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A Healthful Diet
The ABC’s and DMV’s of
healthy eating.
Diet Defined
Diet refers to the pattern of food
consumption followed by an individual.
Your diet can include both healthy and
unhealthy eating behaviors.
Dieting refers to changing one’s usual
pattern of eating. Often dieting includes
reduction of unhealthy nutrients like
saturated fats, sodium, or sugar.
The ABC’s and DMV of Healthy
Eating Patterns
Six concepts can help you to improve your
ABC: Adequacy, Balance, Calorie control
DMV: Dense with nutrients, Moderation,
and Variety.
Small changes in eating patterns
can cause great
benefits in long
term health.
A: Adequacy
Adequacy: your diet provides enough of each of
the 6 nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat,
vitamins, minerals, and water) essential for
maintaining good health.
If your body does not provide enough nutrients
deficiencies could result.
Remember that some nutrients are stored in the
body (protein, fat, calcium) and
others must be replaced each day
(carbohydrates, iron,
vitamin C & others)
Energy Yielding Nutrient
Components of a Healthful Diet
Protein 12%
Fat 30%
Your diet should be comprised of approximately
58% carbohydrate foods (fruits, vegetables, and
grains), 12% protein (meat, dairy, beans, nuts),
and 30% fat (meat, dairy, nuts).
B: Balance
Balance: your diet does not overemphasize
any food type or nutrient at the expense of
another. Your diet contains a balance from
the food guide pyramid.
Too much or too little of one nutrient may
cause health problems.
Too much of a nutrient may cause a
deficiency in consumption or absorption of
other nutrients.
C: Calorie Control
Calorie Control: your diet supplies enough
calories to maintain your weight, not too
much or too little.
Foods should be selected to balance each
other in total calorie content.
For example if you wish to eat a sweet
food with excess calories then you should
choose a meal that is low in calories but
high in nutrients.
The four slices of bread and ½ of a blueberry muffin both have 200 calories
D: Dense with Nutrients
Dense with nutrients: or nutrient dense
foods, are those that provide a lot of
nutrients but relatively few calories.
Examples of nutrient dense foods are
spinach, broccoli, beans, small white fish,
oranges, green pepper, skim milk, cottage
cheese, light meat of poultry, watermelon.
Whole unprocessed foods tend to be more
nutrient dense than prepared processed
M: Moderation
Moderation: your diet is relatively low in fat,
sugar, and salt.
Too much fat, sugar, and salt in the diet are
associated with many types of cancer, heart
disease, obesity, diabetes, and high blood
Moderation is best learned at a young age since
it is easier to maintain a healthy habit than to
create a new one.
Foods to avoid include, candy, pastries, fried
foods, red meats, pickled foods, and processed
foods like microwave dinners.
V: Variety
Variety: your diet provides a variety of
different foods from each section of the
food guide pyramid.
You eat many different types of fruits
rather than just apples, grapes and
The more variety from each section you
eat the better your changes are of getting
enough of all the nutrients.
Variety helps to make foods interesting.