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Topic 1:
Introduction to Data Mining
Instructor: Chris Volinsky
Data Mining - Columbia University
• Who am I?
• Who are you?
Data Mining - Columbia University
Class Schedule
• Sept 8 – December 8
• No class Election Day or Thanksgiving
• Syllabus:
My email: [email protected]
My phone: 973-360-8644
My office hours: by appointment before or after class
Data Mining - Columbia University
Class Assessment
• 30% HW
– Due every two weeks
– 1st HW due next Thursday September 15
– No late HW accepted
• 40% Tests
– Midterm and Final
• 30% Data Mining Project
– Proposal due in October
– Project due Tuesday Dec 13
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Course Objectives
• Direct Objectives:
– To learn data mining techniques
– To see their use in real-world/research applications
– To understand limitations of standard statistical techniques in data
mining applications
– To get an understanding of the methodological principles behind
data mining
– To be able to read about data mining in the popular press with a
critical eye
– To implement & use data mining models using statistical software
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Data Analysis Project
• The goal of data mining is to find interesting patterns in data.
You will be required to:
Define a scientific question of interest
Collect a data set n>1000 (probably online)
Prepare the data set properly
Analyze the data using appropriate models
Write a 10-20 page report on your analysis (graphics included)
• Project proposals (1/2 -1 page) will be due in early October.
• “Volunteers” to present projects in class for extra credit.
• Finished reports will be due December 13.
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Data Mining Software
• Software
– Can use any software you like – must know how to input, manipulate, graph, and
analyze data.
– Preferred: R
– Also: SAS, Weka, SPSS, Systat, Enterprise Miner, JMP, Minitab, Matlab, SQL Server
– Maybe not: Excel, C
• What is R?
Open source statistical software grown out of S/Splus
Many user-contributed packages at CRAN (
Active, helpful user community (help lists, bulletin boards, etc)
R Tutorials available online (see class website and CRAN)
Great graphics (with a bit of a learning curve)
• Other useful tools: Perl/Python, AWK, Shell scripts
Data Mining - Columbia University
• Data mining is a new field and as such, does not have authoritative texts
• This class draws from many sources, best are
“Elements of Statistical Learning” Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman
“Handbook of Data Mining” Hand, Mannila and Smyth
“Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis” Cook and Swayne
“Data Mining – Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques” Witten
and Frank
– Also good class notes available from other classes:
David Madigan, Columbia
Di Cook, Iowa State
Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine
Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser
see class web site for pointers to these notes, or just Google them!)
• Also a few good books which teach stats/DM through R:
“The R Book” Crawley
“A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R” Evirtt and Hothorn
“Modern Applied Statistics Using S-Plus” Venables and Ripley
Data Mining - Columbia University
Course Outline
• Each ‘unit’ covers two lectures
• Units:
Intro to Data Mining
Data exploration and visualization
Data Mining Concepts
Regression Topics
Classification and Supervised Learning
Clustering and Unsupervised Learning
Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Web Mining
Social Networks
Assorted Topics
Advanced Classification – Neural networks, Support Vector machines
Ensemble methods
Recommender Systems
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What is Data Mining?
• Not well defined….
• No one can agree on what data mining is! In fact the experts
have very different descriptions:
– “finding interesting structure (patterns, statistical models, relationships) in
data bases”. - Fayyad, Chaduriand
– “the nontrivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and
ultimately understandable patterns in data.” - Fayyad
– “a knowledge discovery process of extracting previously unknown,
actionable information from very large data bases” – Zorne
– “a process that uses a variety of data analysis tools to discover patterns and
relationships in data that may be used to make valid predictions.”--Edelstein
Data Mining - Columbia University
What is Data Mining
• From Zaiane:
– Data Mining, also popularly known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)...
– The Knowledge Discovery in Databases process comprises of a few steps leading from
raw data collections to some form of new knowledge. The iterative process consists of
the following steps:
Data cleaning: ...
Data integration: ...
Data selection: ...
Data transformation: ...
Data mining: it is the crucial step in which clever techniques are applied to extract patterns
potentially useful.
Pattern evaluation: ...
Knowledge representation: ...
Data Mining - Columbia University
What is Data Mining?
• What does the authority say?
– Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from data.
– Data mining is the process of discovering new patterns from large data sets involving
methods from statistics and artificial intelligence but also database management.
Hand, Mannila, Smyth:
– “data mining is the analysis of (often large) observational data sets to find
unsuspected relationships and to summarize the data in novel ways that are
both understandable and useful to the data owner”
Isn’t that the same as statistics?
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Data Mining vs. Statistics
• Snark: Data Mining = Statistics + Marketing
• Statistics is known for:
well defined hypotheses used to learn about a
specifically chosen population studied using
carefully collected data providing inferences with
well known properties.
• Data mining isn’t that careful. It is:
data driven discovery of
models and patterns from
massive and
observational data sets
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Data Mining v. Statistics
Traditional statistics
– first hypothesize, then collect data, then analyze
– often model-oriented (strong parametric models)
– Focused on understanding
Data mining (also Machine Learning):
few if any a priori hypotheses
data is usually already collected a priori
analysis is typically data-driven not hypothesis-driven
Often algorithm-oriented rather than model-oriented
Focused on prediction
– statistical ideas are very useful in data mining, e.g., in validating whether discovered
knowledge is useful
– Increasing overlap at the boundary of statistics and DM
– Cultures could learn from each other
– Very powerful when used together
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Data Mining Enablers
• Explosion of data
• Fast and cheap computation and storage
– Moore’s Law: processing doubles every two years
– Disk storage doubles every 9 months
– Database technology
• Competitive pressure in business
– Data has value! Successes are widely publicized
• Commercial products
• SAS, SPSS, Google Analytics, IBM, Oracle
– Open Source products
• Weka
• R
• Don’t need a data mining expert to do data mining!
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Data-Driven Discovery
• Observational data
– cheap relative to experimental data
• Examples:
– Retail stores, airlines, etc
– Amazon, Google, etc
– Do iPhone users use more data than Android users?
• makes sense to leverage available, observational data
– What are the perils of observational data?
– Easy to do pseudo-experiments
– Observational data can also help in hypothesis
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Data Mining: Confluence of Multiple Disciplines
Data Mining
Different fields have different views of what data mining is
(also different terminology!)
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Data Data Data
• It’s all about the data - where does it come from?
Business processes/transactions
Telecommunications and networking
Medical imagery
Government, census, demographics (!)
Sensor networks, RFID tags
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Types of Data: Flat File or Vector Data
2.3 -1.5 … -1.3
1.1 0.1
… -0.1
• Rows = objects
• Columns = measurements on objects
– Represent each row as a p-dimensional vector, where p is the dimensionality
• In efffect, embed our objects in a p-dimensional vector space
• Both n and p can be very large in data mining (also p>>n)
• Matrix can be quite sparse
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Can be
represented as a
sparse matrix
Types of Data: TextData
“The Help”
Word IDs
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Transactional Data
Date stamped events (weblogs, phone calls):, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:11, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 781, 363, 875, 200, 0, GET, /top.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:16, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 5288, 524, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:17, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 30, 280, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 16:18:50, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 60, 425, 72, 304, 0, GET, /top.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 16:18:58, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 8322, 527, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 16:18:59, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 280, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:54:37, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 140, 199, 875, 200, 0, GET, /top.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:54:55, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 17766, 365, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:54:55, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:07, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:36, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 1061, 382, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:36, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:39, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:56:03, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 1081, 382, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:56:04, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:56:33, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 262, 72, 304, 0, GET, /top.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:56:52, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 19598, 382, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,
Can be represented as a time series:
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3
7 7 7
5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
Data Mining - Columbia University
Types of Data: Relational Data, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:07, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:36, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 1061, 382, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 20:55:36, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 0, 258, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:11, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 781, 363, 875, 200, 0, GET, /top.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:16, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 5288, 524, 414, 200, 0, POST, /spt/main.html, -,, -, 3/22/00, 10:35:17, W3SVC, SRVR1,, 30, 280, 111, 404, 3, GET, /spt/images/bk1.jpg, -,
…,, Doe, John, 12 Main St, 973-462-3421, Madison, NJ, 07932,Trank, Jill, 11 Elm St, 998-555-5675, Chester, NJ, 07911
07911, Chester, NJ, 07954, 34000, , 40.65, -74.12
07932, Madison, NJ, 56000, 40.642, -74.132
• Most large data sets are stored in relational data sets
• Special data query language: SQL
• Oracle, MSFT, IBM
• Good open source versions: MySQL, PostGres
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Types of Data: Time Series Data
Often many time
series, long time series,
or multivariate time
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Time Series: Ebay Data
Jank, Shmueli, et al (2005)
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Types of Data: Image Data
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Spatio Temporal Data
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Network Data: Physical Network
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Network Data: Derived Social Network
Algorithms for estimating relative importance in networks
S. White and P. Smyth, ACM SIGKDD, 2003.
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Social Network: Real social network
HP Labs email
500 people, 20k
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Examples of Data Mining Successes
Market Basket (WalMart)
Recommender Systems (
Fraud Detection in Telecommunications (AT&T)
Target Marketing / CRM
Financial Markets
DNA Microarray analysis (or is it?)
Web Traffic / Blog analysis
Data Mining - Columbia University
Examples of Data Mining Successes
Google is a company built on data mining
PageRank mined the web to build better search
Google as spell checker
Google as ad placer
Google as news aggregator
Google as face recognizer
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The Data Mining Process
• Often called KDD - Knowledge Discovery in
• Analysis is just one part of the process
Data collection and storage
Data cleaning
Data sampling
Decision making
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Different Data Mining Tasks
• Exploratory Data Analysis
• Descriptive Modeling
• Predictive Modeling
• Discovering Patterns and Rules
• + others….
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Exploratory Data Analysis
• Before you model – what do you do?
• Must check your data
– Compute summary statistics: range, max, min, mean, median, variance,
– Missing values, outliers, skewness, etc
– What types of variables do you have?
• Visualization is widely used
– 1d histograms
– 2d scatter plots
– Higher-dimensional methods
• Simple exploratory analysis can be extremely valuable
– Always “look” at your data before applying any data mining
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Example of Exploratory Data Analysis
Languages of the World Wide Web – Google Research Blog July, 2011
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Descriptive Modeling
• Goal is to build a “descriptive” model
– e.g., a model that could simulate the data if needed
– models the underlying process
• Examples:
– Density estimation:
• estimate the joint distribution P(x1,……xp)
– Cluster analysis:
• Find natural groups in the data
– Dependency models among the p variables
• Learning a Bayesian network for the data
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Example of Descriptive Modeling
Hemoglobin vs. cell volume
Control Group
Anemia Group
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Example of Descriptive Modeling
Control Group
Anemia Group
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Predictive Modeling
• Predict one variable Y given a set of other variables X
– Here X could be a p-dimensional vector
– Classification: Y is categorical
– Regression: Y is real-valued
• In effect this is function approximation, learning the relationship
between Y and X
• In data mining, the emphasis is on predictive accuracy, not on
understanding the model
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Predictive Modeling: Fraud Detection
• Telecommunications fraud detection
– Fraud costs companies US$ Billions per year
– very few transactions are fraudulent, but they are costly
• Approach
– For each transaction estimate “fraudiness”.
– Based on known fraud AND known user behavior
– High probability cases investigated by fraud police
• Example models:
– Credit card usage profiling
– anomaly detection
– guilt by association
Data Mining - Columbia University
Pattern Discovery
• Goal is to discover interesting “local” patterns in
the data rather than to characterize the data globally
• given market basket data we might discover that
• If customers buy wine and bread then they buy cheese with
probability 0.9
• These are known as “association rules”
• This was how data mining was born.
• But I don’t like it
• Other examples:
– Astronomy
– Finance
Data Mining - Columbia University
Example of Pattern Discovery
• IBM “Advanced Scout” System
– Bhandari et al. (1997)
– Every NBA basketball game is annotated,
• e.g., time = 6 mins, 32 seconds
event = 3 point basket
player = Michael Jordan
• This creates a huge untapped database of information
– IBM algorithms search for rules of the form
“If player A is in the game, player B’s scoring rate increases from
3.2 points per quarter to 8.7 points per quarter”
Data Mining - Columbia University
Data Mining Pitfalls
• Is data mining always necessary
– Just because you have a terabyte doesn’t mean you need
to use it.
• Privacy concerns
– Differ by country, industry, application, generation
• Meaningfulness of patterns unclear
– Rhine paradox
– Terrorism
– DM has a lot to learn from statistics!
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Rhine Paradox
• David Rhine: parapsychologist who studied ESP (he was a
• He devised an experiment where subjects were asked to guess
10 hidden cards --- red or blue.
• Reported: 1 in 1000 people have ESP
• He told these people they had ESP and called them in for
another test of the same type.
• What do you think happened?
• What is the conclusion?
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Data Mining Pitfalls
PR Problems: data mining as a four letter word?
– ...increasingly people’s data is at risk. The old ways ...are still at use like dumpster
diving, stealing from mailboxes, physical theft, and credit card receipt copying. New
tactics include disparate techniques of phishing, email fraud, data mining, spam, keylogging and an array of other technological processes. - Steven D. Domenikos,
IdentityTruth, 2008
– One place oversight is sorely lacking is in the whole matter of data mining. ...What
have they contributed? Not a single case comes to mind in which security services
apprehended a terrorist following identification by data mining. ...that huge database
will be out there, win or lose, for some government agency to divert to its purposes or
some hacker to turn to private gain or crime. - John Prados,
Data Mining - Columbia University
Fighting Terrorism in the US
• US Government is widely known to be collecting lots of data on
Americans and using data mining to look for patterns consistent with
terrorist activity.
• Bruce Schneier, Wired Magazine, “Why Data Mining Won’t Stop
• Assume:
1 in 100 false positive (99% precision)
1 in 1000 false negative
1 trillion events (phone calls, credit card transactions, emails) per day
10 are really terrorist plots
• Then:
– 1 billion false alarms for every true plot uncovered
– 27 million leads daily
– Even if 99.9999% precision = 2,750 false alarms
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Data Mining v. Privacy
• There is often tension between data mining and
personal privacy:
• Now, some case studies….
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Risk v. Reward in Data Mining
More data about more people in fewer places
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The risks of research
My own personal story:
or…how a paper published in JCGS leads me to
be connected to FBI wiretapping.
2001-2005: Publish papers on “Communities of Interest” – using
social networks and “Guilt by association” to catch fraud
9 September 2007: NYT lead story “F.B.I. Data Mining Reached
Beyond Initial Targets” – discusses FBI techniques COI and GBA
23 October 2007: Blogosphere erupts: “How AT&T Provides the FBI
with Terror Suspect Leads”
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The Good, The Bad, and the Maybe
• The question remains: how do we effectively
leverage sensitive personal data for research
• Three case studies can give insight
– Netflix Prize
– AOL search dataset
– Barabasi mobile study
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Case Study 1: AOL Search Data
• August 4, 2006: AOL releases 20M search terms
by anonymized users ‘for research purposes’.
– Why?
• Within hours, uproar on the blogs
– “The utter stupidity of this is staggering” TechCrunch
• August 7: AOL removes data, issues apology
– “this was a screw-up, and we are angry”
– “an innocent enough attempt to reach out to the
research community”
• August 9: NYT front page story
– Identifies Thelma Arnold, 62 year old widow
Data Mining - Columbia University
Case Study 1: AOL Search Data
• What’s the big deal?
– Ego searches make it easy to figure out who you are – combined with porn or
illegal queries can make for serious privacy violations.
• What went wrong
Not well thought out : risk >> reward
Poor internal controls on public data release
Lack of understanding of subject matter
Lack of understanding of anonymizing data
• Fallout
– CTO + at least two others fired
– Data still out in the public
• Is it ethical to study?
– Inspiration for bad drama
Data Mining - Columbia University
“purple lilac," "happy bunny pictures,”
"square dancing steps” "cut into your
trachea," "pee fetish,” "Simpsons incest."
Case Study 2: Netflix Prize
• October 2006: Netflix releases anonymized
movie ratings from its customer base
– 100M ratings, 500K customers (<10% of all data)
• Random integer as user ID
• "some of the rating data for some customers in the training
and qualifying sets have been deliberately perturbed in one
or more of the following ways: deleting ratings; inserting
alternative ratings and dates; and modifying rating dates”
• 2007: Shock paper claiming de-anonymization
of Netflix Prize data
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Case Study 2: Netflix Prize
• Narayanan and Shmatikov (2008)
– “The adversary with a small amount of
background knowledge about an individual…can
identify with high probability that individual’s
record in the data and learn…sensitive attributes”
– Claim that Netflix’ data sanitization not relevant
– Accuse Netflix of violating Video Privacy
Protection Act of 1988
– Details:
• With aux info on 8 movies, where 2 can be wrong, and
dates are known within 14 days; 99% de-anonymization
– Aux info can be gotten via web sites, water
coolers, etc
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• People might be willing to give away some ratings, but
Case Study 2: Netflix Prize
• Much ado about nothing
– Although paper is technically correct, dates are key
• Without dates, you must know 8 movies, all outside of the top
500 to get over 80% chance of de-anonymization
• Auxiliary data very hard to come by
• No known cases discovered
• Netflix did it right
– Consulted with top machine learning experts
– 0 < risk << reward
– Investment in quality data and expertise mitigated
Data Mining - Columbia University
Case Study 3: Barabasi Mobile Study
• Gonzalez, Hidalgo and Barabasi (2008)
– Article in Nature outlines study on human mobility patterns
100000 individuals selected randomly from dataset of 6 million
Unidentified country (unclear if the researchers knew)
Cell tower location at start of call
206 individuals were “pinged” every two hours for a week
– Findings
• “humans follow simple, reproducible patterns”
• Sample finding: Nearly three-quarters of those studied mainly stayed
within a 20-mile-wide circle for half a year.
• Results “could impact all phenomena driven by human mobility, from
epidemic prevention to emergency response and urban planning.”
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Case Study 3: Barabasi Mobile Study
• Uproar ensued over ‘secret tracking’ of cell phone users
– Blowback of negative feedback to Nature and scientists
– Study would be “illegal in the US”
– Approval from ONR review board and Northeastern review board.
Barabasi did not check with an “ethics panel”
• Response
– Hidalgo: “the data could be misused”, but we were “not trying to do
evil things. We are trying to make the world a little better.”
– Northeastern and Nature backed the research
– Continues to be referenced as an example of dangerous research
– Risk and reward both very high
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Research Concepts - Privacy
• How do we guarantee that data is private?
– “quasi-identifiers” – combinations of attributes within the data that can be
used to identify individuals.
– E.g. 87% of the population of the United States can be uniquely identified by
gender, date of birth, and 5-digit zip code
– Datasets are “k-anonymous” when for any given quasi-identifier, a record is
indistinguishable from k-1 others.
• But, one step further, maybe all k have a given sensitive attribute!
– The distribution of target values within a group is referred to as “l-diversity”.
• Ways to ‘fuzz’ data to increase anonymity and diversity:
– Generalize / summarize the data : bin size, aggregate counts
– Suppress or delete data
– Perturb data
• Balance between privacy and utility is a hot research topic
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Data Mining and Ethics
• Privacy is not the only issue – data mining brings up ethical
issues as well
• Can you use sexual and/or racial information for profiling?
– Medical diagnosis?
– Loan payments?
– What about proxies for these things?
• Best practices:
Full disclosure
Full transparency
Limited access to data
But: can we use data for the public good without informing
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