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Let's globalize the fight against advertising
Ads are weapons of mass propaganda
Advertisemnts propagate an ideological
conformism that destroys the multicultural wealth of the world. Around 500
billion US dollars are spent on
advertisements per year worldwide
making it the second budget after military
spending. The mental enslavement it
causes is invading the planet.
Publicists have a global strategy and that is
why the fight against the advertisement
system should also be global.
Multinational companies and publicists work
relentlessly to identify new groups of buyers.
Following this first phase, marketing is
regularly studied and fed.
With new technologies (including mobile
phones),, the worldwide collection of
personal information is growing dangerously.
Northern markets being saturated (or
impoverished), multinational groups will sell
their excess stock along with their dangerous
conformism to the Third World.
Advertisemnts serve neocolonialism
One of the greatest dangers of advertisements is that they sell a way of life even
more than they sell products.
« While here in the North, advertisements have the effect of shutting our eyes to the
realities of the Third World, over there, they emphasize a fictional prestige of
occidental life in the eyes of the poor masses. »
François Brune
Not only do advertisements hide the uncomfortable truths of North/South
relations, the causes of misery and those of over-exploitation of natural resources,
but they also act as the most efficient support for multinational companies that
grow richer from the consequences and/or from poverty: exploited workers,
voyeuristic tourism, polluting industries, stocking of lethal waste...'
Résistance à l'agression publicitaire (RAP)
[email protected] –
Let's globalize the fight against advertising
Call for a yearly day of action against the avertising propaganda
Two years ago, RAP launched an international network dedicated to the fight
against advertisements. Today we are taking the initiative of creating a global
day of action againts the advertisements' propoganda on the 25th of March
2015, at the World Social Forum (WSF).
Let us act on March 25
On that day you are invited as individuals or within groups to organize an
action★ in echo to this call: cover billboards, add a poetic touch to the public
space... and why not convert those modern billboards into modern palaver?
Before any action, study the legal situation of your country
You can take a picture in front of a billboard that has been turned into a place
of free and artistic expression (while hiding the advertisements).
Some ideas of actions :
The goal is to render visible by all the contestation of the advertisements
system on a global scale and demand the right to free reception (which is the
twin of free speech) so as to stop the invasion of advertisements.
Partcipations and contributions will be organized during
the World Social Forum (establishing of contacts, raising
awareness, group work so as to shape this global day of
Join the process, sign up on our website !
RAP – La Teinturerie
24, rue de la Chine
75020 Paris – France
+33 1 43 66 02 04
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
10:00 → 13:00
14:00 → 18:00
Fax : +33 1 43 66 03 10
Résistance à l'agression publicitaire (RAP)
[email protected] –