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„ Comunicat de premsa „
The Generalitat announces the winners
of the tender for innovative housing
construction proposals
The jury for the tender for submitting proposals and the construction of
multi-apartment blocks through the incorporation of new systems and
innovative technologies, organised by the Catalan Land Institute, has
decided on the winners who will be responsible for constructing the 4 new
subsidised housing developments. Through this tender, the Generalitat
aims to give a boost to innovative technologies that will improve building
quality in the construction of homes.
The jury, formed by representatives from the Department of the Environment
and Housing, the Catalan Land Institute, the General Directorate of Architecture
and Landscaping and the ITEC, has selected the most innovative projects for
the construction of 4 new subsidised housing developments.
The winners will be entrusted with drawing up the project for building the
housing developments for which they have submitted their proposals. These
developments are located in the towns of Callús, El Masnou, Mollet del Vallès
and Sant Vicenç dels Horts. There were no winners for the development
planned in Torelló.
The projects submitted had to draft and include proposals for new technological
systems to form unitary solutions, both in full or in part, with a good cost/benefit
ratio, safety in construction, energy savings, speed with regard to assembly, or
other elements representing innovation in construction systems, with a view to
providing improvements in the quality, comfort and durability of the homes.
Callús – 27 homes for rent for young people in Passeig Anselm Clavé
Awarded to – Washington Internacional, SA
Architects – Arau-Mediavilla SCP
Considerable value was given to applying a semi-industrialised construction
system that can be adapted to different types, based on a rational proposal from
the architectural standpoint, and which is coherent from the construction
The project is based on a building constructed using a dry system, based on
self-bearing panels of galvanised steel sections to act as the framework and as
the enclosing structures, to minimise construction processes in works, with the
aim of reducing the execution term and costs thereof.
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
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„ Comunicat de premsa „
Masnou – 36 homes for rent for the elderly in Avinguda Joan XXIII
Awarded to – Construcciones Rubau, SA
Architects – Eduard Calafell, Laia Orova, who collaborates with BSCP
The jury placed value on the use of the BSCP system to erect the building, with
massive ceilings of reinforced concrete on which a pre-fabricated system was
previously applied, to divide up the structure, walls and fixed interior partition
Value was also placed on the attractive composition of the façades, their
volume and suitability of the building for the topographic features of the terrain
on which the building was to be constructed. Likewise it was considered that the
types of housing were well resolved, to obtain maximum advantage from the
small surface area of each one.
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
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„ Comunicat de premsa „
Mollet del Vallès – 90 apartments for rent for young people in Ronda Pinetons
Awarded to – Imasatec – Sather
Architects – Vigum Project SL
The winning proposal divides the building up into three different graded volumes
which, due to their permeability, make the Arboretum Park blend into the new
area, creating a transition between the city and the park. The projections of the
ground floor plus two floors and the ground floor plus three floors respond to
this adaptation.
The high-precision Barcons modular construction system that acts as a selfbearing element adds great economic improvement and reduces the execution
term, and solid waste, while increasing the precision of the finish and the
thermal and acoustic insulation.
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
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„ Comunicat de premsa „
Sant Vicenç dels Horts – 42 apartments for rent for young people in Carrer
Camí de la Font de Sant Josep
Awarded to – ACSA AGBAR construcció, SA
Architects - Andreu Arriola, Carme Fiol and Xavier Vilalta
The jury placed great value on the effort made to construct a social housing
block using dry construction procedures, and prefabricated elements both in the
structure and in the façade and partition walls. In addition, the lay-out of the
building parallel to the street reduces excavation work and earth-moving.
From the functional standpoint, the proposal is that of a compact building with a
single communications core, thereby enabling all the apartments to have the
best conditions of sunlight and ventilation.
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
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„ Comunicat de premsa „
Objectives of the innovation tender
The Department of the Environment and Housing, which is responsible for the
housing policy in Catalonia and for the quality of housing construction,
considers it necessary to boost technological innovation and the implantation of
new construction systems in the construction sector in general, and especially
in the construction of housing. The idea is to move ahead in this field in the
same way as the progress made in other sectors of economic activity in
developing industrialisation and incorporate technological improvements into
fabrication processes.
Being aware that Public Administrations must play an important role in
promoting and fostering technological innovation in improving the quality of
housing, that will offer the possibility of the industrialised construction of
buildings, while at the same time enable the terms for constructing these homes
to be optimised, as is being done in other countries in Europe, the Department
of the Environment and Housing and Incasòl, the main public housing developer
in Catalonia, have promoted this particular tender with the following aims:
To offer the possibility of constructing public housing to companies operating
in this sector, which have worked on and elaborated industrialised
constructive systems or models.
To promote the joint effort of planners and constructors with a view to
optimising construction processes and the execution terms thereof.
To guarantee, through the incorporation of industrialised systems, a quality
standard, facilities and energy efficiency in all homes constructed.
To ensure the possibility of repeating innovative construction systems, if
considered appropriate.
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
Pàg. 5 de 6
„ Comunicat de premsa „
Barcelona, August 4, 2006
Servei de Premsa
Institut Català del Sòl
93 228 60 89
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