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EAQ: (Essential Assessment Question)
A calorie is ……….., but an empty
calorie is…
Calories are just a measurement tool, like inches or
ounces. They measure the energy a food or beverage provides - from the carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol it contains.
Calories are the fuel you need to work and play. You even need
calories to rest and sleep! Foods and beverages vary in how
many calories and nutrients they contain. When choosing what to
eat and drink, it's important to get the right mix- enough nutrients,
but not too many calories.
Currently, many of the foods and beverages
Americans eat and drink contain empty calories –
calories from solid fats and/or added sugars.
Solid fats and added sugars can make a food
or beverage more appealing, but
they also can add a lot of calories.
The foods and beverages that
provide the most empty
calories for Americans are:
Cakes, cookies, pastries, and donuts
(contain both solid fat and added sugars)
Sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fruit
drinks (contain added sugars)
Cheese (contains solid fat)
Pizza (contains solid fat)
Ice cream (contains both solid fat and added
Sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and ribs (contain
solid fat)
Energy Drinks
What is a Calorie? – 2000 as an
average – write on the back of
flip chart
One food Calorie (1 kcal or 1,000
calories) is the amount of digestively
available food energy (heat) that will
raise the temperature of one kilogram of
water one degree Celsius.
My Pyramid
Let’s take a quick
Warm up: Cut out your plate and glue it into
journal. Be ready to take some notes on the 6
Essential Nutrients.
The 6 Essential Nutrients
They are chemicals supplied by food.
The body uses nutrients to supply
energy, build new cells, and mend
injured ones, and keep vital the
processes of the body
(write this on the back of your flip chart)
6 Essential Nutrients
Comes from both animals and plants
Animal food with protein are meats, eggs,
fish, milk, cheese.
Plant foods with protein are grains, dried
beans and peas, nuts.
Animal proteins contain saturated fat
which may lead to body fat.
Are used as fuel for the body (the main
source of energy).
Three forms of carbs are starches, sugar,
and fiber.
Starch gives slow burning, but long lasting
Starches are found in grains, foods made
from flour, and in potatoes and rice.
Sugar gives a quick burst energy and are
found in fruit, honey, milk, sweet potatoes,
and candy.
Too much sugar may lead to tooth decay
Fiber is not digested, but is important in
helping eliminate body wastes.
Fiber is the stingy part of fruit, vegetables,
and whole grains.
Too little fiber in the diet may lead to
slower digestion.
Animal (saturated) fats are found in
meat, poultry, eggs, and milk
Plant (unsaturated) fats are found
in veg. oil, nuts, margarine, and
Too much fat in the diet may lead
to obesity, and heart disease.
Vitamins are chemical needed in
small amounts to:
1) prevent disease
2) regulate body processes
Two kinds of vitamins:
1) Fat soluble = A,D, E, K = stored
2) Water soluble = B, C = needed daily
Eating too little: chemical processes
in body do not work = sick
Eating too much: extra fat soluble
vitamins are stored in body. Large
amounts of some are toxic.
Large amounts of water soluble
vitamins leave undesirable side
(Vit. C=diarrhea)
Vitamin A
Beta-carotene – which is linked to
prevention of vision disorders, cancer,
and cardiovascular disease.
Found in yellow, orange, and green leafy
Animal products are milk, cheese,
butter, egg yolks, fish, and liver
B- Vitamins
Riboflavin or B2 – skin, eyes
Thiamin or B1 & niacin – promote
healthy nervous system.
Helps the body use calories form carbs,
protein, and fats.
Dairy products = B2
B1 and niacin = meat, dry beans, whole
grains, enriched breads and cereal
Vitamin C
Helps in process of carbohydrates and
production of fats and protein
Strengthens immune system
Found in citrus fruits, tomatoes,
potatoes, green leafy vegetables, meat,
Vitamin D
Plays role in immune system
Helps body absorb calcium and
With enough exposure to sunlight, we
manufacture as much Vit. D as we like.
Found in some fish, dairy, and meat
Calcium and phosphorus make strong
bones and teeth.
Iron makes blood to carry oxygen.
Minerals are found in milk, eggs, meat, fish,
grains, and vegetables.
Too little calcium in women may result in
Functions –
1) carries nutrients to cells
2) takes waste products from cells
3) maintains body temperature
4) aids in digestion