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RASSEGNA STAMPA PRESS REVIEW Novembre 2015 November 2015 07.01.21 30.11.2015 Venezia Radio TV http://www.veneziaradiotv.it/blog/presentazione-del-libro-il-clima-che-cambia-non-solo-unproblema-ambientale/ 30.11.2015 360 gradi http://www.360-gradi.it/eventi/evento-presentazione-del-libro-il-clima-che-cambia-non-solo-unproblema-ambientale-0000449518.html 30.11.2015 Famiglia Cristiana http://m.famigliacristiana.it/articolo/conferenza-clima-parigi.htm 30.11.2015 Csv Salento http://www.csvsalento.it/notizie/index.php?id=5653 27.11.2015 Rai Radio 3 http://www.radio3.rai.it/dl/portaleRadio/media/ContentItem-3f141d64-e105-4f71-b5f448f2d35558c6.html 27.11.2015 Radio 24 http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/notizie/clima-quinquennio-20112015-periodo-090656gSLAWoKiRB 27.11.2015 Biblioteca Spinea http://www.biblioteca-spinea.it/blog/2015/11/27/clima-bene-comune/ 26.11.2015 Rinnovabili http://www.rinnovabili.it/ambiente/carlo-carraro-clima-grande-passo-avanti-333/ 26.11.2015 Radio 24 - Intervista a Carlo Carraro (min. 34) http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programma/effettonotte/trasmissione-novembre-2015220008-gSLAhJ2fRB?refresh_ce=1 26.11.2015 Milano-Eventi.it http://milano-eventi.it/milano-presentazione-del-libro-il-clima-che-cambia-non-solo/28379 25.11.2015 Ambiente Plus http://ambiente-plus.it/il-clima-che-cambia_77586/ 25.11.2015 Institute for Climate Economics http://www.i4ce.org/paris-2015-cop21-and-beyond-cooling-the-climate-debate-by-chair-ofsustainable-development-environment-energy-society-and-college-de-france/ 25.11.2015 Scienza e Governo http://www.scienzaegoverno.org/content/il-clima-che-cambia-non-solo-un-problemaambientale 24.11.2015 Yahoo Notizie https://it.notizie.yahoo.com/clima-parigi-pu%C3%B2-ancora-impedire-il-disastro-ecco082559016.html 24.11.2015 Tiscali http://archivio.notizie.tiscali.it/esteri/feeds/15/11/24/t_121_20151124_EST_TN01_0022.html?esteri 24.11.2015 LaPresse.it http://www.lapresse.it/mondo/europa/conferenza-sul-clima-parigi-puo-ancora-impedire-ildisastro-ecco-come-1.799512 24.11.2015 Thetis http://www.thetis.it/it/thetis-partecipa-al-convegno-il-clima-che-cambia-cambiamenti-climaticiimpatti-e-politiche-climatiche-in-italia/ 20.11.2015 Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia http://www.unive.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=197955 20.11.2015 Associazione Italiana Economisti dell’Energia http://www.aiee.it/ 19.11.2015 Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia http://www.unive.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=197904 19.11.2015 MeteoNetwork http://www.meteonetwork.it/attivita-associativa/convegno-clima-che-cambia-cambiamenticlimatici-impatti-e-politiche-climatiche 17.11.2015 LEDS http://ledspadova.eu/?p=1975 17.11.2015 Levi cases UNIPD http://levicases.unipd.it/energia-e-cambiamenti-climatici-17-novembre-2015/ 16.11.2015 Padova Oggi http://www.padovaoggi.it/eventi/energia-e-cambiamenti-climatici-convegno-palazzo-bo-17novembre-2015.html 16.11.2015 Ufficio Stampa dell’Università degli Studi di Padova http://www.unipd.it/comunicati?page=2 13.11.2015 Centro Epson Meteo http://www.meteo.expert/news/clima-cambia-cambiamenti-climatici-impatti-politicheclimatiche-in-italia/ 13.11.2015 Il Mulino https://www.mulino.it/isbn/9788815261083 12.11.2015 AIEE http://www.aiee.it/documenti/bollettino_novembre_2015.pdf 12.11.2015 AIEE http://www.aiee.it/documenti/bollettino_novembre_2015.pdf 11.11.2015 LifeGate.com http://www.lifegate.com/people/news/carlo-carraro-paris 11.11.2015 Meteo.it http://www.meteo.it/news/il-clima-che-cambia-7946.shtml 10.11.2015 LifeGate.it http://www.lifegate.it/persone/news/carlo-carraro-parigi 06.11.2015 Beforeitsnews http://beforeitsnews.com/economy/2015/11/what-were-writing-what-were-reading-162772882.html 06.11.2015 National Geographic Italia http://www.nationalgeographic.it/wallpaper/2015/11/06/foto/che_tempo_fara_-2830060/1/ 06.11.2015 TripleCrisis http://triplecrisis.com/page/2/ 05.11.2015 EAERE Newsletter I CCG 2015 B est Climate P ractices Co ntest o n " Climate Change and W ater A vailability fo r Fo o d P ro ductio n" Aurora D'Aprile It’s amazing when digital technologies and participatory processes combine to advance solutions to global challenges. At ICCG we experienced a small taste of such potential during the annual contest dedicated to bottom-up, innovative ideas to address climate change. The ICCG Best Climate Practices contest (this year at its third edition) in 2015 focused on the theme “Climate Change and Water Availability for Food Production". It was launched in March 2015 and the evaluation process ended in October, with the winner project being presented at Expo Milano on October 23. The 2015 edition featured 45 candidates from over 20 countries around the world, presenting a wide range of new ideas and existing projects to improve agricultural water management, develop water-smart food production systems and enhance water and food security in those areas most at risk from climate change. The variety and quality of this year's candidates were remarkable. The proposed practices range from innovative water harvesting and conservation methods to low-cost, easy-access precision farming technologies. The enthusiastic participation showed that solutions to arduous problems not only exist but in many cases can evolve into forward-looking social business and enterprises. The evaluation procedure consisted in two phases: the online voting polls open to all registered users of the Best Climate Practices platform, and the assessment conducted by the international jury, this year featuring Michel Camdessus, Carlo Carraro, Raffaello Cervigni, Frank Convery and Alberto Garrido. In both phases the candidates were evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 points upon the following criteria: feasibility, replicability, originality and potential or proven impact. The final ranking was produced by combining the results of the online voting and the assessment of the jury members, to whom we owe deep thanks for their invaluable help. In October the project “A multifunctional greenhouse to grow food and collect water” was elected as the winner of 2015 Best Climate Practices Award. The project’s developer is Roots Up, a young organization based in Gondar, in Northern Ethiopia. Their multifunctional greenhouse is designed to capture dew, fog and rain water, which can be used for both irrigation and domestic needs. Roots Up’s goal is to enhance the resilience and adaptation capacity of communities facing harsh climatic conditions, soil erosion and recurrent droughts. They also organize training workshops for farmers on how to build their own greenhouse and develop site-specific methods to improve soil health. With the Best Climate Practices Award, this year consisting in a prize of 10000 Euros, they will scale their activity up by building an improved version of the greenhouse and organizing training activities in several other villages and communities. We will follow their progress and the development of the most promising initiatives proposed this year, believing in the potential of every little step to widen the path towards big changes. Visit the website: www.bestclimatepractices.org Aurora D'Aprile International Center for Climate Governance and Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Italy V o lvo Enviro nment P rize Fo undatio n - I nvitatio n to no minate 2016 Please nominate for the Volvo Environment Prize 2016. To be eligible for consideration, nominations must be submitted by January 10, 2016 at the latest. Nomination guidelines and nomination forms are available on the website. Please fill out the on-line nomination form and attach additional files to the form. The nominations should describe and explain the nominee’s main achievements and their importance. THE VOLVO ENVIRONMENT PRIZE The Volvo Environment Prize Foundation invites universities, research institutes,scientists and engineers as well as other individuals and organizations to submitnominations for the Volvo Environment Prize. The Prize consists of a diploma, a glass sculpture and the Laureate is awarded a prize of SEK 1.5 million. You will find more information regarding the Volvo Environment Prize and previousLaureates on the website. Call fo r P apers - Special I ssue o f Strategic Behavio r and the Enviro nment, “ The P o litics and P o litical Eco no my o f Enviro nmental P ro tectio n” Call for P apers Special Issue of Strategic Behavior and the Environment “ Th e P olitics an d P olitical Econ om y of En viron m en tal P rotection ” Guest editor: Johannes Urpelainen Environmental economists have developed a number of policy instruments that promise cost-effective environmental protection. In practice, however, governments often fail to use such policy instruments. Research in political science and political economy attributes 04.11.2015 Apice http://www.apicescrl.it/it/component/k2/item/270-fondazione-giorgio-cini-onlus-newsletternovembre-2015.html