contributes: Alignment of Sun
and Moon
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
3.7 Eclipses of the Sun and
• An eclipse occurs when one object passes between
the Sun and another object, blocking the light from
the Sun.
– Solar eclipse: the Moon moves between the Earth and
the Sun.
– Lunar eclipse: the Earth moves between the Moon and
the Sun.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
What’s a Solar Eclipse
On Earth, the apparent size of the Moon and Sun are
almost identical. Total solar eclipses are dramatic.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
The Moon’s Shadow Falls on
the Earth
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010
A Lunar Eclipse: the Earth’s
Shadow Falls on the Moon
Lunar eclipses only occur during a full moon.
January 17, 2006
Astronomy 2010