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Chapter 2
The Digestive System:
Mechanism for Nourishing the
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Structures of the Digestive
Tract & the Digestive Process
• Main structures:
Oral cavity
Small & large
• Accessory organs:
– Pancreas
– Liver
– Gallbladder
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Structures of the Digestive
Tract & the Digestive Process
• Lumen has 4 main layers:
– Mucosa
• Epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosa
– Submucosa
• Connective tissue, lymphoid tissue, submucosal
– Muscularis externa
• Circular & longitudinal smooth muscle, myenteric
– Serosa or adventitia
• Connective tissue, visceral peritoneum
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Oral Cavity
• Mouth & pharynx
• Salivary glands
• Enzymes in saliva
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Esophagus
• Moves bolus from oral cavity to
• Swallowing
– Voluntary, pharyngeal, esophageal
• Peristalsis
• Gastroesophageal sphincter
• Selected diseases & conditions of
the esophagus - GERD
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Stomach
• 4 main regions:
– Cardia region
– Fundus
– Body
– Antrum or distal pyloric region
• Grinds food & mixes with gastric juices to
form chyme
• Strong peristalsis for gastric emptying
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Stomach
• Gastric glands:
– Cardiac glands
– Oxyntic glands
– Pyloric glands
• Cells in glands:
– Neck (mucus)
– Parietal (oxyntic)
– Chief (peptic or
zymogenic) cells
– Enteroendocrine
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Stomach
• Gastric juice
– HCl
Converts pepsinogen to pepsin
Denatures proteins
Releases nutrients from organic complexes
Acts as bacteriocide
– Enzymes - pepsin, amylase, lipase
– Mucus
– Intrinsic factor
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Stomach
• Regulation of gastric secretions
– Hormones & peptides that inhibit
gastric secretions
– Hormones & neuropeptides that
stimulate gastric secretions
– Other factors
– HCl release stimulated by gastrin,
acetylcholine, histamine
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Stomach
• Selected diseases & conditions of
the stomach - peptic ulcers
• Regulation of gut motility & gastric
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Small Intestine
• Structural aspects of the small
– Folds of Kerckring - large circular
folds of mucosa
– Villi - finger-like projections
– Microvilli - hair-like extensions of the
cells’ plasma membranes
– Brush border
– Crypts of Lieberkühn
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Small Intestine
• Regulation of intestinal secretions
& motility
• Immune system protection of the
gastrointestinal tract
– Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
– Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Accessory Organs
• The pancreas
– Digestive enzymes produced by
acinar exocrine cells
– Pancreatic juice contains:
• Bicarbonate
• Electrolytes
• Pancreatic digestive enzymes
– Regulation of pancreatic secretions
– Pancreatic digestive enzymes
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Accessory Organs
• The liver
– Consists of lobes made of lobules
– Portal circulation
– Bile canaliculi
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Accessory Organs
• The gallbladder
– Bile synthesis
– Selected conditions/diseases of the
– Bile storage
– The function of bile
– The recirculation & excretion of bile
– Bile circulation & hypercholesterolemia
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Digestive & Absorptive
• Digestion
– Breaking nutrients down
– Occurs in lumen & at brush border
• Most digestion & absorption occur in
small intestine
• Absorption may be by diffusion,
facilitated diffusion, active transport, or
pinocytosis/ endocytosis
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Digestive & Absorptive
• Mechanism of absorption depends
– Solubility (fat vs. water)
– Concentration or electrical gradient
– Size of molecule
• Unabsorbed materials continue to
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
The Colon or Large Intestine
• Contracts to mix materials
• Proximal colonic epithelia absorb
Na, Cl, H2O
• Materials dehydrated
• Intestinal bacteria populations of
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Intestinal Bacteria (Microflora),
Pre- and Probiotics, and Disease
• Fermentation - breakdown of CHO
& protein anaerobically
• Generate lactate & short-chain
fatty acids, gases
• Probiotics - foods containing live
bacterial cultures
• Prebiotics - food ingredients that
promote bacterial growth
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Intestinal Bacteria (Microflora),
Pre- and Probiotics, and Disease
• Probiotics are thought to:
– Enhance immunity
– Prevent colonization by pathogens
– Lower pH of the colon
– Transform/promote excretion of toxic
– Enhance fecal bulk
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Coordination & Regulation of
the Digestive Process
• Neural regulation
– Myenteric plexus - peristalsis, motility
– Submucosal plexus - secretions, local
blood flow
• Regulatory peptides
– Hormones
– Paracrines
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Regulatory Peptides
• Gastrin
• Cholecystokinin
• Secretin
• Motilin
• Glucosedependent
peptide (GIP)
• Peptide YY
• Enteroglucagon
• Amyline
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Regulatory Peptides
• Paracrine-acting
– Somatostatin
– Glucagon-like
– Insulin-like growth
• Neurocrine
– Vasoactive
polypeptide (VIP)
– Gastrin-releasing
peptide (GRP)
– Neurotensin
– Substance powder
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Perspective 2
An Overview of Selected
Digestive System Disorders
with Implications for
Nourishing the Body
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth
Selected Disorders
• Disorder 1: Gastroesophageal
reflux cisease
• Disorder 2: Inflammatory bowel
• Disorder 3: Celiac disease
• Disorder 4: Chronic pancreatitis
2009 Cengage-Wadsworth