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Ⅰ. General Introduction
Ⅱ. Renaissance in Italy
Ⅲ. Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Ⅳ. Renaissance in Other Countries
Ⅴ. Science and Technology during the Renaissance
Ⅵ. Summing-up
Renaissance in Italy
1. Historical Background
2. The Rise of Humanism
3. New Literature
4. Renaissance Art
5. Decline of the Italian Renaissance
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
﹡He worked vigorously to reintroduce Greek
﹡ His greatest works was the Decameron.
﹡ Decameron is the collection of 100 tales
told by seven young ladies and three
younger gentlemen on their way to escape
the Black Death of 1348.
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)
﹡He discovered Cicero’s Oration Pro Arochia, a
Roman Defense of Poetry, which was a great
contribution to western civilization.
﹡He was a great humanist writer, keenly aware
of mortal beauty and earthly values.
﹡He was a literary master not only in lyric
poetry but also in prose.
﹡He was best known for Canzoniers.
Renaissance Art
a. Early Renaissance Artists
b. High Renaissance Artists
Giotto (about 1266-1337)
The Flight into Egypt by Giotto di Bondone
(1304-06, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua).
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)
Donatello (1386-1466)
Donatello's equestrian
statue of Gattamelata
Giorgione (Giorgio de Castelfranco, about 1477-1510)
Sleeping Venus (c. 1510)
Gemäldegalerie Alte
Meister, Dresden
The Tempest (c. 1508)
Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice, Italy
Leonardo da Vinci
Self-portrait in
red chalk
The Last Supper (1498)—Convent of
Sta. Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy
Mona Lisa or La Gioconda
Louvre, Paris, France
Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Statue of David, completed
by Michelangelo in 1504, is one
of the most renowned works of
the Renaissance.
Michelangelo painted the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel which took
approximately four years to
complete (1508–1512).
Michelangelo's Moses (center) with
Rachel and Leah on his sides.
Dying Slave
Self-portrait by Raphael,
missing since World War II
The Sistine Madonna
with the Fish
School of Athens
The Venus of Urbino
Man with a Glove
Sacred and Profane Love
Reformation and Counter-Reformation
1. Pre-Luther Religious Reformers
2. Martin Luther and His Doctrines
3. John Calvin and Calvinism
4. Reformation in England
5. Counter-Reformation
6. Protestantism and the Rise of Capitalism
7. Conclusion
Pre-Luther Religious Reformers
a. John Wycliffe
b. Jan Hus
Martin Luther and His Doctrines
a. Beginning of the Reformation
b. Translation of the Bible
c. Gospel of Love and Idea of Equality
John Calvin
The title page from the 1834 edition of John
Calvin's Institutio Christiane Religionis
a. Council of Trent
b. Ignatius and the Jesuits
Renaissance in Other Countries
1. Renaissance in France
2. Renaissance in Spain
3. Renaissance in the North
4. Renaissance in England
Renaissance in France
a. Historical Background
b. Renaissance Writers in France
Renaissance Writers in France
ⅰ. Francois Rabelais
ⅱ. Pléiade
ⅲ. Michel Eyques de Montaigne
Renaissance in Spain
a. Historical Background
b. Literature
* Miguel
de Cervantes
c. Art
* El
The aurial of count orgaz (1586–1588, oil on canvas,
480 × 360 cm, Santo Tomé, Toledo), now El Greco's
best known work, illustrates a popular local legend. An
exceptionally large painting, it is clearly divided into two
zones: the heavenly above and the terrestrial below,
brought together compositionally.
Renaissance in the North
a. Renaissance in the Netherlands Erasmus
b. Renaissance in Flanders Pieter Bruegel (the Elder)
c. Renaissance in Germany
Pieter Bruegel (the Elder) (about 1525-1569 )
The Land of Cockayne (1567)
The Return of the Hunters (1565)
Renaissance in Germany
ⅰ. Albrecht Dürer
ⅱ. Hans Holbein (the younger)
Albrecht Dürer
Knight, Death and the Devil, 1513
The Four Horsemen of Apocalpse
Hans Holbein (the younger) (1497-1543)
Portrait of Henry Ⅷ
Erasmus of Rottendam, a memorable
image of a Renaissance man.
Renaissance in England
a. Historical Background
b. Thomas More
c. William Shakespeare
Thomas More
House of Thomas More in London.
Statue of Thomas More by
Leslie Cubitt Bevis in front of
Chelsea Old Church, Cheyne
Walk, London.
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's funerary monument
in Stratford-upon-Avon
Science and Technology during the Renaissance
1. Geographical Discoveries
2. Astronomy
3. Anatomy
4. Printing
5. Political Science and Historiography
Christopher Columbus
The "Colombus map" was
drawn circa 1490 in the
workshop of Bartolomeo
and Christopher Colombus
in Lisbon.
Handwritten notes by
Christopher Colombus on the
latin edition of Marco Polo's
Le livre des merveilles.
A depiction of Columbus claiming possession
of the New World in a chromolithograph made
by the Prang Education Company in 1893.
Replica of the Santa Maria
A statue of the Santa Maria,
Columbus' flagship in his first voyage.
The statue is at the House of
Columbus in Valladolid, Spain, the
city where Columbus died.
Columbus's tomb in Seville
Cathedral. It is borne by four
statues of kings representing the
Kingdoms of Castile, Leon,
Aragon, and Navarre.
Bartholomeu Dias
Statue of Dias at the High
Commission of South Africa
in London.
Statue of Dias in Cape Town,
South Africa
Vasco da Gama
Tomb in the Jerónimos
Monastery in Belem.
Vasco da Gama lands at
Calicut, May 20, 1498.
Amerigo Vespucci
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
Title page of the 2nd edition of De
revolutionibus, printed 1566 in Basel
a. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
b. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)
Aldus Manutius (1450-1515)
Aristotle printed by Aldus
Manutius, 1495-98
A page from Francesco Colonna's
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, printed
by Aldus Manutius
Political Science and Historiography
a. Dante
b. Niccolò Machiavelli
c. Giorgio Vasari
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)
Statue at the Uffizi.
Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574)