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10/1/11 Shanna Pace, DVM
Practice Limited to Internal Medicine
VCA Veterinary Specialty Center of Seattle
October 16, 2011
Significance of proteinuria
Renal and glomerular anatomy
Pathophysiology of glomerular inflammation
Types of proteinuria
Specific glomerular diseases
Methods of detecting proteinuria
Assessment and management of proteinuria
In humans
Persistent proteinuria is a strong independent risk
factor for progression to end-stage chronic kidney
disease (CKD)
Hypertension and diabetes are the two biggest risk
factors for proteinuria
Early intervention after detection can prevent/
prolong progression to renal failure
1 10/1/11 Dog and Cats
Proteinuria is the hallmark of glomerular disease
Glomerular disease is an important cause of renal
Protein-losing nephropathy may be seen in
◦  infectious, inflammatory, metabolic, neoplastic diseases
Proteinuria is associated with a more rapid
progression of CKD and a higher frequency uremic
Most common cause of end stage renal failure
worldwide in humans
Most present with one of five syndromes
◦  Asymptomatic hematuria
◦  Acute glomerulonephritis (GN)
◦  Rapidly progressing GN
◦  Nephrotic syndrome
◦  Chronic glomerulonephritis
Affects dogs more than cats
Can occur at any age depending on cause
Can be primary (familial, congenital) or secondary
Clinical signs variable
◦  Dependent on degree of proteinuria
◦  Dependent on presence or absence of renal failure
◦  Dependent on signs related to underlying disease
2 10/1/11  
Significance of proteinuria
Renal and glomerular anatomy
Pathophysiology of glomerular inflammation
Types of proteinuria
Specific glomerular diseases
Methods of detecting proteinuria
Assessment and management of proteinuria
•  Nephron
– functional unit
of the kidney
•  Renal
corpuscle, proximal
tubule, loop of henle and
distal tubule
•  Renal corpuscle 
Glomerulus + Bowman’s
3 10/1/11 Capillary
  115
liters of glomerular filtrate per day
  Potential
  Actual
loss of 3.73kg of albumin/day
albumin loss ONLY 75 mg/day
◦  99% exclusion
Courtesy of research done by Dr. Scott Brown, DVM, DACVIM, University of Georgia
Glomerular inflammation
Increased serum proteins
(overflow proteinuria)
Proximal tubule defects
(low reabsorption –
Faconi syndrome, etc)
4 10/1/11  
Both humoral and cell mediated immune
mechanisms play a role
Two mechanisms of antibody mediated injury
◦  Type II hypersensitivity reaction
  Abs develop against GBM components
◦  Type III hypersensitivity reaction
  AG-AB complexes escape clearance from
reticuloendothelial system
Cell-mediated response
◦  Involves activation of macrophages, NK cells and cytotoxic
T lymphocytes
◦  Attacks cells displaying antigen or invaded with
intracellular pathogens
◦  Release cytokines in response to antigen
◦  Cytokines mediate destruction and maladaptive
proliferative events
  Complement, coagulation cascade, leukocyte invasion, proteolytic
enzymes, growth factors
Role of platelets
◦  Activation and aggregation secondary to endothelial
◦  Exacerbate damage by releasing vasoactive and
inflammatory substances
  Also facilitate coagulation cascade
  Release growth stimulating factors
Glomerulus responds by thickening of GBM
Increased urinary levels of platelet derived
thromboxane A2 detected in experimental GN
◦  Eventually leads to hylanization and sclerosis
5 10/1/11  
Damaged glomerulus leads to non-functional
Fibrosis and scarring may look like interstitial
GFR progressively declines
◦  Remaining nephrons compensate with hyperfiltration
Hyperfiltration and proteinuria in remaining
nephrons results in progressive nephron loss
Immune complexes deposition or in situ formation
Endothelial damage
Platelet aggregation
Vasoactive substances
Coagulation system
Intraglomerular hypertension
Fibrin production
proliferative and/or membranous response
6 10/1/11  
Significance of proteinuria
Renal and glomerular anatomy
◦  Glomerular structure
◦  Glomerular function
Pathophysiology of glomerular inflammation
Types of proteinuria
Specific glomerular diseases
Methods of detecting proteinuria
Assessment and management of proteinuria
Prerenal proteinuria
◦  Normal kidney
structure and function
◦  Excessive hemoglobin,
myoglobin, Bence Jones
proteins, genital
◦  Proteinuria is of low
Functional proteinuria
◦  Low magnitude proteinuria
Excessive exercise
Transient change
◦  Filtration barrier structure
◦  Electrical charge
◦  Hydrostatic pressure
7 10/1/11  
High magnitude proteinuria
Decreased glomerular
permselectivity (increased
permeability of capillary
Decreased tubular
reabsorption (ie: Faconi’s
Interstitial abnormalities
(exudation of proteins to
the urinary space)
Pyelonephritis, nephritis,
Protein enters urine
after renal pelvis
◦  Uroliths
◦  Metritis, pyometra,
vaginitis, neoplasia
◦  Paraprostatic cysts,
prostatitis, neoplasia
Non-immune-mediated glomerulonephropathies
  Amyloidosis (cortical)
◦  Shar Pei, Abyssian cats
Intraglomerular hypertension
◦  X-linked nephropathy (collagen deficit)
Chronic glucocorticoid administration
Diabetes mellitus
Systemic arterial hypertension
Chronic renal disease
8 10/1/11 Immune-mediated glomerulonephropathies
  Primary (familial)
◦  Bernese Mountain Dog, Bull Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, SCWT
◦  Deposition of immune complexes in glomerular capillary wall
◦  Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, Membranous
nephropathy, Proliferative glomerulonephritis
◦  Viral, bacteria, rickettsial, fungal, protozoal, parasitic diseases
◦  Dental, skin, GI tract, joint disease
Significance of proteinuria
Renal and glomerular anatomy
◦  Glomerular structure
◦  Glomerular function
Pathophysiology of glomerular inflammation
Types of proteinuria
Specific glomerular diseases
Methods of detecting proteinuria
Assessment and management of proteinuria
1 mg/dL
30 mg/dL
test +
Dipstick +
UP:C increased
9 10/1/11   Dipstick
◦  Inexpensive
◦  Easy to use
◦  Not affected by urine turbidity
◦  Subjective grading
◦  Specificity poor
Dogs: dipstick false-positive rate of 32%
Cats: dipstick false-positive rate of 69%
Easy to use
↑ Sensitivity for protein
↑ Specificity for protein
◦  More labor/time compared with the dipstick
◦  Subjective grading
◦  ↓ Specificity for albumin
•  1 to 30 mg/dL – albumin
•  Semi-quantitative (provided urine diluted to USG 1.010)
–  no false positive results in 16 month field trial
Very high
10 10/1/11   Indexes
protein content to urine dilution
readily available index of magnitude
of proteinuria
  Best
◦  To guide clinical decisions
◦  To monitor trends
Good to use to monitor treatment
UP:C > 0.5 is abnormal (urine sample must be free of
inflammation, bacteria & macroscopic hematuria)
Day to day variation occurs  especially in dogs
with a UP:C > 4
Assess trends over time
False positives
◦  Gross hematuria
◦  Active urine sediment/ UTI
◦  Puppies < 4 months
  Significant
change if:
◦  High UP:C >12  change by at least 35% day
to day
◦  Lower UP:C >/= 0.5  change by 50 - 80%
day to day
  A
reduction in UP:C near these reported
magnitudes WITHOUT an increase in the
serum creatinine concentration is required to
indicate improvement or response to therapy
11 10/1/11 1. 
Can be detected before increases in UP:C
Magnitude of microalbuminuria increased over
time in dogs that eventually developed an
increased UP:C
Persistent microalbuminuria of increasing
magnitude should be assessed as having an
injurious process to the glomerular filtration
barrier & may eventually lead to overt proteinuria
UP:C gives MORE THOROUGH information than
microalbuminuria assay
Microalbuminuria assay does not differentiate
between functional and pathologic proteinuria
Does not alleviate the need for chronic monitoring
When conventional tests for proteinuria are
◦  Especially if animal has serious disease that might
cause a PLN
Healthy animals when the most sensitive
available test is desired
◦  Dogs ≥ 6 years of age
◦  Cats ≥ 8 years of age
12 10/1/11  
In all situations that prompt complete laboratory
testing (CBC, chemistries, urinalysis)
◦  Animals with serious illnesses
◦  Routine wellness evaluations
During management of chronic diseases known to
cause PLN or “at risk” breeds (Wheaten terriers, Bull
terriers, Dalmations, English Cockers)
◦  At ≤ 6 month intervals
◦  Poor Specificity (Many false positives)
◦  Fair sensitivity (>30 mg/dL will be detected)
◦  Moderate Specificity (Few false positives)
◦  Moderate Sensitivity
◦  Generally used as confirmatory test for dipstick
◦  Good Specificity (Few false positives)
◦  Good Sensitivity (>5 mg/dL can be detected though ratio is used to adjust for
◦  Semi-quantitative
Microalbuminuria Tests
◦  High Specificity (Rare false positives)
◦  High Sensitivity (>1 mg/dL can be detected)
Localize proteinura
◦  Pre-, renal or post-renal
Make sure it is persistent
◦  Positive result (any method) on 3 occasions, at least 2 weeks
Identify magnitude of proteinuria
◦  Semi-quantitative microalbuminuria ELISA or UPC
◦  Influence case management
◦  Monitor trends/ progression
◦  Monitor response to therapy
13 10/1/11  
Progressive microalbuminuria or develop overt
If stable – every 3-6 months
  UP:C, body weight + body condition score
  Serum albumin + creatinine
  Systolic BP ± urine culture and sensitivity
If progressive/changing therapy – every 1-3 months
  UP:C, systemic BP, body weight and BCS
  Response to therapy
◦  reassess 2 - 4 weeks after introduction/ change of therapy
Grauer. 2005 J Small Anim Prac 46: 469
Brunker. 2005 Compendium 27: 686
14 10/1/11 Cats
(IRIS substage)
< 0. 2
< 0.2
Nonproteinuric (NP)
0.2 – 0.4
0.2 – 0.5
Borderline Proteinuric
0.4 – 2.0
> 0.5
1. Nonazotemic cats and dogs
Proteinuric (P)
• Associated with poor PX
• Rule of thumb: UPC>2.0
most likely glomerular disease
MA, UPC ≥ 0.5
UPC ≥ 1.0
2. Azotemic dogs
UPC ≥ 2.0
UPC < 0.5
3. Azotemic cats
UPC ≥ 0.5
UPC < 0.4
UPC < 0.2
UPC ≥ 0.4
15 10/1/11  
Treat underlying disease and re-assess
◦  Monitor to make sure proteinuria is persistent
Dietary management
ACE inhibitors
  ± Anti-hypertensives – amlodipine
  Omega-3 fatty acids
  ± Aspirin
Feed a “renal failure” diet
◦  Low protein
◦  Low sodium (↓hypertension, ↓fluid
◦  Calorically dense
◦  Increased palatability
◦  Vitamins / minerals
◦  Fish oil (omega 3 PUFAs)
Burkholder et al. 2004 JVIM 18: 165
When do you start antiproteinuric therapy
(ACE inhibitors) – IRIS substage P
◦  CKD with UPC: ≥ 0.4 in cats; ≥ 0.5 in dogs
Enalapril (0.25 –0.5 mg/kg PO q 12-24h)
Benazapril (0.5 mg/kg PO q 12-24h)
◦  ↓ efferent glomerular arteriole pressure
◦  ↓ glomerular capillary endothelial pore size
◦  ↓ glomerular mesangial hypertrophy
16 10/1/11 When starting Benazepril or Enalapril
Monitor renal parameters within 7-14 days
◦  ↓ renal blood flow may cause ↓ GFR
Assess efficacy after 2-4 weeks
Aim to ↓ UPC by 50% without ↑ serum creatinine
Systolic BP > 160 mmHg despite ACE inhibitor therapy
Amlodipine (0.05-0.25 mg/kg PO q 24h) 1
◦  Thoretically worsen proteinuria by dilation of afferent arteriole
vs overall decrease in systolic BP
  Activates renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in dogs 2
Decrease dose if BP <120 mmHg and/or clinical signs
2. Atkins et al. 2007 J Vet Pharm Therap 30: 394
17 10/1/11   Most
renal diets
◦  n6:n3 ratio = 5:1
  Aim
for ratio of 1:1
  Supplement
with fish oil capsules
◦  0.25 gm n-3 PUFA/kg
0.05-0.5 mg/kg/day
Ultralow dose inhibits platelet activation without
causing vasoconstriction or decreased renal medullary
Efficacy not proven
Severe PLN
Use if serum albumin < 2.0 g/dl
◦  anti-coagulant action if significant loss of anti-thrombin
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)
◦  ↓ effect of angiotensin II from alternate sources
◦  Compensatory ↑ in renin, so best combined with ACEi
Aldosterone receptor inhibitors e.g. spironolactone
◦  ↓ proteinuria in people treated with ACEi + ARB
Renin inhibitors
18 10/1/11  
◦  Renal diet, ACE inhibitors, ± amlodipine, essential fatty acids, ±
◦  Monitoring frequency depends on stability, changes in therapy
◦  Proteinuria may be cause or effect of chronic renal dz
◦  Use amlodipine first if hypertensive, then ACE inhibitors
◦  No aspirin or essential fatty acids
◦  See IRIS recommendations for treatment/management of CRD
Poor prognosis in humans associated with
Severe proteinuria
Systemic hypertension
Severe tubulointerstitial lesions
Specific prognostic factors in dogs unknown
Magnitude of proteinuria
Underlying systemic disease
Severity of renal dysfunction
Response to therapy
  Proteinuria
associated with increased renal
morbidity, mortality and mortality of all
  Outcome
is proportional to magnitude of
  Glomerular
renal failure
disease is a significant cause of
◦  Glomerular proteinuria – immune and nonimmune causes
19 10/1/11  
◦  Localization, persistence and magnitude of proteinuria
◦  Use for screening, and monitoring stable cases
◦  Use if starting and/or monitoring response to therapy
  Treatment
  Prognosis
options mainly supportive
variable and difficult to predict
◦  Ettinger and Feldman, Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine 7th ed,Vl 2, 2010, p. 2021
– 2036.
◦  MacDougall DF, et al: Canine chronic renal disease: prevalence and types of
glomerulonephritis in the dog. Kidney Int 1986; 29:1144-1151
◦  Jennette JC, et al: Heptinstall's pathology of the kidney. ed 5. Philadelphia, LippincottRaven, 1998.
◦  Jarad G, et al: Proteinuria precedes podocyte abnormalities in Lamb2−/− mince,
implicating the glomerular basement membrane as an albumin barrier. J Clin
Invest 2006; 116:2272-2279.
◦  Russo LM, et al: Renal handling of albumin: a critical review of basic concepts and
perspective. Am J Kidney Dis 2002; 39:899-919.
◦  Cook AK, et al: Clinical and pathological features of protein-losing glomerular disease in
the dog: a review of 137 cases (1985-1992). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1996; 31:313-322.
◦  DiBartola SP, et al: Clinicopathologic findings in dogs with renal amyloidosis: 59 cases
(1976-1986). J Am Vet Med Assoc 1989; 195:358-364
◦  Biewenga WJ, et al: Proteinuria in the dog: a clinicopathological study in 51 proteinuric
dogs. Res Vet Sci 1986; 41:257-264.
◦  Hricik DE, et al: Glomerulonephritis. N Engl J Med 1998; 339:888-899.
◦  Koeman JP, et al: Proteinuria in the dog: a pathomorphological study of 51 proteinuric
dogs. Res Vet Sci 1987; 43:367-378.
◦  Grauer GF, et al: Effects of enalapril versus placebo as a treatment for canine idiopathic
glomerulonephritis. J Vet Intern Med 2000; 14:526-533.
◦  Brown SA, et al: Beneficial effects of chronic administration of dietary omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids in dogs with renal insufficiency. J Lab Clin
Med 1998; 131:447-455
20 10/1/11  
  Nabity MB, et al: Day-to-day variation of the urine protein:creatinine ratio in
female dogs with stable glomerular proteinuria caused by X-linked hereditary
nephropathy. J Vet Int Med 2007; 21:425-430.
  Grauer GF, et al: Effects of a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor on established
immune complex glomerulonephritis in dogs. Am J Vet Res 1992; 53:808-813.
  Campbell R, et al: Effects of combined ACE inhibitor and angiotensin II antagonist
treatment in human chronic nephropathies. Kidney Int 2003; 63:1094-1103.
  Abrass CK: Clinical spectrum and complications of the nephrotic syndrome. J
Invest Med 1997; 45:143-153.
  Eddy A: Role of cellular infiltrates in response to proteinuria. Am J Kidney
Dis 2001; 37(1 suppl 2):S25-S29.