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Rebirth of Learning
"The Arnolfini Marriage“
by Jan van Eyck
The Renaissance
• Refer to “Should we be Renaissance
• Who can you call Renaissance people
• Are you a Renaissance Man or Woman?
• Refer to “How did the Renaissance change
man’s view of the world?”
What was the Renaissance?
• French word means “REBIRTH”
• Period when scholars (called humanists)
become interested in Greek and Roman
• Period when culture thrived (art,
architecture, music, and literature)
Where did the Renaissance
City-states of Northern Italy
Why did the Renaissance begin
in Northern Italy?
Hint: It’s the same reason art
flourishes in cities today.
• People migrated to towns and cities
• Merchants and bankers increased
• Wealth from TRADE and new
banking industries
• Medici family in Florence gave
financial support to artists to
beautify city and mansions
How did Renaissance art differ
from art of the past?
Let us take a look at art from the
Egyptian Art
Middle Ages Art
Les Tres riches
heures du Duc de
What general similarities do
these early artwork share?
• Two dimensional
• Few colors-early paints mixture
of egg, vinegar, and dyes.
• Few background details
• Lacked realism
Now let us examine some art and
artists from the Renaissance!
What differences do you notice
between the early artwork and the
artwork from the Renaissance?
Leonardo da Vinci
• illegitimate child
from 1452
• Jack of all trades:
painter, sculptor,
inventor, scientist
• Many of his
paintings today are
thought to have
hidden symbols that
show his disdain for
the church.
Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci: The Last
original 14ft x 29ft
Last Supper: reproduction
Vitruvian Man: Perfect Proportion
"From the roots of
his hair to the
bottom of his chin is
a tenth of a man's
height; from the
bottom of the chin
to the top of the
head is one eighth
of his height; from
the top of the
breast to the roots
of the hair will be
the seventh part of
the whole man. "
~ Notebooks of
The Phi ratio is often
found reflected in
nature- in the
spirals of the
nautilus, in the
growth patterns of
plants, the structure
of DNA. Buildings
such as the
Parthenon and the
Cathedral at
Chartres were built
using the Golden
golden ratio (1.618)
Early Design of the Machine Gun
Italian sculptor, painter,
architect and poet.
Michelangelo: David
The Ultimate Masterpiece:
The Sistine Chapel
Creation of Adam
Temptation and expulsion from eden
Raphael: School of Athens
The School of Athens: Michelangelo
School of Athens: Plato and Aristotle
Northern Renaissance in Belgium Flanders
Focus on extreme realism and small details
Jan Van Eyck: Wedding Portrait
What’s so great about the
Renaissance art?
More realistic
More detail
More vibrant colors : Oil Paints
Use of perspective: 3-D, uses
shading, vanishing point
How perspective works?
Perspective Study for "Adoration of the Magi"
of The
e of The
Andrea Mantegna c.