Survey Cards - City of Independence, Missouri
... Each unit of this apartment building has sliding doors that access either a ground level patio or a second floor balcony. Hip roof entrance pavilions project slightly from the wall of the building. Each has double-leaf "French Provincial" doors with windows in the upper parts that feature a leaded g ...
... Each unit of this apartment building has sliding doors that access either a ground level patio or a second floor balcony. Hip roof entrance pavilions project slightly from the wall of the building. Each has double-leaf "French Provincial" doors with windows in the upper parts that feature a leaded g ...
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
... developers, and the street car that South Hill began to fill in with houses. The social strata somewhat matched the topography with the majority of the working class people locating lower on the hill near the industry along the bay, and the captains of industry and other prominent persons building g ...
... developers, and the street car that South Hill began to fill in with houses. The social strata somewhat matched the topography with the majority of the working class people locating lower on the hill near the industry along the bay, and the captains of industry and other prominent persons building g ...
... Cannabis sativa, otherwise known as hemp has become a highly sustainable building material over the past few years, and has just recently been introduced in South Africa. The countries first hemp home was constructed in November 2011 and has already been dubbed the most sustainable home in the land. ...
RFP BLDG 1456 HVAC and Roof Repair 4 28 2016
... required in Attachment A and the QC Plan. 3) Immediately stop any work that does not comply with contract plans and specifications, and direct the removal and replacement of any defective work. 4) Prepare QC Reports. 5) Hold biweekly QC meetings with DOR, Superintendent and Government technical team ...
... required in Attachment A and the QC Plan. 3) Immediately stop any work that does not comply with contract plans and specifications, and direct the removal and replacement of any defective work. 4) Prepare QC Reports. 5) Hold biweekly QC meetings with DOR, Superintendent and Government technical team ...
cracks in building - rdso
... spread all over the country. Every year numbers of new buildings are being added on additional as well as on replacement account. However, very oftenly, field officials are facing a problem of occurrence of cracks in buildings, and it is matter of concern since long. Therefore, a genuine need of tec ...
... spread all over the country. Every year numbers of new buildings are being added on additional as well as on replacement account. However, very oftenly, field officials are facing a problem of occurrence of cracks in buildings, and it is matter of concern since long. Therefore, a genuine need of tec ...
- bk books
... called ‘Vorhangfassade’. The term ‘Vorhang’ is the equivalent of curtain, but the verb ‘vorhängen’ also means to literally suspend the façade in front of a structure. Today, the majority of façades, particularly those of utility buildings are constructed this way. The dissertation focuses on the fut ...
... called ‘Vorhangfassade’. The term ‘Vorhang’ is the equivalent of curtain, but the verb ‘vorhängen’ also means to literally suspend the façade in front of a structure. Today, the majority of façades, particularly those of utility buildings are constructed this way. The dissertation focuses on the fut ...
... adapt because the barns accommodated livestock and crop storage on the same level. The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century barns are characterized by a gable or later gambrel roof of varying framing techniques, few windows, square wooden cupolas, lightning rods, timber frames or modi ...
... adapt because the barns accommodated livestock and crop storage on the same level. The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century barns are characterized by a gable or later gambrel roof of varying framing techniques, few windows, square wooden cupolas, lightning rods, timber frames or modi ...
Cross Laminated Timber
... timber, it is made from several layers of lumber board, stacked crosswise (usually at 90 degree angles) and glued together on their wide faces. This cross lamination provides dimensional stability, strength and rigidity, which is what makes CLT a viable alternative to concrete, masonry and steel in ...
... timber, it is made from several layers of lumber board, stacked crosswise (usually at 90 degree angles) and glued together on their wide faces. This cross lamination provides dimensional stability, strength and rigidity, which is what makes CLT a viable alternative to concrete, masonry and steel in ...
The Secretary of the Interior`s Standards for Rehabilitation
... adopted by historic district and planning commissions across the country. The intent of the Standards is to assist the long-term preservation of a property's significance through the preservation of historic materials and features. The Standards pertain to historic buildings of all materials, constr ...
... adopted by historic district and planning commissions across the country. The intent of the Standards is to assist the long-term preservation of a property's significance through the preservation of historic materials and features. The Standards pertain to historic buildings of all materials, constr ...
10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Berlin
... and settlement risks to the urban area. Using PVC-P material with a higher unit weight than water, the geomembrane will sink due to its own weight. By using drainage pipes on the bottom of the pit below the geomembrane the water can be pumped from below to the top of the geomembrane. By circulating ...
... and settlement risks to the urban area. Using PVC-P material with a higher unit weight than water, the geomembrane will sink due to its own weight. By using drainage pipes on the bottom of the pit below the geomembrane the water can be pumped from below to the top of the geomembrane. By circulating ...
Thematic Framework - Vulcan Business Development Society
... was the only pack animal used by the Albert First Nations prior to 1650 when the horse was first introduced. The Blackfoot spent most of their time in small, travelling family groups, but would congregate for large bison drives and ceremonial purposes. No large village sites will be found to represe ...
... was the only pack animal used by the Albert First Nations prior to 1650 when the horse was first introduced. The Blackfoot spent most of their time in small, travelling family groups, but would congregate for large bison drives and ceremonial purposes. No large village sites will be found to represe ...
St. John Cantius Neighborhood Historic District Study
... Although the study area contains approximately 300 properties, the Commission initially suggested that the district contain no more than 175 properties. To meet the desired number target, two alternatives, based on field survey work and research, were presented to the HPC for consideration. One prop ...
... Although the study area contains approximately 300 properties, the Commission initially suggested that the district contain no more than 175 properties. To meet the desired number target, two alternatives, based on field survey work and research, were presented to the HPC for consideration. One prop ...
GEM Building Taxonomy Version 2.0
... Model (GEM). The purpose of the GEM Building Taxonomy is to describe and classify buildings in a uniform manner as a key step towards assessing their seismic risk. Criteria for development of the GEM Building Taxonomy were that the Taxonomy be relevant to seismic performance of different constructio ...
... Model (GEM). The purpose of the GEM Building Taxonomy is to describe and classify buildings in a uniform manner as a key step towards assessing their seismic risk. Criteria for development of the GEM Building Taxonomy were that the Taxonomy be relevant to seismic performance of different constructio ...
univERsity oF copEnhAGEn
... horizontal tie beam connected by a king-post to the two raking rafters of the gable, and thus not forming a truss. Purlin: the horizontal timber of the roof construction (from gable to gable) laid parallel with the wall plate and the ridge beam, resting on the principal rafters and forming an inter ...
... horizontal tie beam connected by a king-post to the two raking rafters of the gable, and thus not forming a truss. Purlin: the horizontal timber of the roof construction (from gable to gable) laid parallel with the wall plate and the ridge beam, resting on the principal rafters and forming an inter ...
- ICF Builder Magazine
... with input from the Institute for Business & Home Safety. The 4-hour course is designed to give builders and designers an overview of how to make structures that stand up better to hurricanes, tornados, floods, wildfires and earthquakes. “ICFs are mentioned prominently in the course,” says Jim Neiho ...
... with input from the Institute for Business & Home Safety. The 4-hour course is designed to give builders and designers an overview of how to make structures that stand up better to hurricanes, tornados, floods, wildfires and earthquakes. “ICFs are mentioned prominently in the course,” says Jim Neiho ...
of Contemporary Construction Teaching
... building, which is one of the neoclassical prototypes of Athenian architecture of the time. Last year, debates focused on perceptions on the future. This year the number of participants has again increased in a sort of geometric progression with 63 participants, plus the host school’s teachers of co ...
... building, which is one of the neoclassical prototypes of Athenian architecture of the time. Last year, debates focused on perceptions on the future. This year the number of participants has again increased in a sort of geometric progression with 63 participants, plus the host school’s teachers of co ...
Current Practices and Future Potential in Modern Methods of
... reviewing key products, markets etc, and the emphasis is on informing WRAP’s work in waste minimisation and identifying markets where significant gains can be made. In this report, we use the term MMC in preference to the term OSM (offsite manufacturing). This is because this term is increasingly be ...
... reviewing key products, markets etc, and the emphasis is on informing WRAP’s work in waste minimisation and identifying markets where significant gains can be made. In this report, we use the term MMC in preference to the term OSM (offsite manufacturing). This is because this term is increasingly be ...
... majority of them do not conform to the prevailing building codes. Even newer constructions continue to be built without incorporation of minimum standards. This situation prevails even in high seismicity zones of different countries of Asia. In some countries, for example in Nepal, the proportion of ...
... majority of them do not conform to the prevailing building codes. Even newer constructions continue to be built without incorporation of minimum standards. This situation prevails even in high seismicity zones of different countries of Asia. In some countries, for example in Nepal, the proportion of ...
Design Guidelines - City of Stevens Point
... Sec. 1.5 Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation All guidelines presented in this document are based on the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The National Park Service created these ten basic principles in 1977 to guide property owners in preserving the historic in ...
... Sec. 1.5 Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation All guidelines presented in this document are based on the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The National Park Service created these ten basic principles in 1977 to guide property owners in preserving the historic in ...
seismic vulnerability of the public school buildings of
... Schools with Typical Nepali Construction Approximately seven hundred of the buildings surveyed were built using typical Nepali construction techniques. Over sixty percent of these (about 430 buildings) were constructed of traditional materials (such as adobe, stone rubble in mud mortar or brick in m ...
... Schools with Typical Nepali Construction Approximately seven hundred of the buildings surveyed were built using typical Nepali construction techniques. Over sixty percent of these (about 430 buildings) were constructed of traditional materials (such as adobe, stone rubble in mud mortar or brick in m ...
a guide to historic
... line separates the street façade from the upper levels. In this, it mirrors traditional Renaissance Revival design, which organized large buildings into horizontal layers, with each floor becoming increasingly more refined. Rusticated stone was often used to make the first floor seem rougher than th ...
... line separates the street façade from the upper levels. In this, it mirrors traditional Renaissance Revival design, which organized large buildings into horizontal layers, with each floor becoming increasingly more refined. Rusticated stone was often used to make the first floor seem rougher than th ...
C07 Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area
... Haberfield has long been recognised as a suburb of heritage significance to NSW and indeed to Australia. It was listed as an Urban Conservation Area by the National Trust in 1978, and has been included on the Register of the National Estate since 1990. Why Haberfield is important - a statement of si ...
... Haberfield has long been recognised as a suburb of heritage significance to NSW and indeed to Australia. It was listed as an Urban Conservation Area by the National Trust in 1978, and has been included on the Register of the National Estate since 1990. Why Haberfield is important - a statement of si ...
Cobblestone Buildings
... A common folklore is that the cobblestone buildings masons were formerly canal masons These masons had been lured to the area to build the locks on the Erie Canal and were looking for work following completion of their work on the Erie Canal. They wanted to stay in the area, having seen the beauty o ...
... A common folklore is that the cobblestone buildings masons were formerly canal masons These masons had been lured to the area to build the locks on the Erie Canal and were looking for work following completion of their work on the Erie Canal. They wanted to stay in the area, having seen the beauty o ...
the american ranch house: traditional design method in modern
... The ranch house, as it developed in American suburban communities after World War II, is a distinct hybrid. On the one hand, it represented an embodiment in physical form of the traditional values of those middle-class Americans who freely chose it for a living environment, and for whom it represent ...
... The ranch house, as it developed in American suburban communities after World War II, is a distinct hybrid. On the one hand, it represented an embodiment in physical form of the traditional values of those middle-class Americans who freely chose it for a living environment, and for whom it represent ...
C07 Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area
... Why Haberfield is important - a statement of significance Haberfield has historic significance as the first successful comprehensively planned and marketed Garden Suburb in Australia. Designed and developed by real estate entrepreneur and town planning advocate, Richard Stanton, its subdivision layo ...
... Why Haberfield is important - a statement of significance Haberfield has historic significance as the first successful comprehensively planned and marketed Garden Suburb in Australia. Designed and developed by real estate entrepreneur and town planning advocate, Richard Stanton, its subdivision layo ...
Architecture of Madagascar

The architecture of Madagascar is unique in Africa, bearing strong resemblance to the construction norms and methods of Southern Borneo from which the earliest inhabitants of Madagascar are believed to have emigrated. Throughout Madagascar and the Kalimantan region of Borneo, most traditional houses follow a rectangular rather than round form, and feature a steeply sloped, peaked roof supported by a central pillar. In South Kalimantan, traditional houses are generally raised on piles and feature ""house horns"" formed by the crossing of roof support beams at each gable end. Traditional Malagasy houses are likewise often built on piles, and the tradition of house horns can be seen in some southeastern communities and in the wooden architectural traditions of the andriana noble classes of the Merina people of the central highlands.Differences in the predominant traditional construction materials used serve as the basis for much of the diversity in Malagasy architecture. Locally available plant materials were the earliest materials used and remain the most common among traditional communities. In intermediary zones between the central highlands and humid coastal areas, hybrid variations have developed that use cob and sticks. Wood construction, once common across the island, declined as a growing human population destroyed greater swaths of virgin rainforest for slash and burn agriculture and zebu cattle pasture. The Zafimaniry communities of the central highland montane forests are the only Malagasy ethnic group who have preserved the island's original wooden architectural traditions; their craft was added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. As wood became scarce over time, wooden houses became the privilege of the noble class in certain communities, as exemplified by the homes of the Merina nobility in the 19th century Kingdom of Madagascar. The use of stone as a building material was traditionally limited to the construction of tombs, a significant feature of the cultural landscape in Madagascar due to the prominent position occupied by ancestors in Malagasy cosmology. The island has produced several distinct traditions in tomb architecture: among the Mahafaly of the southwest coast, the top of tombs may be stacked with the skulls of sacrificed zebu and spiked with aloalo, decoratively carved tomb posts, while among the Merina, aristocrats historically constructed a small wooden house on top of the tomb to symbolize their andriana status and provide an earthly space to house their ancestors' spirits.Traditional styles of architecture in Madagascar have been impacted over the past two hundred years by the increasing influence of European styles. A shift toward brick construction in the Highlands began during the reign of Queen Ranavalona II (1868–1883) based on models introduced by missionaries of the London Missionary Society and contacts with other foreigners. Foreign influence further expanded following the collapse of the monarchy and French colonization of the island in 1896. Modernization over the past several decades has increasingly led to the abandonment of certain traditional norms related to the external orientation and internal layout of houses and the use of certain customary building materials, particularly in the Highlands. Among those with means, foreign construction materials and techniques – namely imported concrete, glass and wrought iron features – have gained in popularity, to the detriment of traditional practices.