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Imants Freibergs, Serge-André Mahé, Alain Lacheny, Jean-Pierre Magnier
A non algorithmic language for management
Proceedings ACM Computer Science Conference
Detroit, February 1978
Serge-André Mahé
OC, an assisted conceptual organisation for software production
Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium
Montréal, June 1985
Françoise Adreit, Serge-André Mahé, Philippe Mauran, Hélène Richy
Une interface graphique pour les SGBD, le présentoir.
Proceedings IASTED International Symposium
Grindelwald, Switzerland, 1987
Serge-André Mahé
Congrès de Génie Logiciel
Toulouse automne 1991
Serge-André Mahé
La programmation typologique
Thèse de doctorat sous la direction de Claude Boksenbaum
Montpellier, 6 février 1992
Serge-André Mahé, Sophie Vailliès, Pierre-Michel Riccio
Some elements for a model : don’t miss cognition !
Nîmes TIC congress proceedings, December 2000
Serge-André Mahé, Pierre-Michel Riccio, Sophie Vaillies
Des éléments pour un modèle : la lutte des classes !
Revue Génie Logiciel, N°58, septembre 2001, pp 47-51
Françoise Adreit, Serge-André Mahé
La prise en compte du contexte dans le développement d’un logiciel interactif : apport de la
systémique et nouvelles perspectives.
5th European Systems Science Congress, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 16-19 octobre 2002
Philippe Lemoisson, Stefano A. Cerri, Serge-André Mahé, Jean Sallantin
Constructive Interactions
3rd International LeGE-WG Workshop: GRID Infrastructure to Support Future Technology
Enhanced Learning
Berlin, Germany. 3 December, 2003.
The new paradigm of "knowledge construction using experiential based and collaborative learning approaches" is an
outstanding opportunity for interdisciplinary research. This document is an attempt to introduce and exemplify as much as
possible using the lexicon of "social sciences", considerations and tools belonging to "artificial intelligence" (eg.:the machine
learning tradition). In the paper we first draw a conceptual framework for rational agents in conversational interaction; then
we use this framework for describing the processes of co-building ontologies, co-building theories, social interactive
learning... as examples of constructive interactions; finally we give a brief description of a few AI methods and tools which
might help - or perhaps be unavoidable in order to ensure the success of the interactive process.
Vicken Abajian, Oriane Matte-Tailliez, Serge-André Mahé, Franck Ghitalla “E-archaeology+: an
integrated expert system dedicated to archaeology” ICTTA’08 Damascus, Syria