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C at h e t e r P l a c e m e n t T e c h n i q u e Juan Brou, M.D. Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Oklahoma City, Oklahoma nn AB The information herein is provided for educational purposes and represents the surgical technique used by Dr. Brou. Catheter placement is intended for guidance only and is subject to the individual expertise, experience and school-of-thought of the surgeon placing the catheter. Always refer to the drug manufacturer’s prescribing information when administering any drug with the ON-Q® Pain Relief System. This protocol is not to be construed as a specific recommendation of I-Flow® Corporation. So la Sample Protocol Pump Used: PM015-A: 270 ml x 4 ml/hr (2 ml/site), (2) 2.5 inch ON-Q® SilverSoaker® catheters. Drugs in Pump: Local anesthetic of physician’s choice. ta Pre-Incision Infiltration: Inject local anesthetic into each breast and into each axilla. Consideration should be given to the total daily dose delivered and patient’s clinical status when determining total volume of local anesthetic administered. nt ak Catheter Placement: The introducer needle is inserted inferior and medial. The antimicrobial Soaker catheter is threaded through the introducer and pulled across the bottom of the breast pocket, slightly tucking it under the subcutaneous tissue on top of the pectoral muscle. Drains are also placed in each breast in the most inferior part of the breast. ko Wound Closure and Catheter Securement Technique The catheters are coiled and secured with Steri-Strips™ and Tegaderm™. Additional Postoperative Pain Medications: Percocet® and Phenergan® as needed. nf CAUTIONS or m at io n, Other Notes: With ON-Q, postoperative medications are reduced, and length of stay is reduced. • Patient may experience loss of motor control or feeling at and around the surgical area. Physician should instruct patient on appropriate measures to follow to avoid patient injury. Fö ri • Medications used with this system should be administered in accordance with instructions provided by the drug manufacturer. Surgeon is responsible for prescribing drug based on each patient’s clinical status (e.g., age, body weight, disease state of patient, concomitant medication(s)). • Vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine or adrenaline are not recommended for continuous infusions. • Refer to ON-Q Pump Directions for Use for full instructions on using the ON-Q Pain Relief System. [email protected] 08 583 560 60 1304752B Page 1 of 2 Breast Reduction These images are for general guidance only and are not to be construed as a specific recommendation of I-Flow® Corporation. So la nn AB puncture site io n, ko nt ak ta Catheter placement Fö ri nf or m at Catheter securement Phenergan is a registered trademark of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals • Percocet is a registered trademark of Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Steri-Strip and Tegaderm are trademarks of 3M Healthcare. I-FLOW CORPORATION 20202 Windrow Drive Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone: 800-448-3569/949-206-2700 ON-Q IS INDICATED FOR: • Significantly less need for narcotics • Significantly better pain relief than narcotics alone Rx only I-Flow, ON-Q and SilverSoaker are registered trademarks of I-Flow Corporation. Redefining Recovery is a trademark of I-Flow Corporation. © 2009 I-Flow Corporation. All rights reserved. 1304752B Page 2 of 2