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Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
Data Subject
ECTS Credits
Curso académico
Ocular biology
2014 - 2015
Study (s)
1207 - Grado en Óptica y Optometría
1207 - Grado en Óptica y Optometría
3 - Biology
Acad. Period
First term
Basic Training
General objectives
To train the Optics-Optometry student in the basics of the microbial world and its importance to human
eye health, studying the pathogenesis of ocular infections, the role of microorganisms and ocular tissues,
as a basis for understanding the clinical course, treatment and prevention.Knowing infectious agents
involved in eye infections and their control procedures. Understanding the mechanisms of ocular immune
response and its importance in maintaining the health of the eye and adnexa.
Specific objectives
To know the structural and functional characteristics of bacteria, viruses and eukaryotic microorganisms
responsible for eye infections.To train the student in the cultivation and practical handling of
microorganisms in the laboratory.Acquire criteria sanitizing, sterilization and control of different scales to
avoid the risk of eye infections, especially in contact lens wearers.Know the main groups of drugs used
in each case detailing antimicrobial mechanisms of action, resistance and side effects eye level.
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
Relationship to other subjects of the same degree
There are no specified enrollment restrictions with other subjects of the curriculum.
Other requirements
1207 - Grado en Óptica y Optometría
Competencies or skills to be acquired:
Be able to assist in the early detection of infectious eye and prevent avoidable risks and
consequences.Participate directly as health educators capable of implementing control procedures of the
microorganisms in the practice of contact lens fitting.Ability to interpret data from some laboratory
tests.Being able to maintain a fluid communication of information obtained in their observations with
other eye care professionals.
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
0.A. - Ocular Biology Introduction to I.
0.B. - Introduction to ocular Biology II.
0.C. - Introduction to ocular Biology III.
1. UNIT 1
Overview and History of Microbiology. - Concept of Microbiology. Types of microorganisms. Theory of
infectious disease. Contributions of Pasteur and Koch schools. Discovery of eye infections. Applications
for Optical Optometrist Microbiology.
2. UNIT 2
Study of the similarities and differences between the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
microorganisms. Bacteria cell wall, membrane and cytoplasmic membrane systems. The cytoplasm.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts. Ribosomes.
3. UNIT 3
Bacteria: genetic material and cell division. Resistance elements. Mobility and other elements. Bases of
microbial genetics. Mutation, mutagenesis and mutants. Effect of mutation on the phenotype. Genetic
recombination processes. Transformation. Transduction. Bacterial conjugation. Extrachromosomal
genetic elements
4. UNIT 4
Chemical composition and nutritional requirements of microorganisms. Classification of microorganisms.
Growth Factors. Physico-chemical factors affecting microbial growth: oxygen, temperature, pH, osmotic
pressure, redox potential
5. UNIT 5
Nature of the virus. Characteristics of the virus particle. Overview of the multiplication of the virus. Effects
of viral replication in the host cell. Cultivation and identification methods. Classification of animal viruses.
Pathogenesis of viral infections.
6. UNIT 6
Introduction to Medical Mycology. Basic characteristics of fungi. Growth and reproduction. Classification
of fungi.
7. UNIT 7
Introduction to Medical Parasitology. Basics protozoa, helminths and arthropods.
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
8. UNIT 8
Bases and anatomical study of the microbiota of the healthy eye. Characteristics of the ocular infections:
infection and disease mechanism of pathogenicity of microorganisms, preventing eye infections,
epidemiology. Transmission. Ocular infections in clinical practice.
9. UNIT 9
Introduction to defense mechanisms against infection. General concepts of natural immunity and specific
10. UNIT 10
Protocols microbiological diagnosis of ocular infections. Collection, transport and storage of samples.
Conjunctival exudate. Corneal scrapings. Corneal biopsy. Contact lenses. Vitreous. Intraocular lens.
Eyelid exudate. Samples of the lacrimal apparatus.
11. UNIT 11
Protocols microbiological diagnosis of ocular infections. Cultivation and isolation of microorganisms:
media types. Identification and quantification of microorganisms. Sensitivity study. Rapid diagnostic
methods and eye infections. Formation of deposits on the surface of contact lenses. Adherence of
microorganisms to contact lenses. Growth of microorganisms in the matrix of the contact lens.
12. UNIT 12
Serological diagnosis. Conceptual bases. Methods used frequently. Concepts of sensitivity and
specificity. Advantages and disadvantages. General notes.
13. UNIT 13
Study of microbiological, ocular manifestations, prevention and treatment of infections caused by Grampositive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp eye infections, and Streptococcus spp.
14. UNIT 14
Study of microbiological, ocular manifestations, prevention and treatment of infections caused by Gramnegative bacteria: Neisseria spp eye infections, Haemophilus spp., Enterobacteriaceae and
Pseudomonas spp.
15. UNIT 15
Eye infections by Chlamydia trachomatis. Study of trachoma. Inclusion conjunctivitis and other ocular
manifestations. Prevention and treatment. Eye infections by mycobacteria.
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
16. UNIT 16
Eye infections caused by herpes viruses. Microbiological study, ocular manifestations, prevention and
treatment of herpes infections.
17. TEMA 17
Ocular infections caused by rubella virus, measles, mumps, and influenza infections by adenovirus.
Microbiological study, ocular manifestations, prevention and treatment.
18. UNIT 18
Ocular infections caused by HIV virus. Microbiological study, ocular manifestations, prevention and
treatment. Viral infections and the development of malignancies.
19. UNIT 19
Fungi as etiologic agents producing ocular infections. Features ocular mycoses.
20. unit 20
Study of eye infections with Toxoplasma, Acanthamoeba, Toxocara spp. and other protozoa and
21. Seminars A
Seminar A1: Control of microorganisms. Physical methods of control. Action of temperature. Damp heat.
Method filtration. Ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound. Use in Optics.
Seminar A2: disinfection and asepsis. Using the system in Contactología peroxides. Rating disinfectant.
Cleaning, disinfection and others. Intrinsic inhibitory power for keeping liquid contact lenses.
Microbiological study of ophthalmic preparations. Study and microbiological criteria for keeping liquids
contact lenses.
Seminar A3: Chemotherapeutics and antibiotics. Bacterostáticos and bactericides. Assessment of
antimicrobial activity.
Seminar A4: Testing antimicrobial susceptibility: antibiogram.
A5 Seminar: Study of the main antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Use in the treatment of eye
A6 Seminar: Essentials of antimicrobial resistance. Resistance mechanisms and implications.
22. Seminars B
Seminar 1B: Resolution of different clinical cases of ocular infectious disease
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
General objectives:
1. - Preparation techniques and sterilization equipment.
2. - Techniques of planting and cultivation of microorganisms.
3. - Observation techniques of microorganisms.
4. - Basic techniques for bacterial identification.
5. - Microbiological study of eye infections in the laboratory.
6. - Shares of antimicrobials on microorganisms: antibiogram.
7. - Microbiological control of ocular hygiene.
8. - Intrinsic inhibitory power rating of liquids keeping contact lenses.
Practice 1: Microbiological analysis of eye discharge. Sampling. Microscopic observation of clinical
samples and culture. Isolation and identification of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and enterobacteria different
sensitivity study. Antibiogram disk-plate.
pRACTICE 2: Mushrooms and eye infections. Macroscopic and microscopic observation of C. albicans,
A. fumigatus and A. alternata. Intrinsic inhibitory power rating of liquids keeping contact lenses.
Observations of parasitological interest.
Theory classes
Laboratory practices
% To be attended
English version is not available
El desarrollo de la Asignatura, que consta de 6 créditos, está estructurado de la siguiente forma: 45
horas de clases Teóricas, distribuidas en tres horas semanales, una hora por semana para cada una de
las tres partes que componen la Asignatura (Anatomía, Fisiología y Microbiología) y 15 horas de
actividades de carácter práctico, distribuidas en Seminarios, Tutorías y Sesiones de Laboratorio, siendo
obligatoria la asistencia a las mismas. Cada una de las materias de las que consta la Asignatura
contribuye en la misma proporción a la calificación final del alumno, es decir, cada parte representa un
tercio de la nota final del alumno. No obstante lo anterior, para que se pueda realizar el sumatorio de las
calificaciones de cada una de las materias, es preciso que el alumno haya alcanzado en cada una de
ellas una nota igual o superior a 5,0. En los casos en los que un alumno tenga una o varias de las
materias calificadas con una nota inferior a 5,0 deberá volver a examinarse de dicha parte si decide
presentarse en la segunda convocatoria del mismo curso académico, guardándosele la calificación
alcanzada en los restantes módulos de la Asignatura. Sin embargo, las notas no se guardan de un curso
para otro.
34287 Ocular biology
Course Guide
34287 Ocular biology
Evaluation and assessment criteria
Attendance and participation: 10% (more than 80% attendance of lectures and seminars)
Continuous assessment: 30% (seminars)
Theoretical and practical examination 60%
The evaluation of the workshops will be a test with 30 multiple choice questions to be held at the end of
the series (A and B seminars on mentoring group). Apply a correction of random 1/4.
The practical examination will consist of 30 multiple choice questions (apply a correction of random ¼)
and 3 questions.
- 1.BROCK, Biología de los Microorganismos, 10ª Ed. Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Parker J. Pearson
-Prentice Hall. 2008
2. FEDUKOWICZ, H.B., STENSON S. Infecciones externas del ojo. 3ª edición. Ed.
3.MURRAY,P.R., ROSENTHAL, K.S. y PFALLER, M.A. Microbiología médica. 5ª edición. Elservier
Mosby 2006.
4.PRESCOTT. HARLEY Y KLEIN. Microbiología. Ed. Mc Graw-Hill. Interamericana 2008.
5.SEAL,D. and PLEYER,U. Ocular Infection, second edition. Informa Health Care, USA. 2007.
6. TORTORA,G.J., FUNKE,B.R. y CASE, C.L., Introducción a la Microbiología. 9ª edición.
Panamericana. 2007.
34287 Ocular biology