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SCCS451 Artificial Intelligence - 2009
SCCS451: Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication
Robocode Competition
Due of First Tournament: Sun 26 July 2009 @Midnight (Thailand Time)
Due of Second Tournament: Sun 30 August 2009 @Midnight (Thailand Time)
1. Objective
The objective of this project is to make you understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence using
Robocode as a tool. This project is divided into two parts: 1) applying search techniques and 2)
applying rule-based expert system. For both parts, you are required to apply specific techniques to
your bots in battles against other teams.
2. Competition Rules
1) Use Robocode version 1.7.1 ( Please note that Java 5.0 or
newer is required to run Robocode.
2) Only ONE Robocode robot is allowed per team entry and this robot will be used for all
battles of each round except the special match.
3) Copying and pasting code from existing robots ARE NOT ALLOWED but you may also borrow
ideas from existing robots and making your own modification to the sample code.
4) Your Robocode source code will be compiled prior to entering a battle match. Robots that
do not compile will be disqualified from that battle. External configuration text files will be
permitted where this has been explicitly stated in the entry documentation.
5) The screen size for all battles will be 800 x 600. Robots energy, name and scan arcs will be
visible. Frames per second will be set at a rate that allows the audience to view all aspects of
the battle.
6) Each section will have the match separately from each other. The winner of each section will
have a match in the special tournament later on.
7) There are 3 major tournaments: Search Techniques, Rule-Based Expert Systems and one
special tournament.
i. Search Techniques: you are required to apply Search Techniques (or Search
Algorithms) to your robot as the minimum requirement.
ii. Rule-Based Expert Systems: you are required to apply Rule-Based Algorithm to your
robot as the minimum requirement.
iii. Special Tournament: the winner from the Rule-Based Expert System tournament of
each section will be facing each other in this tournament. The rules for this
tournament will be announced later.
8) Each tournament except the special tournament will be arranged in the similar way as a
football league as described below:
i. There are four rounds: First round, Quarter Final, Semi-Final and Final
ii. For the first three rounds, each battle comprises of five games. Robots which can
win 3 out of 5 games will be the winner and pass through the next round.
iii. For the final round, there are 3 sets of games (5 games for one set). The robot which
wins 2 out of 3 sets will win the tournament.
SCCS451 Artificial Intelligence - 2009
9) You are eligible to enter the second tournament if and only if you have entered the first
10) The decisions of the organising committee will be final.
How to create your team:
To develop bots, each group is required to have three or four members within the same section and
you must name your team.
How to submit:
Create a directory for your robot using the following information
o Pick an ID of one member in your group
o the team name
if your ID is “5088999: and your team name is “Yuppy”, you should create a directory
with a name “5088999-Yuppy”.
In the directory “5088999-Yuppy”
o Create a README.txt file with the information of
Members of your group
How to compile your program
o Create a directory with the name “source” which should contain your source code.
o Create a directory with the name “class” which should contain your class files.
o Manual (in the MS Word format – either 2003 or 2007) named “5088999-Yuppy”
explaining your robot’s behaviour and how you have implemented this in the source
code, especially you must give a detailed AI technique used for your robot.
• Compress your directory into a RAR file
• Email to [email protected] with the subject “Sec X: Project 1” for Search Techniques and
“Sec X: Project 2” for Rule Based Expert Systems
• In the body of your email, write down the list of your members (student id, first name, last
• Make sure that you save your email in your sent box
4. Marking Scheme
Each team must submit both of your source code and supporting document on time as the late
submission will result in a zero score of that tournament. All teams will obtain the scores from three
parts as described below:
1) Documentation: this part is given from the quality of your supporting document.
SCCS451 Artificial Intelligence - 2009
2) Based score: this part is given according to your quality of your robot without being in
battle; for example, can your robot be compiled and run-able? Does your robot just used
“ahead” command?
3) Winning score: this part is given based on your performance in the battle which is divided
into two parts
i. Winner: you will be given the full scores of that round
ii. Loser: you will be given the scores according to the points you have lost for the
winner of your match in the battle; for example, the first case, the winner’s score is
10 and your score is 1, and the second case, the winner’s score is 10 and your score
is 8. The loser of the second case will be given a higher score from the judges.
Please see Table 1 for the detailed grading
Robocode Project
Rule Based
Expert System
Submit the run-able Robocode robot
Submit the document
Pass to the 2nd round
Pass to the 3rd round
In the Finalist
Submit the run-able Robocode robot
Submit the document
Pass to the 2nd round
Pass to the 3rd round
In the Finalist
Overall percentage
Table 1: Marking Scheme
5. Academic Honesty
You are expected to maintain standards of academic honesty and integrity (see the syllabus for a
reminder). Your source code with be randomly checked with your friends’ source code as well as the
open-source robots. Any violence of academic honesty will result in a zero score for both competitions.