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Chapter 14 The Renaissance
and Reformation
Europe’s cultural
rebirth, known as the
Renaissance, began in
Italy around 1300 and
spread to northern
Europe. This period
emphasized artistic
expression, the study
of Greek and roman
cultures, secular and
The Medici family of
Florence organized a
successful banking
business and were
ranked among the
richest merchants and
bankers in Europe.
Lorenzo “the
magnificent” Medici
was one of the
supporters of the arts.
At the heart of the
Renaissance was a
set of ideas known as
intellectual movement
based on the study of
classical culture, and
focused on worldly
subjects rather than
on the religious
Scholars focused on
here and now vs.
Medieval Scholars
who focused on
 Grammar
 Rhetoric
 Poetry
 History
I A New Worldview
A. Humanists
B. Perspective-to
create illusion of
-distant obj smaller
1. Tempera
2. Oil
II Three geniuses of
Renaissance art
A. Leonardo da Vinci
1. Painter
2. Sculptor
3. Architect
4. Engineer
5. Scientist
Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
B Michelangelo
1. Sculptor
2. Engineer
3. Painter
4. Architect
5. Poet
Pieta –sorrow of Mary as she cradles Christ on
her knees
Statue of David
Sistine Chapel in Rome
Dome of St. Peters Cathedral..model for US
Capital in D.C.
C. Raphael
Madonna, mother of
 The School of Athens
 Imaginary gathering
of Plato, Aristotle,
 Used pic of
Leonardo, and himself
in works
Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince
Published 1513
Advice to rulers how to gain and
maintain power
Says end justifies means
It’s ok to not keep promises if it gets
 “Machiavellian”
refers to deceit in
 Others say he is a realist on how
politics is
Renaissance Moves North
Dutch Priest Erasmus- spreads it north
Made new Greek edition of New Testament
& vernacular bible( everyday language)
Engraving- etched design on metal with acid
Metal then used to make prints
Northern Humanist – believed learning should
bring religious and moral reforms
 Thomas More – wrote Utopia (ideal society)
William Shakespeare -English
 Richard
III –power struggles of Engl.
 Romeo & Juliet
 Created 1700 new words
 Bedroom,
lonely, groups, gloomy, hurry,
Miguel de Cervantes -Spain
 Don
Quixote (Dahn kee hoh tay)
 Mocks
romantic medieval chivalry
Revolution Johann Gutenberg –
 Printing
 1st
complete edition of bible using printing
press and ink
 Printed books were cheaper and easier to
produce than hand-copied
 More people learn to read
Protestant Reformation
 Church
caught up in worldly affairs
 Pope competed for political power
 Kept
a lavish lifestyle
 Paid artist to beautify church that cost $
 To pay for it: increased fee for baptisms
and marriages
 Some
sold “indulgence” –less time in
purgatory for money
Martin Luther
 German
monk and professor of
theology led riot
 95 Theses
 Arguments
against indulgences
Indulgence had no bible basis
 Pope had not authority to release souls early
 Christians only saved by faith
 Printed
and distributed across Europe
Luther cont.
 Church
ask Luther to recant (give up his
views and write apology)
 Instead he urged Christian to reject
Rome authority
 1521 excommunicated
 Holy Roman emperor Charles V
ordered Luther to recant
him outlaw –illegal to give food or
 Made
Luther Teachings
(Lutheran Church
 1st
rejected deeds necessary for
 Bible sole source for truth
 Denied
 Rejected
authority of pope or church priest
5 of 7 sacraments b/c bible
never mentioned them.
 Banned indulgences, confession,
pilgrimages, prayers to saints
 Emphasized the sermon
 Permitted clergy to marry
Lutheran name changeProtestant
 Wide
 Answer
to church corruption
 Way to overthrow rule of church and Holy
Roman emperor
 National loyalty – tired of German money
going to Italy
 Peasant Revolt- he denounced it, he liked
social order. Killed thousands left more
John Calvin
French Priest & Lawyer
 Book
on how to run Protestant
 A lot like Luther but…
– God long ago decided
who would receive salvation
 Predestination
 Calvinist
 Saints
believed 2 type of people
& Sinners
Only those who were saved could live truly
Christian lives
Calvin’s Geneva
 City
in Switzerland Calvin led
 Set of Theocracy
 Govt
run by church leaders
 Hard
work, discipline, thrift, honesty
 Fines
/punishment for dancing, fighting,
 Like
Luther believed in religious edu.
For women, but should read bible in
Spread of Calvinism
 Reformers
all over Europe visit Geneva
 As Calvinism spread sets off wars
across Europe over religion
– faced Catholics & Lutherans
 France- (called Huguenots) vs Catholics
 Scotland –John Knox led rebellion
 Germany
Protestants overthrew Catholic queen
 Set up Scottish Presbyterian Church
Radical Reformers
 Anabaptist
– no to infant baptism
 Some
wanted speed up coming of God by
violent means
 Took over city of Munster in Germany
Luther helped Catholics in regaining order
 Most
were peaceful, called for separation
of church and state.
 What
are they today?
 Baptist,
Quakers, Mennonites, Amish
English Reformation
 King
Henry VIII
 Awarded
title “Defender of the Faith” by
 Break with Catholic church
Wanted control over English Church
 Wanted Annulment from Catherine of Aragon to
marry Anne Boleyn to have a son.
 Pope said no so not to offend Holly Roman
Emperor Charles V (Catherine's nephew)
Break with Rome
 Passed
laws to take over Church of
of Supremacy – head of Eng. Church
 Catholics refused to accept. Executed for
 Act
Sir Thomas Moore, English humanist executed
later Canonized (made a saint by cath church)
 Closed
convents and Monastery- seized
land and wealth
 Started Anglican Church (new church of
Henry VIII Dies
 Edward
VI (10 yrs old) king
 Changes
Eng. to protestant
 Dies in teens
 Mary
Tudor (half sister)
 “Bloody
Mary” nickname
 Returns Engl. to Catholic and burns
protestants at the stake
Queen Elizabeth I
Slowly enforce reforms called
Elizabethan settlement
Church of Engl. Keeps Catholic ceremony
and ritual, bishops and archbishops BUT
Monarch was head of Anglican Church
 Accepted moderate protestant doctrine
 English replaces Latin in services
 This helped Eng. Escape religious wars that
tore apart France and other European states
during 1500s
Catholic Reformation –
Pope Paul III
 Council
of Trent – met off and on for 20
 Reaffirmed
salvation comes through faith
and good works
 Declared Bible major source of religious
truth but not only source
 Penalties for corrupt clergy
 Established schools for clergy
Catholic Reformation cont.
 Stronger
Inquisition (Church court from
middle ages)
 Used
secret testimony, torture, execution
to get rid of heresy
 Index of Forbidden Books – list no Catholic
could read
Ignatius of Loyola
 new
religious order (Society of Jesus or
 Was a Spanish Knight that led crusades
 Setup schools to teach humanist and
Catholic beliefs, enforce discipline,
obedience to church
Catholic Reformation Work?
 Rome
far more devout
 Europe piety and charity flourished
 Slowed down Protestant growth
 But Europe still was divided
Widespread Persecution
Hunts – usually women,
thousands died
 Witch
 Beggars,
poor widows, midwives blamed
for infant deaths, herbalist {potions from
 Scapegoats (someone to blame)
Jews Persecuted
 Venice,
Italy ordered to live in separate
quarter of city known as “Ghetto”
 Luther- tried to convert Jews but ended
up expelling them from Christian lands,
burned synagogues and books
 Emperor Charles V- who supported
toleration of Jews, banned from Spanish
colonies in Americas
Scientific Revolution
 Humanist
read ancient classics
 Religious reformers inspired by Bible
and early Christian times
 Science pointed ahead to future
Revolutionary Theory
 Nicholas
 Heliocentric
Theory – sun centered
Went against church teachings from Ptolemy
 Galileo
 Made
Attacked by scholars b/c contradict ancient
 Church condemned him. At Inquisition agreed
to state publicly that Earth stood motionless at
center of universe.
Scientific Method
 Based
on observation and
 Hypothesis (possible explanation)
 Complex math calculations used
 Repeated work at least once to confirm
Isaac Newton
 Theory
of Gravity – explains planet
 Law of motion and mechanics
 Developed Calculus
Other Scientific Advances
–freed from magical notions
of medieval alchemists
 Chemistry
Boyle –diff btw elements and
 Started modern Chemical analysis of
 Robert
–Ambroise Pare developed
ointment and stitches
 Medicine
 William
Harbey- describes blood circulation
by heart