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Download Clorpactin - Chesterfield Urology
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chesterfield urology 6055 harbour park drive midlothian, va. 23112 web: e-mail: phone: 804.639.7777 fax: 804.739-1021 www.chesterfieldurology.com [email protected] Clorpactin Clorpactin is basically bleach (similar to Clorox). Bacteria do not survive in an environment with a lot of chlorine. This is why chlorine is used to keep pools free of bacteria and why bleach (chlorine) is used to disinfect counters and other surfaces. Patients with recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) related to catheterization may benefit from using Clorpactin to reduce the bacteria in the bladder. Making the Solution • Clorpactin is a powder that comes in small vials. • Generally, one vial is mixed in a 1 Liter bottle of Saline – However, using only half or even a quarter of a vial to make more dilute solutions may be needed for patients unable to tolerate the full concentration. • Like bleach, the solution may be stored on the counter. Make sure it is labeled to prevent any accidental exposures and/or misuse. Using the Solution • Supplies should be provided through the office. • Place a catheter and drain the bladder. (Or use the catheter that is already in place) • Place the large funnel shaped syringe (Toomey Syringe) provided by the office on the end of the catheter. • Fill the Toomey Syringe with the solution (about 60-80cc) and let it drain into the bladder. • For patients using intermittent catheterization – remove the catheter and try to leave the solution in for 30-60 minutes. • For patients with a long-term catheter – clamp the catheter for 30-60 minutes as tolerated. Then unclamp the catheter and let it drain. Potential Problems • Some patients may be uncomfortable with Clorpactin – These patients should consider using a more dilute solution. • Minimal bleeding may occur; this is not unexpected. Call the office if there is significant blood and/or clots. • Do NOT use if there is a current infection. Make sure to talk to your doctor about when to start/stop treatment.