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The AutoImmune
Americans Living With
Autoimmune Disorders
( in millions)
Crohns & Colitis
Type 1 Diabetes
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
With Barb Lagoni
Hannah Sharapan
Linda Dietz
Beverly Willingham
Eliza Burnham Swain
Autoimmune diseases
are conditions where
the body’s immune
system attacks its
own tissues rather
than a foreign
molecule like bacteria.
• More than 80 types of autoimmune diseases,
• Some have similar symptoms…more difficult to diagnose
. Often, first symptoms are fatigue, muscle aches and a low fever.
• Classic sign of autoimmune disease is inflammation, …
can cause redness, heat, pain and swelling.
• Treatment depends on the disease, but in most cases one
important goal is to reduce inflammation.
24 Million Americans With Auto-Immune Diseases
• The Incidence of autoimmune disease has tripled in the last few
• Affects more women than heart disease and breast cancer
Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus,
multiple sclerosis, scleroderma,
inflammatory bowel disease,
type-1 diabetes,
hypothyroidism and psoriasis
are most common…
But many more autoimmune
diseases affect the nervous
system, joints and muscles,
skin, endocrine gland, and
Causes of AutoImmune Disorders
Functional and Holistic Medicine address the
underlying causes of autoimmune disorders .
-- Toxins
-- Infections
-- Allergens
-- Poor diets high in sugar
& refined carbs
-- Leaky Gut
-- Inflammation
-- Stress
-- Genetics
-- Gender –
more common in women
AutoImmune Disorders Affect More Women Than Men
One Cause Exposure to Toxins
When autoimmune conditions occur…
something confuses the immune
system…such as .. the enormous load of
environmental toxins to which we are all
The immune system may not be
hyperactivebut malfunctioning.
The Autoimmune Epidemic, by Donna Jackson Nakazawa .
Environmental Toxins:
One Cause of Autoimmune Disease
• We are exposed to astounding amounts of pollution.
Over 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into our society since
1980, and only 550 have been tested for safety. According to the US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), about 2.5 billion pounds of toxic
chemicals are released yearly by large industrial facilities. And 6 million
pounds of mercury are poured into our air every year.
• “The National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals”
issued in July 2005 -- found an average of 148 chemicals in our bodies. And
those were only the ones for which they tested. (i)
It gets worse ...
The Environmental Working Group examined the blood in umbilical
cords & found 287 industrial chemicals, including pesticides,
phthalates, dioxins, flame-retardants, Teflon, and toxic metals like
mercury. And this was before these infants even entered the world!
That’s not to mention toxins found in our foods and in the home, like
cleaning agents, fragrances and pest control products – all of which
add to the total toxic load on our bodies.
Causes of Leaky Gut
• Low fiber, high sugar, processed diet
• Overuse of medications – NSAIDS, aspirin, antibiotics, acid
blockers, hormones, steroids
• Low grade microbe imbalance – yeast, bacterial overgrowth
and parasites
• Inflammation
• Gluten sensitivity
Linda Dietz -- Lupus
Family history of autoimmune disorders –
Allergies, asthma, thyroid issues, infections
Poor diet
Now in remission – Chose holistic approaches
• Natural plant-based diet … lots of vegetables
• Detoxed the body
• Replaced cleaning products with Get Clean Non-Toxic Cleaners
• Aggressive supplement program
Beverly Willingham -- Scleraderma
• No family history of autoimmune disease
• STRESS was the major trigger –
-- husband killed in car crash
-- children leaving home for college
-- death of 2 family pets
--death of her father
-- stressful teaching job
• Diet high in refined carbohydrates
• Part of support group who used experimental
• She chose natural approach .. Massive vitamin
therapy. .. And dietary changes
Eliza BurnhamSwain -• Started feeling lethargic and achy at 28 years old.
• Was pretty much bed-ridden by 36 years old, after 8
years of insomnia and increasing lethargy and pain.
• Diagnosed by a rheumatologist at 36 with Fibromyalgia.
Given anti-depressants.
• Started my wellness journey immediately, trying to
learn everything I could to heal and not just mask my
• Got better to a certain point with the supplements and
wellness regime I was following for 17 years.
• Then – changed brands ,.. Absorbed the nutrients
better … saw significant improvement
Conventional Medicine Treats
Symptoms ..Not Cause
• Strategy -- to shut down the immune response with powerful
medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs like Advil and Aleve, steroids like prednisone, anticancer drugs like methotrexate, and new drugs like
Enbrel and Remicade that block the effects of a powerful
inflammatory molecule called TNF alpha.
• The drugs shut down immune system so powerfully that they
increase the risk of cancer and life-threatening infections.
• Frequent and serious side effects, often give only partial relief.
Side Effects Enbrel
• Risk of infection. ENBREL can lower the ability of your immune system to
fight infections. Some people have serious infections while taking ENBREL.
These infections include tuberculosis (TB), and infections caused by
viruses, fungi or bacteria that spread throughout their body. Some
people have died from these infections. Risk of cancer. There have been
cases of unusual cancers in children and teenage patients who started
using TNF-blocking agents at less than 18 years of age.
• For children, teenagers, and adults taking TNF-blocker medicines,
including ENBREL, the chances of getting lymphoma or other cancers may
• People with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, especially those with very
active disease, may be more likely to get lymphoma.
• Autoimmune reactions, including: Lupus-like syndrome. Symptoms include
a rash on your face and arms that gets worse in the sun.
• Autoimmune hepatitis. Liver problems can happen in people who use TNF
blocker medicines, including ENBREL. These problems can lead to liver
failure and death.
Natural Approaches to AutoImmune Conditions
• Diet –
-- Eliminate sugar, gluten and refined carbs that damage the
gut and feed candida
-- Eliminate foods that increase inflammation ( meat and dairy)
-- Include foods that decrease inflammation .. vegetables
• Avoid toxins in food and environment – Get Clean Cleaning
products, avoiding food sensitivities
• Maintain healthy immune system
--Reduce stress
-- Supplements
--Adequate sleep
• Keep moving
• Reduce inflammation through diet and supplements
Supplements To Help Repair
Damaged Immune Systems
Linda Dietz, Beverly Willingham,
Eliza Burnham Swain, Hannah
Sharapan, Barb Lagoni
Causes of Auto-Immune Disorders
Functional and Holistic Medicine address the
underlying causes of autoimmune
disorders ..
-- Toxins
-- Infections
-- Allergens
-- Poor diets high in sugar
& refined carbs & gluten
-- Leaky Gut
-- Inflammation
-- Stress
-- Genetics
Supplements To Reduce Inflammation, Heal the
Gut and Repair the Immune System
• Reducing inflammation -- Omega , Vita C , Vivix, Alfalfa
• Heal the gut -- Optiflora, Premium Garlic, non-GMO Soy
Protein ( Shaklee 180 bars and smoothees, Vitalized Protein,
Energizing Soy Protein )
• Stress nutrients .. B Complex and Stress Relief Complex,
Calcium/Magnesium and OsteoMatrix
• Vita E – scar tissue
• Vitalizer – 80 nutrients to strengthen and rebuild cells
Optiflora Probiotic (Friendly Bacteria)
Why Optiflora?
• We are constantly exposed to bad bacteria &
yeast in the food we eat
• Antibiotics wipe out the good bacteria
• Bad bacteria & yeast ( candida )
– Weaken the immune system
– Cause gas, bloating, diarrhea,
Irritable bowel
– Cause acid reflux
– Allergies
Unique, Patented “Triple Encapsulation”
Technology Protects “Live” Microflora
Supports healthy immune system
& healthy digestion
“Live” microflora
Water and oxygen barrier
Stomach acid protection
Only Shaklee has it!
500 million friendly bacteria/capsule
Triple encapsulation process → 90% delivery
OPTIFLORA™ completely survives stomach acid.
Microflora are then released in the intestine. han
4 Key Functions of Probiotics
in the Lower Intestines
• Strengthen the immune system
• Maintain a healthy lining of the gut to prevent
parasites and toxins from entering the blood stream
• Enhances the detoxification of
heavy metals and chemicals
• Produces Vitamin K and Biotin
(that’s why antibiotics can cause vitamin deficiencies
Optiflora Capsules
• Optimum vitamin + mineral amounts
• Now with 1,000-1,200 IU Vitamin D!
Most powerful antioxidant spectrum*
Anti-aging nutrients*
7 Omega-3 fatty acids ( reduces inflammation )
Guaranteed super-active probiotics
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Vitalizer – 80 Nutrients in Bio-Available Form
( that means .. You can absorb and utilize them)
VIVIX --Revolutionary Tonic that Slows the
Aging Process at the Cellular Level
Activates longevity genes
Repairs damaged cells
Repairs DNA
Regenerates mitochondria –
where energy is produced
within every cell
10X more effective than resveratrol alone in
slowing key mechanism of cellular aging.
Green area represents mitochondrial mass in human muscle cells
Mitochondrial mass increase promotes cellular longevity & function
**In Laboratory studies; VIVIX = resveratrol + Rejuvetrol polyphenol blend
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
Herb Lax – Gentle Herbal Laxative
Improves regularity
Reduces body odor
Improves acne
Relieves constipation
Helps headaches
Contains 9 herbs for a mild cleansing action
• Dark circles under eyes
Liver DTX – helpful for detoxing, especially if on medications
Alfalfa Complex
Used since time of Egyptians to aid digestion & sooth queasy
• Grown organically in California – no pesticides, herbicides,
artificial flavors, colors, preservatives – all vegetarian
• Reported to help ulcers, stomach ailments, colon problems, gas,
hiatal hernia, water retention, body odor, bad breath,
• Contains fiber, chlorophyll, trace minerals
• Arthritis, allergies & sinus congestion, gout
Consume the Good Fats –
Omega 3 Fatty Acids … Fish Oil
There are also GOOD eicosanoids… that inhibit cell growth
and come from eating Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils).
Omega 3s from vegetable oils are only 10%
converted to good eicosanoids.
• Eat fish sparingly ...
…Beware the toxins they contain.
• Fish oil supplements may be safer than eating fish.
• Shaklee Omega Guard
Why Use Omega-3 Supplements?
Many salmon are contaminated with PCBs & heavy metals
Current EPA recommendations for frequency of consumption:
Type of salmon:
Wild Coho & pink
Most Wild Chinook & Sockeye
Eat no more than:
Wild Alaskan Chinook
Farmed Wash. State or Chile
Farmed Canada, Maine, Norway
1X every 2 months
Farmed Scotland &Faroe Islands
Omega 3 Fatty Acids…
Shaklee Omega Guard
• Ultra pure, pharmaceutical grade,
full spectrum of 7 Omega 3 fatty acids
• Helps reduce risk of heart disease and
– Other inflammatory conditions --- eczema,
colitis, arthritis, MS, psoriasis,
migraines, reduces C-reactive protein,
– Important for brain, eyes, joints, helps ADD
& ADHD, memory and depression
Protein –Builds Healthy Cells &
Stabilizes Blood Sugar
Energizing Soy , Vitalized Protein and
Shaklee 180 Smoothee Mix
• Good protein sources, low in fat & cholesterol,
balanced nutrition
• 1/3 of all essential nutrients
• Non-GMO Soy
• Clinically proven to stabilize blood sugar levels
• Great tasting
Peanut Butter Fudge ( 1 cup peanut butter,
1 cup Energizing Soy Protein, 1/3 cup honey )
Add – Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Sunflower seeds, etc
Eliza BurnhamSwain -• Started feeling lethargic and achy at 28 years old.
• Was pretty much bed-ridden by 36 years old, after 8 years of
insomnia and increasing lethargy and pain.
• Diagnosed by a rheumatologist at 36 . Given anti-depressants.
• Started my wellness journey immediately, trying to learn
everything I could to heal and not just mask my symptoms.
• Got better to a certain point with the supplements and wellness
regime I was following for 17 years.
• At 53, discovered Shaklee and within two months was feeling a
huge change! Much more energy, calmer, better memory.
• Now at 58, I have a full life again. It amazes me all the time how
much I am able to do!
• Giving your body the nutrients it craves, works. Shaklee has given
me my life back.
Immune Repair Program
• Increase vegetables and reduce /eliminate sugar and refined
carbs/wheat/gluten ( add to smoothees , such as fresh
spinach, kale, arugula, lemon, ginger, pear, finely chopped
celery )
• Heal the gut ( Optiflora Probiotic, .. in Vitalizer, Herb Lax)
• Supplements that help reduce inflammation ( Omega Guard,
Vita C, Alfalfa , Vivix, Pain Relief Complex)
• Reduce damaging effects of stress -- B Complex , Stress
Relief Complex, Osteomatrix / Chewable CalMag
• Repair damaged cells -- Vivix, Vitalized Protein, Protein
• Provide essential nutrients for all cells
Non-Toxic Cleaning Products and Personal Care
Get Clean Non-Toxic Cleaning & Laundry Products
Shaklee Personal Care and
Enfuselle Nutrition Therapy for the Skin
Healthy Immune System Supplements
• Vitalizer
• Vitalized Protein, Energizing Soy Protein,
Shaklee 180 Smoothees
• Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic
Additional Levels of:
Vita C
Omega Guard
Vita E .. Especially when scar tissue is a factor
Stress Relief Complex
Pain Relief Complex
Liver DTX