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VoyagerhasVisionToo! MarkRickabaugh,PatrickMiga, KaelaFrazier,andMattBarulic 1 FollowthejourneyofaprobenamedVoyager2 throughthesolarsystem!Onyourjourney,youcan findthedefinitionsofunderlinedwordsinthe Glossaryattheendofthebook.Putonyourspacesuit andgetreadyforthejourneyofalifetime! This is Voyager 2, a probe built to explore the solar system! He was built right here, at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. 2 His mission was to flyby all of the big planets in the outer solar system to learn about each one. He has a sister named Voyager 1, who was launched 2 weeks after he was. She was more interested in Saturn’s moon Titan, and did not follow Voyager 2 for his whole journey. 3 1: Sept 5, 1977 2: Aug 20, 1977 He brought all kinds of cameras and tools to learn about the planets on his trip. He could measure the magnetic field of the planets as well as what the planet is made of . Whatever he found he reported back to Earth using his giant antenna. 4 5 Voyager 2 left Earth on August 20th, 1977 on a Titan 3E Rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. WhoaaaaI’m goingfast! By the time he left the the orbit of Earth, he was going nearly 36,000 miles per hour, which is fast enough to fly around the Earth almost one and a half times in just one hour! 6 6 Even though he left Earth extremely quickly, Voyager needed help reaching the Outer Solar System. It’swaycooler thanaroller coaster! To do this, he used the planets themselves! By using a gravity assist, Voyager 2 got a boost of speed by passing each planet, using their size and pull to slingshot himself in and out of their orbit and on to the next planet. After traveling through the solar system for two years, Voyager 2 had finally reached Jupiter’s orbit. The little probe was shocked by the size of the planet. It looked like 1300 Earths could fit inside of the gas giant! Lookatthe GreatRed Spot! 7 To his surprise, he saw the Great Red Spot - a violent storm almost like a huge, never-ending hurricane. The thought of being stuck in such a terrifying storm encouraged Voyager to explore Jupiter’s moons. 8 Wow,Jupiterhas over60moons! Unlike Earth, Jupiter has many moons. Voyager felt as if he were in the center of a mini-solar system! In fact, Jupiter and its moons are known as the Jovian system. NASA tasked Voyager with flying by five specific moons: Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Amalthea, and Io. 9 Thereareso manycraters! Thefirstmoontheprobe encounteredwasCallisto, whichhasmanymore cratersonitssurfacethan Earth’smoon.Thecraterson Callisto’ssurfaceindicated thatitistheoldestsurface intheentiresolarsystem! Next, Voyager flew by Ganymede – the largest of Jupiter’s moons. Voyager saw patterns of different colored grooves on the surface of Ganymede, almost like the different color bands on a Zebra. Ganymedeisthe sizeofaplanet! 10 11 Voyagermadehis waytoEuropanext. UnlikeCallistoand Ganymede, Voyagerobserved howsmooththe surfaceofEuropa was.Hecouldalso seeathicklayerof iceonthemoon’s surface. Europahasmore icethan Antarctica! 12 Amalthealooks likeagiantrock! The next stop on Voyager’s journey was Amalthea – a red moon that might have once been an asteroid. An asteroid is like a giant rock traveling through space. 13 Volcanoes?Feels justlikehome! The last moon to visit on Voyager’s journey was Io - a very orange moon. With his own two eyes, Voyager discovered that Io is home to nine active volcanoes. These volcanoes are just like the ones back on Earth. 14 After four years in space, Voyager 2 reached the ringed planet Saturn. His cameras were able to see new details about Saturn’s atmosphere. He found streaks of colors and winds over 1100 miles per hour. Being made mostly of Helium and Hydrogen, the two lightest elements, Saturn is the only planet with a lower density than water. Saturnwould floatinabig enoughocean! 15 It’saplanet-sized hula-hoop! Voyager 2 also took time to study Saturn’s rings in more detail. These rings are made of chunks of ice of various sizes. Some of the chunks of ice are as small as a fine dust, while others are as big as a house! Voyager2reached Uranusaftereight yearsofspace travel. Uranusspins sidewayscompared totheother planets,which causesextreme seasonsonthe planet.Every seasononUranus lastsover20years! 16 Longestsummer vacationever! Uranushas27 moons! While Voyager 2 was visiting Uranus, he managed to discover 10 new moons orbiting around the planet! Uranus’s moons are named after characters in Shakespeare's plays, including Puck, the largest moon Voyager 2 discovered. 17 After traveling through space for 12 long years, Voyager finally arrived at Neptune. 18 Itlooks likeagiant ocean! Itmakes planes lookslow! 19 Voyager saw the great dark spot, which is a gigantic storm with winds as fast as 1500 miles per hour. That’s about 3 times faster than a passenger airplane! 20 It’srevolving thewrong way! Voyager then arrived at Triton, Neptune’s largest moon. Triton is the only moon with a retrograde orbit, meaning that it orbits in the opposite direction to Neptune’s spin. After leaving Neptune and traveling for some time, Voyager 2 was farther away from the Sun than any of the planets in the solar system. 21 Iamsofar awayfrom home. Voyager is so far away from Earth at this point in the journey that it appears as a tiny speck 22 Icanmakeso manynew friends! Leaving the solar system and all the planets behind makes Voyager seem alone. However, the size of the solar system is nothing compared to the size of the Milky Way galaxy. There are billions of stars in the galaxy and each one may have its own solar system. 23 Iamsoexcited toexplorethe newfrontier! Beyond the Milky Way galaxy lies the rest of the universe. There may be as many galaxies in the universe as there are stars in the galaxy! 24 Glossary • SolarSystem:thecollectionofplanetsandtheirmoonsinorbit aroundthesun. • NASAJPL:NASA’sresearchlabsinCaliforniawhereitbuildsandtests vehiclesgoingtospace • MagneticField:A“forcefield”causedbyaplanetorstar’scorethat surroundsthebody • GravityAssist:Flyingcloseenoughtotheplanettouseitsgravityto accelerateasitleavestheplanet. • Asteroid:Arockybodythatorbitsthesun. 25 Glossary • Density:Theamountofmatterinanobjectperunitofvolume. • Orbit:Thepathofanobjectaroundastar,moon,orplanet. • RetrogradeOrbit:Anorbitthatisintheoppositedirectionofthe planet’srotation. • MilkyWayGalaxy:Thegalaxythatoursolarsystemisin. • Universe:allofspaceandeverythinginitincludingplanets,stars,and galaxies,etc. • Crater:alarge,bowl-shapedholeonthesurfaceofaplanetormoon • GasGiant:Aplanetthatdoesnothaveasolidsurface. 26 ImageCredits • SolarSystem,Anonymous,BlendSpace. • Voyager2,NASAJetPropulsionLaboratory,NASA. • SmileyEyes,MohamedIbrahim,Clkr. • Stars,Anonymous,WordPress. • Jupiter,MatthewRiley,TheMonitorDaily. • Jupitervs.Earth,Thinglink. • JovianSystem,Anonymous,Wikipedia. • Callisto,JohnvanVilet,TheCelestia Motherlode. • Europa,Anonymous,Setterfield. • ViewofSaturn’sRings,JPL,NASA. • UranusbyVoyager2,NASA.Uranusanditsmoons, JPL,NASA. • Neptune,Anonymous,TheTelegraph. • Neptune,NASA,NationalGeographic. • MontageofNeptuneandTriton,JPL,NASA. • PaleBlueDot,JPL,NASA. • TheMilkyWayPanorama,Brunier,ESO. • HubbleeXtreme DeepField,Hubble,JPLI. • Ganymede,Nivin Js,SmartnTechs. • Io,AnneMinard,UniverseToday. • Amalthea,SpaceTrip,TheCelestia Motherlode. • JPL,JPL,NASA. • DiagramofVoyager,JPL,NASA. • Saturn,JPL,NASA.