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Campus Box 1108
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
[email protected]
Washington University in St. Louis
• Assistant Professor, Performing Arts. July 2013-present.
• Affiliated Faculty, American Culture Studies. July 2013-present.
Yale University
• Assistant Professor, Theater Studies and American Studies; courtesy appointment in
African American Studies. July 2008-June 2013.
Princeton University
• Postdoctoral Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program. 2007-2008.
Brown University, Providence, RI
• Ph.D., Theatre and Performance Studies, 2008.
o Dissertation Director: Rebecca Schneider. Readers: Spencer Golub, Patricia
o Member of the Brown/Trinity Repertory Consortium, inaugurated in Fall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
• M.A., Theatre Studies, 2002.
Trinity College, Hartford, CT
• B.A. with Honors, Theatre and Dance, 1999.
o Phi Beta Kappa, 1999-present.
Theater and performance history and historiography; race, ethnicity, and
performance; African American theatre; music as cultural performance; American
John W. Frick Book Award for Staging the Blues. Awarded by the American Theatre
and Drama Society for the best book published in American theatre and
performance in the previous calendar year. 2015.
Finalist, The George Freedley Memorial Award. Presented annually by the Theatre
Library Association to an English-language book of exceptional scholarship that
examines some aspect of live theatre or performance. 2015.
Faculty Research Grant, Center for the Humanities, Washington University in St.
Louis. 2015.
Summer Research Seed Grant, Center for the Humanities, Washington University in
St. Louis. 2014.
Poorvu Family Prize for Interdisciplinary Teaching at Yale. 2011.
Vera Mowry Roberts Prize in Research and Publication. Awarded by the American
Theatre and Drama Society for the best essay published in English by a junior faculty
member. 2011.
Hilles Publication Grant, Yale University. 2011.
Morse Fellowship. Yale University. 2010-2011.
Research Grant, The Program in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration. Yale University.
Honorable Mention, Gerald Kahan Prize. Awarded for the best articles written by
un-tenured authors. American Society for Theater Research. 2008.
Winner, TDR Student Essay Contest. 2006.
American Society for Theater Research Thomas J. Marshall Travel Grant. 2004.
Staging the Blues: From Tent Shows to Tourism. Duke University Press, 2014.
Informed by both theater-historical and performance studies methodologies, Staging the Blues
is the first full-length study to offer an interdisciplinary examination of blues’ roots in
theatrical performance, and the enduring presence of theatrical techniques in later-twentieth
century blues. Examining performers such as Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Huddie Ledbetter,
and Rosetta Tharpe, McGinley shows how theatrical debates—about the role of the actress,
the moral implications of “breaking character,” and the aesthetics of representing history, to
name a few—are woven throughout historical blues performances. This embrace of
theatricality, the book argues, deflects the rhetorics of authenticity that have historically
governed the production and consumption of blues music.
Articles in Journals
“Blues Harmonica, American Style: Blackness and Black Music in Streetcar and Cat,”
In press, Theatre Journal.
“Next Up Downtown: A New Generation of Ensemble Performance.” TDR 54.4.
Winter 2010.
“Highway 61 Revisited.” TDR 51.3. Fall 2007.
“Floods of Memory (a post-Katrina Soundtrack).” Performance Research 12.2. June
Peer-Reviewed Chapters in Books
“A ‘Southern, Brown, Burnt Sensibility:’ Four Saints in Three Acts, Black Spain, and
the Theatrical Pastoral.” Invited contribution to Creating and Consuming the American
South (Martyn Bone, Brian Ward, and William A. Link, eds). University Press of
Florida. 2015.
“‘The Magic of Song!’ John Lomax, Huddie Ledbetter, and the Staging of
Circulation.” Invited contribution to Performance in the Borderlands (Harvey Young and
Ramón Rivera-Servera, eds). Palgrave MacMillan. 2010. Winner of the Vera Mowry
Roberts Prize (see below).
“The African American Theatrical Body (Soyica Diggs Colbert).” Book Review. Theatre
Journal. 65.2, May 2013.
“Beyond Lift Every Voice and Sing (Paula Marie Seniors).” Book Review. African
American Review. 43.4, Winter 2009.
“Utopia in Performance (Jill Dolan).” Book Review. TDR, 52.1, Spring 2008.
“Theatre is Hell.” Performance Review. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 28.3.
September 2006.
“I Didn’t See Anything: Performance, Eavesdropping and Spatialized Sound.”
Performance Review. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 28.1. January 2006.
“Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge (Petra Kuppers).” Book
Review. Body, Space, and Technology. On-line Journal. May 2004.
Other Publications
• “Mama Ain’t Nobody’s Fool.” Invited contribution on the work of blueswoman
Esther Mae “Mother” Scott to November 2014.
• “Theatre History in the New Millennium.” Invited response, Editor’s Forum.
Theatre Survey 46.1. May 2005.
“Rehearsing Nonviolence: Towards a Performance History of the Civil Rights
Movement.” Invited lecture, Washington University in St. Louis. April 2015.
“(Don’t) Take a Bow: On Curtain Calls and Concluding Songs.” Invited lecture, Yale
University. April 2015.
“A 50-Year Reflection: From ‘Blues for Mister Charlie’ to Ferguson.” Panelist,
Washington University in St. Louis. February 2015.
“Sequins and Civil Rights: Sister Rosetta Tharpe and The Blues and Gospel Train.”
Invited lecture, Interdisciplinary Performance and the Liberal Arts Center (iPLACE),
Wake Forest University. February 2015.
Staging the Blues: From Tent Shows to Tourism. Featured Faculty Author, Center for the
Humanities Faculty Book Celebration. November 2014.
“Rehearsing, Practicing, Testing: The Mississippi Freedom Vote of 1963.” Invited
lecture, Brown University. February 2012.
“Bejeweled Blues: Performances of Value on the Tent Show Stage.” Yale University
African American Studies Department. September 2011.
“Tennessee Williams, Paris Blues, and the Circum-Atlantic South.” “Transatlantic
Acts: Performance on the Move,” a conference organized by the Performance
Studies Focus Group of ATHE. August 2011.
“Staging the South: Theatricality with a Double Edge.” “Creating and Consuming
the South,” a conference organized by the “Understanding the South, Understanding
Modern America” symposium. University of Copenhagen. August 2010.
“The Delta Comes to Chorltonville.” Center for Research in the Arts, Humanities,
and Social Sciences. University of Cambridge. June 2009.
“Conditional Histories: Notes on Performances that (Never) Occurred.”
Performance Studies International. Stanford, California. June 2013.
“A Place to Sing, to Dance, and to Talk: Theatrical Performance and Social Reform
at the Highlander Folk School.” American Society for Theatre Research Working
Session. Nashville, Tennessee. November 2012.
“Reframing in Retrospect: The Fourteenth Amendment Reconsidered.” Association
for Theater in Higher Education. Washington, D.C. August 2012.
“Mock Trials: Rehearsing for Brown v. Board of Education.” Association for Theater in
Higher Education. Washington, D.C. August 2012.
“Reconsidering Waste: Rehearsing Voting Rights in Mississippi.” American Society
for Theatre Research Working Session. Montreal, Quebec. November 2011.
“Casting the Vote.” Association for Theater in Higher Education. Chicago, IL.
August 2011.
“Bejeweled Blues: Performances of Value on the Tent Show Stage.” EMP Pop
Conference. Los Angeles, CA. February 2011.
“Casting the Vote: The Mississippi Freedom Vote of 1963.” American Studies
Association. San Antonio, TX. November 2010.
“‘Cottonopoli:’ The Delta Comes to Chorltonville.” American Studies Symposium.
Yale University. May 2010.
“Performing the Interrogative: The Question of ‘How Long Brethren?’” American
Society for Theater Research Working Session. San Juan, Puerto Rico. November
“The Delta in Chorltonville.” Association for Theater in Higher Education. New
York, NY. August 2009.
“The Blues and Gospel Train.” American Society for Theater Research. Boston, MA.
November 2008.
“On the Road On the Road: Touring the Kerouac Scroll.” Association for Theater in
Higher Education. Denver, CO. July 2008.
“Staging Mobility/Staging Otherness: The Allegory of Four Saints in Three Acts.”
Performance Studies International. New York, NY. November 2007.
“‘Jesus, the South is Fine, Isn’t it?’: Alan Lomax in Mississippi.” American Studies
Association. Philadelphia, PA. October 2007.
“‘Let the Curtain Fall Upon this Final Scene:’ The Lomaxes and the American
South.” Association for Theater in Higher Education. New Orleans, LA. July 2007.
“Putting the Soul Back in the Home.” Association for Theater in Higher Education.
Chicago, IL. August 2006.
“Mobile Modernisms: Circum-Atlantic Performance.” The Space Between:
Literature and Culture Between the Wars. Bucknell University. June 2006.
“Staging the Black Atlantic.” Space as a Category of Analysis: New Perspectives.
Brown University. April 2006.
“I Didn’t See Anything: Performance, Eavesdropping, and Spatialized Sound.”
Invited as part of the biannual “Emerging Scholars” series. Association for Theater
in Higher Education. San Francisco, CA. July 2005.
“Your Home Away from Home: Travel, Performance, and The Shack Up Inn.”
Association for Theater in Higher Education. Toronto, Canada. July 2004.
“Sketches of Spain? Four Saints in Three Acts, Black Spain, and African-America.”
American Society for Theater Research. Durham, NC. November 2003.
“Where You At? Over Here! Race, Rap, and Aural Drag.” American Studies
Association. Hartford, CT. October 2003.
Courses Taught
Race and Performance (Freshman Seminar, Spring 2015)
Dramatic Theory (Graduate Seminar, Spring 2015)
Senior Capstone: Manifesto Now (Senior Seminar, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
Theater Culture Studies III: Melodrama to Modernism (Undergraduate Seminar,
Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
Music and Performance (Undergraduate Seminar, Spring 2014)
Black Politics and Performance in the Twentieth-Century United States (Graduate
Seminar, Team-Taught with Jonathan Holloway, Fall 2012).
Modern Drama and Modern Technologies (Production Seminar, Fall 2011)
African American Theater (Undergraduate Seminar, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Fall
Performance Historiography (Graduate Seminar, Spring 2010)
Performing American Identities (Undergraduate Seminar, Spring 2009, Fall 2010)
Survey of Theater and Drama I (Introductory Lecture, Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall
Survey of Theater and Drama II (Introductory Lecture, Spring 2013, Spring 2012
Spring 2010)
Site Specific Theater and Performance (Undergraduate Seminar-Studio, Spring 2009)
Staging the South (Undergraduate Seminar, Fall 2009)
Advising and Independent Studies
Washington University in St. Louis
• Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Mentor: Chelsea Whitaker (2014-2015)
• Master’s Thesis Committee Service: Vincent “Jim” Short (Reader, Performing Arts,
2015), Rachel Blumer (Reader, Performing Arts, 2015), Alina Volobuyeva (Reader,
Performing Arts, 2014)
• Senior Project: Robert Kapeller (Reader, Performing Arts, 2016).
Doctoral Committee Service: Adrienne Cohen (Prospectus Committee,
Anthropology, 2012). Ana-Maurine Lara (First Year Committee, Anthropology,
2009-2010), Madison Moore (Dissertation Committee, American Studies, 2010), Uri
McMillan (Reader, American and African American Studies, 2009).
Oral Exams Committees: Anne Berke (2012-2013), Key Jo Lee (2011-2012),
Michelle Morgan (2011-2012).
Undergraduate Senior Theses Advised: Amanda Chang (Theater Studies, 2013),
Jamie Kallestad (awarded Norman Pearson Prize by American Studies, 2010), Sam
Ng (awarded the Pickens Prize by African American Studies, 2009), Michael
Liebenluft (awarded Metcalf Prize by Theater Studies, 2010), Naomi Bland (awarded
the Lily Rosen Prize in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2010), Melinda Paul
(2011), Madeline Johnson (2010), Emily Jenda (2010), Quincy O’Neal, (2010), Mark
Sonnenblick (2012), Simon Swartzman (2009), Brendan Ternus (2012), Lian Walden
Graduate Directed Reading: Black Performance Studies (2013).
Undergraduate Independent Studies: The Plays of August Wilson (2009). Ritual,
Theater, and Performance (2010).
Member, American Culture Studies Faculty Advisory Board, Washington University
in St. Louis. Spring 2015-present.
Faculty Advisor, Student Liaison Board, Performing Arts Department, Washington
University in St. Louis. Fall 2014-present.
Co-Director, American Culture Studies “Race and Performance” Faculty Initiative,
Member, Executive Committee, Center for the Humanities, Washington University
in St. Louis. Fall 2014-present.
Member, Graduate Committee, Performing Arts Department. Washington
University in St. Louis. 2013-2015.
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Theater Studies. Yale University. Fall 2012.
Member, Search Committee. Joint position in Theater Studies and East Asian
Languages and Literatures. Yale University. 2011-2012.
Member, Search Committee. Joint position in African American Studies and English.
Yale University. 2009-2010.
Resident Fellow, Silliman College, Yale University. 2009-2010.
Member, Theater Studies Advisory Committee, Yale University. 2009-2013.
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee. Program in American Studies, Yale
University. 2010.
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of African American
Studies, Yale University. 2009-2013.
Member, Curriculum Committee, Program in American Studies, Yale University.
Member, Curriculum Committee. Department of African American Studies, Yale
University. 2008-2009.
Co-Editor, Books. TDR: The Drama Review. 2013-present.
Mentor, Emerging Scholars Program. Performance Studies Focus Group,
Association for Theater in Higher Education. 2013, 2014.
Co-Convenor, Performance in Historical Paradigms Working Group. Performance
Studies International. 2013.
Focus Group Representative, Performance Studies Focus Group. Association for
Theater in Higher Education. 2010-2012.
Conference Planner, Performance Studies Focus Group. Association for Theater in
Higher Education. 2009-2010.
Curator, Performance Studies Focus Group Pre-conference. With a co-curator, I
planned and organized three annual conferences for members of the Performance
Studies Focus Group in the Association for Theater in Higher Education.
Responsibilities include organizing panels and performances, as well as maintaining
registration and treasury. 2007-2009.
Moderator, “Fresh Faces,” Symposium at Double Edge Theater, Ashfield, MA.
April 19, 2009.
Graduate Representative, Performance Studies Focus Group. Association for
Theater in Higher Education. 2005-2006.
Library Love Story, by Rachel Wilson. Hotchner Festival of New Plays, September
Adding Machine: A Musical. Yale University. November 2011.
It or Her, by Alena Smith. Philadelphia Live Arts Festival. September 2006.
Red Herring, by Michael Hollinger. Leeds Theater, Brown University. February 2006.
Anamnesis. Created by Paige McGinley and Christina Tsoules. Providence College
Faculty Concert. February 2005.
The Correspondence Project. A Performance in Three Parts, created by Paige McGinley
and Christina Tsoules. Providence, RI (October 2003), Hartford, CT (February
2004), Smithfield, RI (June 2004).
Waiting for Godot (assistant director to Richard Schechner). Theater Confrontations
Festival. Lublin, Poland. 2002.
Dancing Girls, by Ailene King. Adapted from short stories by Margaret Atwood.
Co-director (with Megan Shea). Hamletmachine. Goodwin Theater, Hartford, CT.
Book of Days, by Lanford Wilson. Leeds Theater, Brown University. 2004.
The Museum Play, by Jordan Harrison. McCormack Theater, Brown University. 2004.
God Save Gertrude, by Deborah Stein. McCormack Theater, Brown University. 2003.
Shapeshifter, by Laura Schellhardt. McCormack Theater, Brown University. 2003.
Literary Assistant. Magic Theater, San Francisco, CA. 2000-2001.